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16046497 No.16046497 [Reply] [Original]

When should I buy a house?

>> No.16047481

To earn rent or to live in?

>> No.16047485

when it costs 10% of your net worth

>> No.16047501

Not at the top of the market.

>> No.16047504
File: 38 KB, 334x500, gmL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When should I buy a house?
When you no longer get postcards in the mail begging you to get a mortgage.

>> No.16047524
File: 786 KB, 955x1351, 1572040509862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch this unironically

We are in the midst of a giant credit bubble. And one of the architechs of said credit bubble says maybe 1 or 2 years until it pops.

Wait until the bottom of that crisis before getting a house.

>> No.16047537

Saved the image. Skipped the video.

>> No.16047546
File: 57 KB, 1024x1024, 1572035980410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How could you do this Anon, do you seriously ignore my deep economic analysis just to save photos of anime girls feet?

>> No.16047552

when this happens I might have about 30k cash, probably not enough to get a home at that point. what's the best way to get one cheap?

>> No.16047574

My rent was increased from $1450 to $1700 this past year in a house I was renting. The house was 5/10 and built in 2007. It was practical for my situation but honestly sucked. Wasn’t worth $1450 let alone $1700. I live in the healthcare capital of the south in the US and several companies have announced moving their headquarters here which then drives up housing prices so I guess I can see why he raised the rent. I found a new subdivision close by that had townhouses in the high 200s and ran some numbers and after everything was said and done my monthly payment would be $1525. Was it more expensive than my shit box house? Yes. Is it a brand new house with 3x as many amenities and I don’t see niggers everyday? Yes. So I bought it with only $10,450. The plan is to live here until my job pays me about $90-$120k in the next 4-5 years then rent this place out and then buy an actual real place as the overall market is starting to turn around. I’m confident I can rent this place out because of the people always moving to my town and by then my PMI will be gone. Just have a PM company come in and take care of it and collect a $400 or so a month. That or just fucking sell it idk yet anon but I want to grow a portfolio of rental houses. I’m 23 years old.

>> No.16047579

I guess take out a fixed rate mortgage when all the real estate prices are bottomed out?

The real estate market has grown 80% over the last ten years while economy as a whole has only grown 40%

Effectively the stock market is insanely overvalued with every pension fund in america trying to get 7.5% YEARLY returns on there investment.

That's fucking insane and makes no sense and it's not going to end well for stock boomers that hold.

PM's and cryptos are the go.

>> No.16047583

Forgot to add - my mortgage rate is 3.125% locked in for 30 years plus the lender gave me $3,122 in credit due at closing. Saved me some cash and I’ve asked around and it seems like I got a relatively good rate. I had a need to save money on rent and live in a better home. I did both of those things. I also work in a recession proof industry and am confident in my income stable and rising over the next decade.

>> No.16047589

>buying before the bubble pops, again

>> No.16047602

I had this discussion with my parents, they told me the banks dont do loans during recessions. I have 20k in my crypto portfolio, but I like to pretend it doesnt exist. Hopefully I can x10 but I imagine during hard times people are going to sell their crypto