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16053265 No.16053265 [Reply] [Original]

At what age did you realize that in this reality, money is the ranking system?

And that (more money+financial intelligence = better life)

And how did it change things for you?

>> No.16053288

at what age did you outgrow comparing life to video games?

>> No.16053320

I haven't to me life is a game where I maximize fun and enjoyment/happiness

>> No.16053324
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a couple years ago the thought occurred to me that your net worth = your power level. worthless consumer products are (((their))) way of constantly sapping your power level. this sounds autistic of course, but true regardless

>> No.16053382

Yeah I agree entirely.

Your power level decreases as you give into (their) paradigm

You become more of a slave the more debt you acquire

>> No.16053440

My reality =/= your reality

Matter does not define one, one defines matter

>> No.16053508
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you should probably be painfully aware of this by the time you're a preteen
it isn't exactly esoteric knowledge

>> No.16053516

Many video games simulate reality to an extent

>need to socialize in order to progress
>need to work in order to obtain money
>need to take risks in order to hit jackpot
>need to have special items/skills in order progress (or progress more easily)
>danger lurking around every corner
>world is hyper competitive

>> No.16053753


>> No.16053762

Yeah I was around that age