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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16048604 No.16048604 [Reply] [Original]

Why is the entertainment industry pushing the feminist and diversity agenda so hard all of a sudden?
Is it a way to make more money or what is their plan? It all just seems so tiresome.

>> No.16048618

They are probably trying to lose 2/3 of their audience and income. Why, who knows, suicidal thoughts maybe, jews?

>> No.16048635

How come all the straight softcore pornography targetting males is being removed from newsagents?

>> No.16048639
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Because their time runs short.

>> No.16048642


>> No.16048648

You kikes never give it a rest do you?

>> No.16048649

Because women and POC were completely excluded in the past or subject to only stereotypical roles. Now some small steps are being made to correct it, which upsets certain people who want to maintain the status quo.

>> No.16048660


Google BioLeninism.

Making a new "political vanguard" out of those who would traditionally be societies losers ensures you always have their loyalty.

Also this isn't fucking biz related.

>> No.16048663

This is true

>> No.16048667

Stop watching garbage. Stop watching Hollywood movies, stop watching Netflix or whatever normies watch, stop watching YouTube, stop using whatever social media thing people use these days. It's a waste of time and brainwashes you.

My only exposure to mainstream media is 4chan, ironically enough, since 4chan has become packed to the brim with normalfags.

>> No.16048673

>Equality is good for business
>Income in decline for the time this shit is pushed
>audience shrinking
>not even the targeted audience wants to watch the shit
Must have been great business women pushing this. All the gains, all the winning, not in that segment

>> No.16048688


>> No.16048687

statue has some fine ass tits

>> No.16048810

Problem is that their standards,ideas and false morality of how things should be have been slowly creeping into less known mediums for years and once they latch out into a good host metatasize like the fucking cancer they are.

>> No.16048826
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Hm yes... thats a good [[[QUESTION]]] friends

I wonder who could own all those companies, do they maybe have some trait in common? I bet now when you posted about this, CNN, NYT and so on will jump on and investigate!

>> No.16048891

Media is a loss leader for them. the point is control of culture not to make money. The people who own the media are creating the world they want to live in where every girl and child is soulless chattel and every man is too busy guzzling kids' cereal with onions milk and watching star wars to challenge them.

>> No.16048905

not really
that is true if you reach at least 55% of the targeted audience. Media jews can today be happy if they reach 30%

>> No.16049007

nobody watched roastbusters or captain feminism shlomo
the answer is they are trying to appeal to the "masses" they see on twitter, but they aren't really the masses but a minority
so they lose money when they make this shit

>> No.16049220

you're saying across news media, streaming, tv and movies they only "reach" 30%. You've lost me there anon.

>> No.16049277

declining audience, quotas have been in the shitter for 15 years
theaters are closing down, Hollyjew is in the worst crisis it ever encountered
no name anti msm streamers have a bigger reach than the poor attempt of jew media shills trying to sell their content to the viewers. and if you mean netflix, it didn't even manage to catch a quarter of the lost audience of movies and TV

The msm yid has lost over 50% of it's influence, most among younger generations, the old that are subverted anyway, well they have at best another 10 to 15 years to live, not enough for paradigmatic changes

>> No.16049300

How many times did the sculptor of this statue jacked off to it? How many times the owner?

>> No.16049347

The companies that do it are those of the "too big to fail" type. Government guarantees their existence in exchange of becoming machines of propaganda.
Always remember that the government (through FCC in America, something else elsewhere) controls who is allowed to emit and who isn't, and it does so on a completely arbitrary basis.

>> No.16049647

this gives me hope actually, glad to be proven wrong.

>> No.16049685

If you are interested in more deeper inside, check studies about social trust and media. Even the remaining audience is mistrusting what they see; the trust in media is by now below the trust in juridical system, slightly above the trust in government

>> No.16049744

Aren't services like Netflix the new trojan horses?

>> No.16049798

I think the idea was to catch the households that had no TV but a PC and an internet connection; plan went belly up because the content wasn't different. Netflix biggest customer group are not like their marketing department tries to make advertisers believe it 16 - 30 but more 40 - 65.

>> No.16049862
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You can spot a shill, because no one on pol actually believes this.

>> No.16050017
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because all of those roasties who thought they were too good to get married and are now in their 30's and 40's need to watch something

>> No.16050026

Read The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. It's a hundreds of years old plan.

>> No.16050027

they are out of ideas and good talent
look at this years crop! absolutely shit tier garbage 99.9%

>> No.16050055

This is true. However a big factor is that the people in charge of media are mostly true believers and honestly think it's their moral duty to indoctrinate their audience. You are seeing this across almost every industry as a new generation of business school grads fresh from the propaganda factory arrive and take control of management and executive positions in big corporations.

>> No.16050106

So cringe. 5 minutes of research can dismiss the conspiracy nonsense on pol. Follow your leader.

>> No.16050406
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>> No.16050466
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>> No.16050480
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Because more women and minorities are working in the industry. Its not that complicated and it's not an agenda

>> No.16050988

I can't understand what you are tring to say, but lots of shows on Netflix aren't that different from classical television. There's an illusion of freedom of choice. Especially if you consider the show they spam you immediately after the access to the service. Lots of people are ok in choosing the first choice. They are spoon-fed.

>> No.16051021
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>> No.16051031

>fear smile
Stop emasculating yourself. Show some dignity.

>> No.16051079

They’re jews, they don’t have dignity.

>> No.16051135

when you implement democracy in a country you only need to appeal to the lowest common denominator. That is why the virus to humanity known as the Jew owns all entertainment/brainwashing, implementing false memories and patterns into the lowest common denominator for the masses.
It is a way to destroy the only human subspecies that stops their control over the goyim/cattle, the white man. Destruction through race mixing which lowers the IQ to a controllable level.

>> No.16051152
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>> No.16051172

> All of a sudden
Nigga where the fuck you been? Shits been going on for literally decades.

>> No.16051413

I believe this.

>> No.16051440
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Divide and conquer, goyim.

>> No.16051513

Too bad this isn't remotely true of nu-/pol/
They are the male equivalent of Tumblr-tards and as degenerate as fucking furries

>> No.16051528

>all of a sudden

>> No.16051541

Because women are dumb and easier swayed by bluepill ideals like race mixing so they are trying to transfer society’s leader role to them. Pretty obvious we are in a race war currently, no guns are being used, only propaganda.

>> No.16051565

Because companies don't want to innovate, they want to recycle. The feminist "agenda" pertaining to business is just repeating the same tropes and marketing tools used to convince women to buy things men used to buy. Look at "large emerging market segments" such as men's makeup, it's a two way street. Women are half the population, if you're too lazy to innovate why would you not just want to take the easy way to increase profits by giving women bullshit positions and salaries and building their confidence to get them to take on more responsibility (which conveniently requires a higher cost of living)?

There are of course billions of dollars to be made with innovating energy production, transportation, finance, daily work, etc. But of course that requires capital, time, and effort, which boomers and jews don't see as worth it.

>> No.16051595

that is a minority by now, especially when it comes to available capital to spend.

Boomers (between 40 and 80) and Boomer minds (Millenials that believed everything will stay the same after 2008) who are drowning in debts for buying useless shit with no resell value they couldn't afford, be it houses, cars, holidays in exotic countries or useless meme degrees, who are stuck in dead end jobs with no growth potential and stagnating wages or vegetating in pension schemes that are merely able to pay for their health care expenses. They are useless as a consumer group and they are also useless as a segment of the population to promote and propagate ideas to coming generations as they lack the income and spending ability to help companies and ideologies that use old media channels (and those that try to act like new ones but are no different from the old, like netflix) to sell their shit - to put it bluntly, that segment of the population doesn't matter anymore as it got pressed out of all its growth potential over the last 20 years like a freakin lemon.

And the part of the population that was able to look beyond the propaganda and advertising, the one that invested in growing segments of the economy, studied subjects and gained abilities that are growing, have mostly completely tuned out of the consumerist paradigm all the lame stream is relying on to not die. To summarize it, media, be it TV, cinema, journalism, advertising... all that /pol/ calls the jew, is broadcasting to the wrong segment and has lost any entry point to the segment of the population with growth potential. (((They))) lost the cultural hegemony, and they worsen't their situation by playing divide and conquer atomizing their cattle.

>> No.16051953

/pol/ is not just 4chan's /pol/ but a concept. Infinity carried on the torch during the 1st and 2nd exodus (around the time moot completely cucked out) and the site was shut down a couple of months ago because (((reasons))). However, loads of bunkers exist, there's even zeronet or chans on tor. Also, the idea (meaning the truth) expanded so much that every board has adopted it.

>> No.16051963

It's a psyop to aggravate the right wing to create fascists who are obedient statists, and /pol/ is the epicentre of the entire thing.

>> No.16051975

Women and POC were excluded because, in a time when the only thing that mattered was results, those groups of people were USELESS. nowadays these same groups are still useless, but in an effort to "give them a fair chance" companies make up positions such as "social media marketer" so that these useless groups can still be part of the company but have unimportant enough positions within that they can't fuck anything up

>> No.16052173

> 1 post by this id

>> No.16052545

capitalists and globalism do it in order to have hordes of wage-slaves, think of Deleuze deterritorialization and reterritorialization concepts.
deterritorialization = destroying homogenous societies
reterritorialization = introducing diversity