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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16050191 No.16050191 [Reply] [Original]

>part exchanged my old car for a new one with a dealer
>dealer didn't even take a look at my old car before agreeing a price with me
>shook hands and paid him the money
>dealer dropped off my new car and took away my old one
>now dealer wants more money cuz apparently the engine is dead and my old car needs scrapping
wat do?

>> No.16050202

Did you sign a contract?

>> No.16050215

Yep, and the new car ownership has been transferred to me. I don't have to do shit, but the dealer is being bitchy and I'm going to take the new car back to him for a free MOT and service next month.

>> No.16050216
File: 261 KB, 785x1000, crying soyjack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All I can think about when I see that picture is the excruciating pain that the dog must live with every day.

>> No.16050232

He'll take your new car and demand the higher payment until you pay.
Dumb move go to back to him.

>> No.16050239

Used car sales are always "as is". That's the law. The dealer sounds Like an idiot

>> No.16050248

>falling for the third oldest trick in the book
His business model is predicated on getting your business by apparently not caring then stinging you afterwards. Tell him to contact your lawyer.

>> No.16050258

How could he take my old car when I own it?

>> No.16050269

*new car

>> No.16050270

he can't. Tell him to go fuck himself. If he keeps bothering you call the police for harassment/stalking.

>> No.16050329

It’s his own fault for not bothering to take a look at your old car first. That’s some grade A dum dum shit. Only caveat is going back to him for the MOT/service I’m assuming was part of the deal.

>> No.16050416

He is a 'professional', but didn't check the car? or even ask? What does the contract state about the condition of the old car?

>> No.16050611

He is fucked if there is no lemon law in your state.

>> No.16050634

You would be a fool to go back there for service.

>> No.16050689

This. Don't go back or he will do god knows what to the car. Just decide wether the servicing or the payment for your old car costs more and go from there