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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16044516 No.16044516 [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of living if you're too poor to do anything?

>> No.16044520

to accumulate chainlink

>> No.16044549

I have a homemade cyanide syrup out of apples. Think it'll work?

>> No.16044577
File: 36 KB, 398x503, 20191026_115451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be abused. Winners need losers like days needs nights.

>> No.16044590

pay taxes and such

>> No.16044594


>> No.16044614

Save money.

>> No.16044638


serve as goyim cattle for the elites

>> No.16045425

just get enough money for a van and a t shirt printing press and just follow the Grateful Dead on tour bro

>> No.16045431

theres nothing to do anyways except accumulate chainlink

>> No.16045432


>> No.16045464
File: 21 KB, 600x600, gutkfqugz7j21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fill out coinbase surveys
>buy as much link as you can
>cash out on the run up to four figures
>buy some microcap chink shitcoins
>2500x your money
>make it

>> No.16045538
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You get to drink and do drugs.

>> No.16045561

You would need several kgs of that stuff

>> No.16045566

Move to a nice place where's there's plenty of free things to do, like hiking or hanging out at the beach.
You don't have to go to fucking broadway show and dinner and a fancy restaurant every night.

>> No.16045578
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Dead tours are just degenerate theme parks..
You'd make way better money selling laughing gas.

>> No.16045588

The beach sucks.
In Florida they use to be virtually free, but now you have to have 10$ pretty much anytime you want to go.

>> No.16045643

I said some place nice and this faggots mentions Florida.

>> No.16045680

just get rich lol

>> No.16045688
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>> No.16045694

that's not poverty. poverty is when you work 2 jobs to put food on the table and pay bills and are so humiliated and exhausted by the end of the day or night that the only thing you can do is go to bed low-key wishing you never woke up, but then you do and morning depression hits you.

>> No.16045737
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>> No.16046409

Stop telling yourself you need x in order to be happy. Take a walk. Go hike. You're not seeing the opportunities because you choose not to.

>> No.16046433
File: 459 KB, 750x1334, 0615F4BF-2F42-406B-AECF-76629D1B1B28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gotta pay dem taxes to pay for tyrones baby, fren

>> No.16047509

fight kike opressors?

>> No.16047621

people live in complete bubbles and have no idea what its like to actually be poor. most of the 'poors' on here can leech off their parents

>> No.16047650

This a 4chin, a place where incels CHOOSE not to work & do nothing with their lives while blaming others & expect sympathy

>> No.16047666

>Take a walk. Go hike.
I've done that for three fucking years.
Get off yourself.

>> No.16047673

>leech off their parents
Speak for yourself, underage.
More buzzwords and strawman arguments please.

>> No.16048166

I wish a billionaire could give me 100k, in same boat as OP and 100k would literally mean I could do everything i want and my life would be about 48% better.

>> No.16048179

When LINK hits $1000, ill send you 50
Just remind me

>> No.16048229

thanks, i used to have 500 link a long time ago, but i sold at a loss @ 0.30c

here's my secondary ETH address if you become rich
