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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16032518 No.16032518 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16032581


>> No.16032592
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>> No.16032685


>> No.16032746


>> No.16032833


>> No.16032875


>> No.16033336


>> No.16033352

what about it

>> No.16033363

Pumping to Vahalla

>> No.16033401

fanta fanta don't you want a

>> No.16033452

We are going to slingshot to andromeda if this btc pump continues into Monday

>> No.16033455


>> No.16033478


>> No.16033485


>> No.16033489


Where do i store FTM after buying from binance??

>> No.16033498

Sell me on this coin. Will it be the next Eth/Link?

>> No.16033518

It will have a greater valuation than eth by eoy

>> No.16033543

im seriously banking on this being worth it. i went all in like the gambling retard i am. is there hope? how much is a suicide stack? predictions? with this next cycle how do you think this will moon with btc or fall to the wayside? i also have some money in vidt, is this retarded or should i just say fuck it and hope for the best? help. pls hodl my hand

>> No.16033565

$1 by end of next week if this btc pump continues

>> No.16033586

I’m all in also. 300k gainz will be made fren. Xrp, antshares, rai blocks style gains.

>> No.16033609

same let's all hold hands frens

>> No.16033629 [DELETED] 

Check this out and thank me later



>> No.16033632



>> No.16033645

If it’s worth $1 by next Friday my wife will be reporting me missing bc I’ll be on a plane to paradise

>> No.16033728



>> No.16033741
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>> No.16033791

seriously, should i fomo my vidt into ftm or just hold both and hope for the best. i have very little of both since i am very much a poor fag. i have 1625 vidt and 21k ftm. is this enough to make it??? im afraid im going to regret not moving my vidt from btc to ftm or eth to ftm but i also just maybe have hope that they'll both be rather successful and work out. is vidt actually just pump and dump scam bullshit or should i continue to hold my baby bag just in case? or should i buy high ftm like a retard because its probably going to be more lucrative? pls help.

>> No.16033823

All in ftm that’s what I did.

>> No.16033839

This. Literally did it this morning and think it’s the best financial decision I’ll probably ever make in my life

>> No.16033850

vidt is up just as much though. is my ftm stack enough to make it? is my vidt stack not enough to warrant holding? sorry im such a faggot.

>> No.16033959

do you think 10-20k ftm is enough to truly make it? should i fomo in right now or am i retarded?

>> No.16034013

This is the bottom of the chart you fucking idiot, there’s nowhere to fomo

>> No.16034185

do you meam this is the bottom so either way buy now or what? should i sell my vidt and try to get my stack of ftm up to around 40 or 50k?

>> No.16034212

where's the best place to buy for burgerboys

>> No.16034213

all in bro sell everything
all in ftm

>> No.16034271


Does ledger nano s support it??

I hate leaving on exchange.

>> No.16034277

okay but why. give me a prediction of ftms success. how much to make it and such ?

>> No.16034292

install the binance chain app on ledger bro

>> No.16034299

kucoin is what i use personally.

>> No.16034315

Binance with VPN or
kucoin for USA

>> No.16034316

why tho?

>> No.16034324

can i skip kyc on there

>> No.16034339

why do you need a vpn to use binance? i can still actively trade

>> No.16034355

You're using a US IP and you can still trade?

>> No.16034364

i know its probably correcting because everything else is correcting as well (especially btc) but it looks like ftm is crashing fucking hard. chart just looks funky to me. should i be concerned that this might just be another scam or is it really a possible antshares bullshit whatever?

>> No.16034440

try not being a fucking idiot and do your own research. you're too stupid to be investing (gambling) from what it looks like.

>> No.16034476

wasted digits
fuck off

>> No.16034496


>> No.16034505

i have done my own research and i understand why you think in retarded i mean i probably am. im just asking like how much do you personally think is enough to make it? how successful do you think this project is really gonna be? Whats the big deal with andre cronje?

>> No.16034508

What a surprise, it's dumping again. Back to 130 sars

>> No.16034529

stop being such a fucking loser. im sorry for asking retarded questions im just curious on what others opinions are. you're being extremely fucking gay and annoying and your posts are more of a waste then my retarded posts. fucking kill yourself.

>> No.16034545

exactly what i was saying. thats why im hesitant to just go all the fuck in. who knows, it really could be another eth or neo, but what are the fucking odds. especially with all of the larger than life claims of partnerships and such. while yes, i do hold, i still feel like this is more of a risky gamble at this point than a surefire investment.

>> No.16034569
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this whole fucking thread smells like picrelated

>> No.16034674

i am terrified of ftm turning out to be another dag. gotta take the risk though i suppose. is vidt just as scammy? if not all of this chink shit then what would you suggest? fucking link?

>> No.16034727

Lol man just don't buy it and go back to playing video games

>> No.16034736

>t. Faggot

Go buy some boomer stocks, crypto is too high test for you

>> No.16034794

im happy taking the risk if it gives the possibility of making it and escaping the wage cage.

suck cock and die you're obviously overcompansating for your disgustingly estrogen ridden life.

>> No.16034824

Crypto hates people trying to do DD. Especially small MC. Dont ask questions, drink the Koolaid or move along so they can swindle some college student wannabe investors

>> No.16034827
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No opinion on VIDT. FTM, I hate to admit, is probably a good buy right now, if for no other reason than the hype leading up to mainnet launch in December. I said the thread smells like picrelated because people were circle jerking a pump to 138 sats when FTM was at 160 like a week and a half ago.

Since you asked me to shill you something that isn't a chinkcoin, check out pic related. They coordinate their announcements with each new release of tokens purchased in the ICO, next one is soon

>> No.16034858
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nah actually it's cause there has been a million chances for you fucks to have already done your due diligence but you HAVEN'T YET STILL and are expecting some handholding, spoonfeeding, like the intellectual CHILD you are. you absolute retard

>> No.16034881


>> No.16034970
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Stop giving biz chances to jump onto FTM. They’re mostly clueless about this sleeping giant.

>> No.16035065

I think about it it's better for everyone. there's lots of people on /biz/ who can invest some btc so it will gradually just add market cap over time.

>> No.16035101
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2 - The Tokenomics
The tokenomics are amazing, seriously. Total supply is roughly 3.15 billion and a huge part of that will be LOCKED FOR STAKING. This means that the actual circulating supply will be very low. Everyone can stake FTM tokens, staking reward is 15% per year iirc. Try getting that ROI at your local bank kek. If you own about 3.3 million tokens you can run a FTM validator node and even earn more FTM. Everyone who remembers the DASH master node gains, strap the fuck in! This is 10x better, unironically.

>> No.16035120

True but the naysayers deserve to be BTFO.
Although they’re unironically LARPng to keep prices lower for accumulation.

>> No.16035159

do you guys think fantom could really reach eth or neo prices or is it more of a link thing

>> No.16035368

neo and eth both were like 0.30 at one point brah

>> No.16035464

if it hits NEO's ATH MC then 1 FTM would be worth $5