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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16048457 No.16048457 [Reply] [Original]

Rakesh shilled this too early

>> No.16048460

this is my comfiest hold desu

>> No.16048463


>> No.16048544
File: 69 KB, 711x395, 5DAFA722-C836-4F83-96DF-1748B3EA3A50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are buying because this is unironically the cheapest opportunity they’ll get buying UDOOS. There will be a lot of UDOOS staked with all that is happening (nodes and Lamborghini competition to name a few). There are already numerous people willing to purchase UDOO to run the nodes on the network. There is the other catch of the stated buy back set at 0.06. Those small dick trannies that want to sell can sell it OTC. The repurchased UDOO are locked making the circulating supply smaller. People are unironically retarded for not buying.

Supernodes stake: 125,000,000
100 x 1,250,000

Node phase 1: 31,250,000
250 x 125,000

Node phase 2: 12,500,000
100 x 125,000

Node phase 3: 10,000,00
80 x 125,000

Pool node: 25,000,000
200 X 125,000

Total node stake: 203,750,000

Circulating supply 267,000,000

Really only leaves 64,000,000 on the market for people try trade with.
267,000,000 - 203,750,00=64,000,000

Dumpers best option is to buy back while prices are still low

>> No.16048602


>> No.16048669

>This is a good thing

>> No.16048740
File: 105 KB, 800x498, 9E4E5CD0-A0CD-450D-ACE1-607AFBDD9D82.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fundamentals are good, but so overpriced at 12 cents with just a beta version. Even I got in at 2cents now kek, and I might be the most hateful anon here because of my hate for pajeets

>> No.16048743

just another healthy correction, we be back in no time

>> No.16048782


>> No.16048796

in seff efrica here, saying "you doos" (pronounced d-oo-is) literally is like saying you moron
So therefore this is a joke

>> No.16048800

-80% is not a correction, its a dump.
Early investors moving away

>> No.16048804

what the fucking fuck is a "UDOOO" node

why do those pajeet scams always have so many MLM names and level shit

>> No.16048834
File: 218 KB, 1280x1280, 2408D67C-FF68-4F9B-A681-2F5D190A6165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you're on a far-right board filled with people that hate niggers right? WTF ARE YOU NIGGERS DOING HERE.we should have kept you shitstains in shackles when we still could.

>> No.16048843

The orderbook is too thin. I alone can pump or dump the price by 30%. I would suggest setting orders, so they can be filled and chinks will pump it back up to ath’s when the product is released. I’ve seen this happen time after time. This oldfag here has been around for a while

>> No.16048849

It's a distributed ledger with a proof of stake concept. The nodes verify the transactions.

>> No.16048863

Mate maybe you should start reading books instead of 4chan cause there's a lot of white people living in South Africa. I recommend you start with a history book. And maybe then you'll think twice before you start posting smug pepes.

>> No.16048963

All the whites left due to apartheid. You fucking tard. Blacks took over and stole the land of the whites and look what happened you fucking nigger. You got famine due to your black brains being incapable of agriculture.

>> No.16049045

> It must be true because some guy on /Pol told me.

>> No.16049046

He thinks he's the majority on this board outside of /pol. The absolute state of cum colored honkies.

>> No.16049064

This board officially belongs to Pajeets. They outnumber everyone 10-1. Wait till Rakhesh hears about this.

>> No.16049073
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howdoo udoo... it's digital doo doo... virtual poo poo

>> No.16049087

>Lamborghini competitio
wow howdoo!! this is amasing, i shal enter comeptition to win lamboginni,

>> No.16049106

These pajeets are funny, unlike obnoxious LINK shills. They kept this scam to mostly 1-2 threads., unlike LINK scammers.

>> No.16049107

do not be rasist against indian,, it is become super power next year,, us white people have to repspect nuklear supreme india.

>> No.16049110

Indiana here can confirm

>> No.16049164


dont really give a fuck about this project but bought some at 2 cents. Will sell at 4/5 cents when its inevitably listed on a bigger exchange soon

>> No.16049527


>> No.16049603

Link is also pajeet infested. Also take into account the countless shitcoins they shill and you'll soon see that theres a myriad of these zerglings. RSR, ONE, DAG are some of the recent I remember.

>> No.16049683

The satsgang faggots are unfunny subhuman scammer retards

>> No.16049720

>howpooped on

>> No.16049779

When is the next pump or is it already dead?

>> No.16049863

This is pretty much a huge discount, there will be alot of news coming out soon.
You'd be a fool for not picking this udoo at this price point

>> No.16049985

I’m still skeptical about this price dump, somehow I think it’s way to manipulated by the big whales because they want to win the lambo and they’ll pump it back up after the competition

>> No.16049997

This is almost as bad as sergey pumps and dumps. On the plus side, the market cap is now around 2-3 million. Please spam 4chan again when this is gonna pump, rakesh

>> No.16050081

Idk about you people but I’m going to add my bag at a price point like this.
Buy fear and sell fomo, this strat made me quite some profit

>> No.16050112

get rekt. UPOO in the street if you bought this

>> No.16050116

Lol, the price will go up eventually
They’re working on the app and it works just fine. With a working product and good execution of marketing this project will blow up

>> No.16050122
File: 77 KB, 1208x1027, google-trends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in seff efrica here, saying "you doos" (pronounced d-oo-is) literally is like saying you moron
>So therefore this is a joke

>> No.16050163

Absolute state of this fucking board is ridiculous. Get an education and pay attention when they tell you about the glorious days when whites still whipped and stole everything from those niggers

>> No.16050178

The team is actually putting alot of work into getting more exposure. Some famous influencers are on the project aswell lately so it’s just matter of time until the price going up

>> No.16050196
File: 3 KB, 125x125, D12A954D-A478-4091-83A7-2239C8FFB053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>make low order
>team dumps again
>MM pushes it ups again
>curry 101

>> No.16050340

The MM pumped this so nasty and the team dumped this so nasty. The buyback set at 2.3 cents is also just another scheme for the next scam pump...

>> No.16050359

>Mandeep actually believes this

>> No.16050360
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>> No.16050397

it is a pathetic laughingstock of incompetently coded garbage. only a dumbfuck would hold shit projects like this.

>> No.16050407

Jesus what must your other holds be like?
>Hiroshima was my warmest holiday

>> No.16050783

Sounds like a good opportunity to get cheap lottery tickets for the upcoming lambo and phone prizes.

>> No.16050830

Did howdoo announce how much they’re buying back?

>> No.16050909

Agree but we know how many dumbfags are on biz nowadays, only few smartfags see through the true schemes.

>> No.16050981

Swap just completed, that’s why the price is down atm. We’ll see it shoot up to above 6 cents soon, because that’s the buy back price Howdoo set.

>> No.16051039
File: 195 KB, 962x1280, 53BD62E1-3677-4D6A-85F9-FFC0F305A299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdoo kept the best for last. Buying back almost everything in this dip and then shooting out announcement after announcement again :)

>> No.16051072

The nodes are a steal at this price.

>> No.16051193
File: 15 KB, 166x167, IMG_20191021_210820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone dumb enough to buy a shitcoin called "howdoo" deserves to lose all their money to Pajeet scammers, and also to be anally raped. In the ass.

>> No.16051516

That smart boy in front of you is running this business smart. Do you really think that this dump just happened out of nothing?
Having a buy zone between 2-3cents should be fine at the moment.

>> No.16051540

Yeah a difference between fucking cave niggers and sand niggers. At least these sand niggers have IQ that is measurable unlike those black faggots of sub-Saharan.

>> No.16051554

If it was so bad show me the bad code and explain to me how this is shit. If you have no technical background please shut the fuck up you fucking retard.

>> No.16051957
File: 89 KB, 500x502, indian_Dating_APPS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I can hear the "AAAAAAAAAA" shoutings from New Delhi.

>> No.16052390

It's a big correction. Coins with lower liquidity have big pumps and big corrections. You just need to be smart enough and this will be a gold mine for you.

>> No.16053077

A smart Ranjeed will enter now. It is sub 2 cents now. A total steal in my eyes.
Somehow announcements are kicking in weeks later somehow so I am just waiting now.

>> No.16053537

A big retrace of a big rise. Some coins pump 2 % and retrace 2% others do 200% and retrace 66%.
This stuff is not scaring me away. I'm not one of those dumb fuckers panic selling and panic buying every single pricechange.

>> No.16053623


exactly..this price is a gift right here. People in here saying scam blah blah blah can't see the opportunity here. This will easily go back at 6 cents

>> No.16053835
File: 138 KB, 700x467, fuckyou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't get fudded by some random biz fagots.
Use your brain. When do people buy stuff? Yes! When it's bloody.

>> No.16053928

If you aren't all in on FunFair, Req and Confido. You are a retard.

>> No.16054048

AAAAAAAAAA because of AAAAA it's so damn cheap right now we need to buy the support right now. The money will flow into UDOO anyway so whatever.

>> No.16054072

more like houdoe amirite dutchbros :^))))))

>> No.16054290

The app is a beta at the moment so I think beta versions don't have complete codes? Proof me that im wrong. They are doing and trying out stuff and we can see that. So I am with the Howdoo team.

>> No.16054302


>> No.16054367

Too many people buying tops. They use their lifetime to call projects scams because they bought the top and sold the bottom.
Why are people not just buying the bottom now?
You don't have this chance that often to buy a coin after such a big retracement.