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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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16049207 No.16049207 [Reply] [Original]

If my commie shithole adopts negative interest rates, what will happen to mortgages and the housing market?

>> No.16049214

like qe it will increase the price of real estate. Because normies cant think of anything else to keep their wealth.

>> No.16049229
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Potentially go up. As people stop saving but look to hedge. So what do you buy? Gold/silver or stocks or simply REAL ESTATE. And if you get negative interest loans even worse since they will get paid (a small amount) to take loans. Then the economy crashes because negative interest rates are INSANE. And prices go down.

>> No.16049232

fuggg. Housing where I am is already at an all time high and the main source of "economic growth".

>> No.16049238

mortgage rates are not at all equal to interbank loan rates, they're typically much higher.
You can connect your mortgage rate to the LIBOR or EURIBOR and actually pay negative interest rates on your mortgage (so you gain money).

As far as the housing market is concerned, my guess is as good as yours.

>> No.16049242

so what your saying is that if negative interests happen then its going to cause a huge economic boom followed shortly buy the Happening?

>> No.16049246

would boomers do it? One final hurrah to live large in their final years?

>> No.16049257

All bubbles pop. There are no exceptions. End of 40 year cycle is upon us.

>> No.16049264

I am not very knowledgable but if negative interest rates are to stop a recession/financial crisis ye. It could just be banks putting their boot on your throat. I apologize as this is just a guess. Maybe not huge. Not everyone will buy things like gold/housing. I believe neg interest rates are unprecedented and so no one really knows.

>> No.16049278

u need to look to japan or one of the European country, they already have negative interest rate. Look at their real estate.

>> No.16049285

Also look at india because they have banned cash not sure if all over or in some cities. The banks are pushing this in the west too. For the interest rates.

>> No.16049309

>I believe neg interest rates are unprecedented and so no one really knows.
no, it's already happened years before in Japan. They tried QE but it didnt work out so well.

>> No.16049327

Boomers especially muh kitchen renovation is all I ever hear these idiots talk about.