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16047707 No.16047707 [Reply] [Original]

So LINK went up to 37k sats and around 2.80$-2.90$ while everything else dumped and dumped, then BTC pumped hard and LINK kind of stayed at its dollar level but dumped hard in sats to below 30k. Isn't that the definition of being decoupled? LINK is clearly valued mainly in dollars.

>> No.16047712

7 of the top 10 trading pairs are against USD/USDT, including the top pair.
Chainlink is literally the only asset that is decoupled from Bitcoin.

>> No.16047713

Haircombs (COMB) is the next 100x
Get it or stay poor.

>> No.16047723

"Chainlink Suspected of Being Pump-and-Dump Scam"

"Chainlink cryptocurrency trading shows signs of pump-and-dump scam"

>> No.16047744
File: 348 KB, 2048x1246, 1572156129873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how the coinbase fiat Linkusd pair is USD not USDT

Meaning that even if Tether did collapse, Link would still be fine.

It is the whales chosen coin afterall.

>> No.16047752

Hahaha that shitty article again.

Give it a rest pajeet.

>> No.16047755

yes it is pretty decoupled with all the good stuff and BAD stuff

>> No.16047773


Haha stupid chink retard.....every crypto is a fucking pump&dump scam.

>> No.16047783

Yep, just look at the market volumes of btc and usd pairings on cmc

>> No.16047787

Chainlink is a genius scam run by Russian mobs.

>> No.16047806

ANYONE WHO BUYS THIS SHIT deserves to lose it all

>> No.16047812

rlc pumped 3.5x while link only pumped 1x from september

>> No.16047826

Imagine being this obsessed with Link.

>> No.16047965

So why then, pray tell, did chainlink dump during the Btc pump? You idiots need your heads checked.

>> No.16047984

Fucking LINK go to 40k sats I want my Bitcorns! I'll buy back later when Bitcorn is like $100k

>> No.16047988

because that's literally what decoupling means, lmao

>> No.16047989

If you haven't noticed the obvious non English rlc shills, and are still holding this shit, you are a fucking brainlet

Price going up correlated with $0.02/hr shills...hmmmmmmmm

>> No.16048068

>if Link is decoupled from BTC, then why does Link behave as if it's decoupled from BTC?
anon, I...

>> No.16048074

Imagine a stinky taking a butthurt little swipe.

>> No.16048079
File: 18 KB, 360x640, 1563137888566.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> this thread
Gylptos geeeereghal

>> No.16048080

>you replied, that means you started it!