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1602525 No.1602525 [Reply] [Original]

Alright /biz/bros lets be some real bros in the search of wealth.

What altcoins have a legitimate place in the cryptoverse? Fuck the shills.
Besides bitcoin what are your personal suggestions for coins that are here to stay and progressively grow like the og bitcoin. what altcoins do you suggest for holding ur btc in while u wait for the market to come back down in price?

>> No.1602535

Ether is a solid concept.
If ethereums devs start marketing mist on a wide ranging public forum then I would imagine its market price to increase rapidly.
Right now, however its just another shitcoin inflated by some shilling and mostly lonh termers who keep up with the platforms development amd are looking for the thing i just told you about.

Waves is not so much.
The concept is useful but not very sexy and comes with a mouthful of discredit

ETC and XMR might actually have a chance to go up in the world but one is under developed amd the other is more of a bet hedging if ether fails.

Thats my assesment.

>> No.1602537


>> No.1602542

What about Lite coin?

>> No.1602545

Havent read much on it, whats it all about?

>> No.1602552

the best support ive really heard of for xmr is that its one of the most popular currencys for the darknet i dont know the validity of that though, and It is a crypto that ive been needing to heavily look into.

Ether really has me wondering, i might drop 200ish into each and just play with it but the hardfork really messes with things and perception. To my knowledge, its really a long term investment hoping that eventually they get good dapps and avoid further serious problems. I dont think either party will intentionally drop the project, i see the situation as a lesson for what could happen to bitcoin with its arguement of blockchain sizes.

>> No.1602560

>What altcoins have a legitimate place in the cryptoverse?

None ,the only coin that stands out from the rest is Ethereum as it's based on a smart contracts system,but as of yet it has no real use ,and the first "killer app" for Ethereum (DAO) failed big time,I think smart contracts are too complex to work,it only takes a small flaw in the code to make it all come crashing down.

Stick with Bitcoin everything else is high risk.

>> No.1602562

This has been shilled around a lot lately, and ive seen really low btc flow in it. I know they are going to be involved in a conference in a couple days some people are very hopeful for this. But, quick poking on the forums quickly told me that devs are super neglectful on updates, and theyve been saying one more week for like 5 months now.

One other thing about etc/eth is that theyve been steadily on the decline for a while now since the fork and Im greedily wondering how long this will last.. Do i get in now, waiting on the nearest downward swing and hop i or do i give this another month or two. Im not sure but i guess ima be searching the forums for what major plans and implementations will be over the next little while

>> No.1602567

I had high hopes for ethereum but it's yet to prove itself a secure platform. So far it's been too flexible for it's own good and a lack of standardized security protocol in writing smart contracts. Yeah they're working on it but I'll be convinced when I see it.


>> No.1602568

This is pretty much what my results have been.
Lemme ask you two questions though, if you are okay with high risk, what 2/3 would you gamble on for the long term?

What coin would you use to "store" your btc in while you are waiting for it to go down, like we saw just 2 days ago when it swung from mid 700s to high 600s.

>> No.1602572

Ya this is accurate but also something that was to me apparent upon release. the ability of smart contracts had to come at a price, its price was security comparing to bitcoin. With maturity, as weve seen with bitcoin, systems will get more secure. So im curious if, with that and with time people just knowing how to use the system better, if we can see a eth/etc that is here to stay as a comfortable alt to btc.

>> No.1602574

Litecoin is pretty stable for storing wealth and it's the original altcoin but you won't see any big gains,Ethereum seems to be pretty static ,price fluctuates between $10-$15 but there's nothing stopping it from crashing big time except for lots of bagholders.

As for other coins it's anyone's guess ,coins like xmr and etc get crazy gains then just crash and stagnate,look to the next big thing is you want to gamble otherwise just buy and hold Bitcoin.

>> No.1602575

A sensible surmation i think.
Ill be mining ether up until the switch then ill fall back on other geth protocol currencies like XMR and ETC this ist my pet theory that a number of small time mimers will do this and breifly create a pump for the currencies. It will eventually equal out with negative pressure from the miners that decide to sell their mined coins.

>> No.1602584

Some are saying ETH go below nine.
This to me isnt too relevant since im more in for the long term.
I find that the nore precise the prediction in terns of time amd date, the less accurate it will be.
At any rate i expect it to moon long term.
*Solid marketing
*Solid concept with conceivable use
*It isnt being developed fast enough compared to the fiat currencies recent pump.
*Its market isnt large enough to hit critical and go nuclear.
*A lot of negative marketing with the recent development hiccups.

>> No.1602586

my issue with this is as solutions develop power centralizes more and more trust and power into the hands of people with very specialized technical knowledge and we veer into a technocracy with a select few knowing how to bend the system. The rest of us who don't program have to hope that these contract writers aren't selling exploits and who knows what else that may be possible.

>> No.1602592

Introducing Ethers smart fork implementation!!


>> No.1602598

Pnd is a really solid coin with strong fundamentals and devs that /biz/ has been all over a couple years ago...

Say. What happened to it??

>> No.1602612

hard forking after a certain point ceases to be a solution and becomes more a liability if you plan for your project to scale massively. Paraphrasing Vitalik here

>> No.1602617

>ETH or ETC, due to dapps
>XMR due to privacy
>ZEC due to shilling and being fed-friendly

All big maybes. Most likely BTC will remain king and the rest will die as shit.

>> No.1602620

Interesting, ive read that many used litecoin for this purpose a couple years ago but wasnt sure if it was still applicable. CMC quick check shows a steady decay in litecoin price over the past half year so nervous as storage but ill have to read some threads to make some correlations as to why, besides the growth of the other coins as of late applying a bit of a drain on it.

So would you pretty much say, dream situation is a short term capitalization on the transition of a bit of miners going through etc/xmr and a eth that long term brings a couple solid dapps that can draw in a larger market, and bring a bit of security before they have a couple more royal fuck ups

>> No.1602625

Thats why i said joke.
But yeah, I agree.

>> No.1602627

Thats my bet, yes.
There a few other things im.lookimg at but this is where im relatively confident.

>> No.1602629

...though then again the dream situation is if while falling back on either of those currencies the get their proverbial ducks in a row and their price booms due to some marketing.
Like with XMR the two main pumps being the miner fall back and the increasing hash rates.
If that gives the thing enough publicity and somebody starts making it more user friendly then it would indeed be a dream situation.

>> No.1602650
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i feel like those coins are the most comfortable, uncomfortable guesses
What are you using to mine?

>> No.1602666

Honestly, I still believe in a new coin to come that will sweep the other off the floor.

In 5 years the profitable coins ordered by %gain will be:
1. Unknown coin.
2. ETH
3. XMR
4. BTC

something like that :)

>> No.1602672


OP, I know you will get a ton of shitposting responses but here is my serious answer:

ETH - solid concept, lots of potential


SIA and STORJ - dat cloud
Also, the Chinese seem to buy Sia a lot

SYS - personally I doubt it but it seems to have solid support. Rarely goes bellow 1000sats

DGB - potential in the video game industry

Vcash - active devs and community

Litecoin - nothing special about this coin, just a long history of being the #1 hedge to Bitcoin. Solid Chinese adoption

Risky but worth mentioning:
Waves - seems like hype but who knows

Game credits - Alternative to DGB?

Gulden - actually used in some places in real life in the Netherlands, you might want to hold some just in case

Very risky, only invest money you're willing to lose-tier:
Lisk - supposed to be a better Ethereum, I don't really believe in the project and the devs seem to be amateurs but if it ever gains traction or somebody develops a successful dApp on it rather than on Ethereum then it might moon.

Doesn't seem to be a shitcoin but I don't know much about it:

>> No.1602683

In terms of shaky ground, we are already in a bit of a dark grey area when moving away from BTC.

Doge coin is pretty stable in termes of ups and downs. Not too hard to predict though it will never moon.

Dash coin I agree is the most stable if youre just preserving wealth for a rainy bitcoin day.

Zcash has been making headway though Im not sure why and havent read enough to make a solid prediction.
Though honestly with all the advertising I probably should look into it.

If waves wasnt so shady I wpuld bet on it based off of marketabilty alone. People like pretty logos.

There arent any new cool gamechanging ideas with presention value currently so if that were to happen then the game would change. It would be shilled on here lile ether for one and it wouldnt be anti shilled like waves.
It would have a good reason for being an inherantly valuable concept that hasnt been put on the table before.
Which is pretty hard to do considering the scope of ethereums flexibility.
I would say look for something that
1)offers the same thing ethereum offers
2)looks just as pretty
3)is more secure
And finally
4)is stupid friendly

Its a high hurdle.

>> No.1602690

Tell me about SIA and LISK please

>> No.1602693

what about Voxels? https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1949863330/dual-universe-civilization-building-sci-fi-mmorpg

>> No.1602703

Reminds me of that no mans sky thing.

I wouldn't.

Games have a history of not living up to the evereything.

>> No.1602709

Would be a cool idea though. Like a mix between eve and minecraft.