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16029351 No.16029351[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Silverstein made five billion in insurance! Stupid goyim! HA HA HA!

The next 20 years of American history are gonna be LIT. Tick tock, bitches. Never Forget.

Also, discuss various other financial or economic frauds and business scams throughout American history ITT, to stay on topic.

>> No.16029363

>frauds and business scams throughout American history

>> No.16029364
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>> No.16029406
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Is that you?

>> No.16029487
File: 44 KB, 500x733, BDCDEA3D-E2D4-44E1-B09D-F815CF90C538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. Donald must be based and red pilled though.

God bless the 3000 innocents who were murdered by the radical Zionist deep state regime that day.

>> No.16029605

So the hijackers were Israelis? I didn't know they committed suicide attacks. Muslims have a well known history of doing that. Oh right it was the zog that allowed them to do it. Like here you go we will let you commit a suicide attack on our people on this day. We'll just in case the plane crash doesn't work out we'll also plant explosives in the buildings. Fucking 9-11 conspiratards I swear...

>> No.16029659

No the hijackers were real Islamic terrorists, but to say that the hijackers “did” it is incorrect. But they were just extremist pawns. They were being commanded by Jews. They were a convenient scape goat to cover up the Zionist connections.

>> No.16029683

And what's the most compelling peice of evidence you have for this theory? Lucky Larry is not even circumstancial evidence.

>> No.16029747

there were no hijackers and there were probably no planes either.. just a bunch of bombs and a pyrotechnics show. Whatever the case may be it is sure that no aluminum plane would penetrate that steel building and that it would collapse as a consequence due to fires perfectly symmetrical down into its own footprint.

tldr: the jews.

>> No.16029757
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>> No.16029878

Ya know I would love to see the look on your stupid faces getting interviewed by the FBI about your theory. For fun, like a TV show. Asking you to flesh out this theory, and how you watched the totally legit documentaries loose change and Zeitgiest and they said this or that, while stuttering like a pothead trying to sound like an expert on structural engineering. I imagine them asking what you do for a living.
>I'm unemployed, I trade crypto, I work at jiffy lube, Target, wherever they hire litterally anyone.

>> No.16029914

Evidence: the laws of physics

>> No.16029944

Achmed, we all know the kikes did now go fuck a goat

>> No.16030070

so is trump president for 20 more years?
also still waiting for kennedy declass, uss liberty, and NIST computer models for wtc7.

>> No.16030084

What does this have to do with LIT?

>> No.16030185

One world government is a good and necessary thing. Only slave class plebs fear it. We must bring about heaven on earth and in order to do that the schism between master and slave must be made clear.

>> No.16030240
File: 439 KB, 750x971, A3E4487B-3E5B-4115-AFA8-32DAA3BBCC7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read “Solving 9/11” by Christopher Bollyn.

See this photo:>>16029364
That is 1 of 5 confirmed Mossad agents caught dancing and celebrating on 9/11 as 3000 innocent Americans died. He is shown there holding a lighter at the world trade center on 9/10.

There have been whole history books written in this subject by this point.

Here is a video of the Donald Trump, the POTUS, stating that he believes bombs were used to explode the buildings:


Only Buildings owned by Larry Silverstein collapsed. You’re such a normalfag or underageb& that you probably think only 2 buildings fell that day! Lol. Look up World Trade Center 7, an obvious demolition. There are videos of Silverstein admitting this, saying “we pulled it,” a term for controlled demolition.

Also, in case you live under a rock, Wilileaks proved that the US transmits raw unfiltered intel and citizen data to Israel:


>> No.16030257


>> No.16030305

No actually I'm old enough to remember 9-11 vividly. You are a sad delusional sheep that is drawn to conspiracies because you think it makes you an exceptional person but in reality you are just another nobody who lacks critical thinking skills. Go read a book on debunking 9-11 conspiracies. Make sure you get both sides of the story before you make up your mind champ.

>> No.16030352

There were planes you fucking faggot, thousands and thousands of people saw it happen right in front of them including people who I know personally. That was the worst day of my life

>> No.16030398

Agreed. The planes were real. The hologram bullshit is a false flag conspiracy promoted by the JIDF to mock us and dilute our cries for justice. Pure Evil. Why aren’t the presidential candidates talking about this?

>> No.16030426

So clearly you know nothing about the subject yet you believe then wrong for what reason? You're never going to make it.

>> No.16030450

100% i know fur a fact you never read either

>> No.16030481

Because no one gives a shit.

>> No.16030523

That's right my fellow plebbit who gives a shit that jews are our masters when theres an African child crying in a rap video somewhere