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1605659 No.1605659 [Reply] [Original]

McManager here looking for advice on two things. One, in about six months I'm expecting to become GM of my store, is there any advice on how to run or what to expect as a GM? Second, our store is in a severe staff shortage, we have about 21 employees with a required minimum of 40 to run the store properly. There are days where the store only has about 9 people spread from 5am to 1am. Does anyone have any advise on getting new employees? Our store is in a small town, with the nearest cities being about 20-45 Mon away

>> No.1605663

Should I get a job at mcdonalds?

I'm a neet. Would you recommend it?

>> No.1605668

Hire slowly so you can get used to it. Hire competent people. Put trust in your employees to teach the newbs the trade, perhaps give trainers a slight raise if possible to give them an incentive to be more professional.

>> No.1605670

start grooming an assistant, someone that's willing to be available whenever. otherwise you're going to be covering a lot of shifts.

advertise for employees in both engrish and Spanish. Play up the free food (if you do free food), flexible hours, whatever. Target kids in high school and college. Ads in the paper, see if you can run ads in school papers. Attend job fairs.

Pay more if you can get away with it.

when you get a good employee ask if they have friends or family that might want to work.

What to expect... I've never worked for MickeyDee's, from what I understand their GM's are among the lowest-paid in the industry. Probably not a lot of autonomy. In other fast food you may expect to be blamed for anything that goes wrong, responsible for covering any shortages on the schedule, and ridden like a $3 mule to reach your numbers. In most cases you'll also get some great bonuses for hitting your numbers, bonuses which can double your salary. You can also get laid a lot.

other than that it's trained monkey work. Also a very fine line between management and fraud or theft. Some of the tricks to hitting your numbers probably aren't kosher. You'll be constantly watching for theft, and being watched as well.

>> No.1605686

Do you work for Monique Vann?

>> No.1605689

Yes. Very much so. It's easy money more or less, plus it's good to have work experience on an application in general.

Main issues are that we don't have applications coming in, and the trainers we do get don't train or leave through their bookwork and leave us even more short staffed than before

>> No.1605690

Wew lad. Actual McGM here. If that was my store, i would hire ASAP. Flyers on the doors, bagstuffers, ask other crew if they know people looking for a job. Pretty much just spend 2 months just hiring and training. Supervisor may bitch about labor but once you have trained people then you can cut back and start delivering profits. Any other specific questions about anything you have for me?

>> No.1605697
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Willingly working for the McJew

>> No.1605705

>Does anyone have any advise on getting new employees?
Yeah, treat your employees like human beings and pay them more than minimum wage.

>> No.1605710

Working at the moment in drive thru so slow response. Add me on Skype if you can, cr0x23

>> No.1605730

We start at $9 since we're tying to get employees, we use to pay 7.25

>> No.1605733

Not sure why id changed

>> No.1605738

>Yes. Very much so. It's easy money more or less

Isn't it kind of hectic and annoying?

The one near me has a lot of qt highschool girls but anyone older than 16 seems to be quite unhappy

>> No.1605746


Wow, hm... I can't for the life of me think of why you can't find enough good workers...

>> No.1605753

Shit man us managers are all making like, $10. Our maintenance guy gets as much money as us alone

>> No.1605758
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Dude why do you work there? $10 for a manager, are you kidding me?

>> No.1605761

I used to run franchise pizza huts, I got a flat salary of $70k per year with an additional $40k for hitting all of my targets.

take a year or two experience and go work somewhere that pays. Back in the day Arby's was best and Burger King not far behind.

>> No.1605762

he probably gets a thousand hours a week though.

>> No.1605765

Sorry man. I dont have skype. But do tell me some specifics about your store. What's your labor budget food budget PAC target and sales per year. I run a 1.9 million store with me, a salaried assistant (changing soon due to overtime law), and 7 swings. Probably 35 crew.

>> No.1605770

>all making like, $10.

How are you guys alive?

even working 60 hrs a week you make only 2400 dollars a month.

>> No.1605778

Negotiated my way to about $12.5 personally, got bumped to 11.50 to stay then twelve fifty after finishing class + getting business leadership award. Other managers make ten though

>> No.1605779

Like i said...hire hire hire then train train train. Get systems in place too. I used to be the manager that wanted to do it all myself and it worked but only for so long. That shit will get old really quick. You already have a lot of great tools you just need to make sure you use them. Assuming you have RDM you have a kitchen people and guest service manager. Make sure you have those managers in place and if not put them thru the courses in campus as soon as you can. You will be working some long days until you get your systems in place but once everything is in place it works out. I worked 60 to 70 hours a week for a couple months but once i got it all under control i only work 45 to 50 hours a week.

>> No.1605787

assume taxes of 400 $
you make 2000$ working 60 hrs a week every week.

A one bedroom apt. costs 1200$
They want you to make 2.5 times that amount to qualify to rent there.

renting a room in a decent house costs 600$ a month...
You sir, work 60 hours a week to live in a house with other people and you have only 1400 left over.
At least you have enough to go into savings...

>> No.1605791

We have RDM and department managers assigned but we rarely have a chance to do secondarys. We haven't had a weekly department in about 11 months or so and a manager meeting in about 5. Store has about 21 with 6-8 being managers including the gm. We make about 1.5

>> No.1605800

It could be $2400 after tax.
NEVER assume anything. Especially in business.

>> No.1605801

Do you still live with your parents? What's your end game? Surely you don't just plan on doing this forever. You can do a lot better in other restaurants.

>> No.1605802

lol you got me.

>> No.1605806
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>> No.1605832

Yes, but I pay rent / college out of pocket. Rent is about $440 a month, and college is about $1600 a semester, so most of my money goes to saving up for that and paying bills

>> No.1605836

>get paid $15
>still can't afford to move out


>> No.1605842

don't worry, in the modern age, it's totally normal for you to be a total loser who lives with his parents until the age of 30 when you finally graduate with your doctorate degree in oops were not hiring for that.

God bless america.

>> No.1605849

I'm only 22

It works out better cost wise for what my goals are. I plan to buy out my house from my folks so there's no point in leaving and spending more someplace else.

So far my end goals are work at McDonald's, go up the ladder and eventually buy out the store from the owner. You need to be a supervisor in the company to be eligible at a minimum. I started at 15 once I finished freshman year and I should be gm by the time I'm about 23. After that it's a couple more years at gm status to be eligible for super and then I'm making about 90k a year till I can buy out the store

>> No.1605892

>I'm making about 90k a year till I can buy out the store
correct me if I'm wrong here, but don't you need like 3/4 of a million in savings plus the purchase price of the store?

so like a million in cash plus another million plus in loans to swing the deal?

cuz even making $90k/year it's going to take you most of your working life to save that.

>> No.1605902

>tfw I'm 32 and making 11.70/hr as a manager
>tfw I have been doing this for over a decade
I fucking despise my life and I hate this world too. I have no idea how people supposedly make so much money.
I know nobody who even makes 15/hr. That would be doctor-levels of income in my shitty flyover midwest shithole,

>> No.1605903

Rent comes once a month not once a week
>obviously not a math major

>> No.1605911

you could move, perhaps?
Most places that pay more also have much higher cost of living. But you could always move to Denver, buy a $450k house, make your $65k/year managing a store, and once your house is paid off move back home and retire like a god living off the money you made selling your house.

>> No.1605923

Man I feel your pain about understaffing and finding people who actually want to work.
I know it sounds cliché to say kids today, but fuuck me I can't believe the excuses I hear. I had one girl call in 2 hours before her shift saying she was out of town with friends and didn't drive so she couldn't make it to work. Fired her dumb ass on the spot.

>> No.1605935

As a fellow McManager, I can say you'll be fine even if you just hire 20 tyrones. That's what we did to match losing our top guys. We lost 4 guys our TTL's raised to 160/day from 115.

>> No.1605993
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OP here, got home from work so switching to laptop.

Average TTL's sit in easy triple digits, 215 seems like a frequent number but it'll get higher more often than not. Mind you we can't even open the back window until 9 o'clock by putting either a manager or a grille staff with a little bit of english back there. Theres no real service staff left here.

We don't have the staff for my boss to give us clearance to fire, or for her to be able to fire people, so for a good while this past year we've had issues where they would keep rehiring bad/unrelyable employees. At one point I called my GM flat out and her response to a guy who would show up maybe twice out of the week was
>Expect him not to show up and plan around that. If he does show up think of it like you have an extra person.

Last straw with that employee was when he called out sick and instead went to Six Flags that day and posted on Facebook. I called him on it and wrote him up. His response? He took off his uniform, left it in the back middle of customers and just started to walk out. I asked him if he was serious cause there was no one else in the store and he said yea. So I worked 3pm to 5pm with just me, two maintenance guys and a new / not to good grille person. Managed to make it work somehow but still.

>tfw he messages me on facebook asking if he can have his job back the next day

>> No.1605995

Its about 500-750 non-borrowed assets. But my hope is to work out some sort of financial plan with the owner while I'm working as her Super for the store. But thats the amount for buying a store from Corporate. My only benefit is this store is the farthest from her others by a long shot so it might be cheaper for her to not have to worry about it. I mean, she nets about 40-50k profit a month after PAC give or take.

>> No.1606025

How much does a GM make? 55K?

>> No.1606036

45-55 from what I gather from GlassDoor. My GM says she makes more than 45, but the other GMs the owner has make much more than her, even though she does far more work. Then again when you're dealt a shit hand store wise like she is.

>> No.1606068

well good luck. Owning is where it's at, but you already know that. If you own the bitch you're set just because bankers love to hand out money to people with million-dollar assets and a fuckton of income.

>> No.1606078

re you maybe in Canada in Sktoon in that case I am willing to get in your train

>> No.1606081


>> No.1606083

I mean, I feel confident I'd do fine in regards to GM / super / Owner from a numbers perspective. Capstone Class for my Business Degree we did a simulation where each group ran a million dollar company and competed against each other to see who could net the most profit. Scores were tallied against other schools round the world. Managed to keep in the top 98th/99th percentile of companies. I mean, that was a simulation sure, but I'm more worried with day to day operations than the larger picture. I figure if I can get a handle on keeping the small stuff undercontrol, everything else will be a matter of number playing.

Usa, nym

>> No.1606097


"Main issues are that we don't have applications coming in"
Supply and demand. Pay more.

LOL. I'm 20 and make $19.50 as an intern. Made $32k from a Kickstarter when I was 19. Learn a skill and capitalize on it.

>> No.1606126


Wait how is this even possible? I made $14.5 as a barista plus more than double that in tips. Hory sheet.

>> No.1606129

We're not going to pay $15/h for McDonald's basic. Shit $9 is to much imo. 15 is about what the First Assistant makes if you do the math

I started back in 2009 at about 6.25. Shit thing is every time I've gotten raises totalling to anything much more than minimum, minimums gone up. Make 7.45? Minimum 7.25 now. Make 8.38? Minimums goneup to 8.38. Was making about 9 when I first became manager with minimum @ 8.38 at the time. Gradual raises put me up to about 10.18 after about 2 years as a manager. Wasn't till tail end of September when I talked to my boss about possibly quitting that I got a sit down with the Super to negotiate a wage increase and ladder plan, since I was considering leaving to work an office job in the hospital the next town over in patient billing. Pays 35k w/ hosp benifits and regular work weekhours / holiday pay. Shit might have even been able to get into management level for that which was about 55k. Still keeping with McDonald's though since over all the company's been good to me.

>> No.1606493

What. Why. I don't get people like you. Complacent. My first job when I was 17 paid 10/hr. I'm 22 and make 16.42/hr working for the government with great benefits and I still feel like shit. So I'm looking for a better job and I'll get a better one.

>> No.1606528

Ladder structure is more direct here than I'm aware of in other companies. If you have the initiative you can get up to upper corporate levels by the time you're thirty-fourty at a minimum from base level. Idk how many other companies have CEO's that start at Cashier either.

>> No.1606540

Well to each his own. It's just different where I live. Good luck on your business venture.

>> No.1606565

You son of a bitch, what'd you do for the kickstarter?

>> No.1606579

I make more than twice as much as you per hour