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16019712 No.16019712 [Reply] [Original]

are you starting to see?

>> No.16019720

See what?

>> No.16019731

that hes knows more than you think he does :)

>> No.16019748

Who is he?

>> No.16019765

craig s wright (satoshi) :)

>> No.16019766
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thousands upon thousands of cryptos, a fuckton of them scams. one gets busted. desperate bagholders think this is about their favorite fauxtoshi scam artist.

>> No.16019776

crypto capital isnt a crypto, they are a firm directly related to bitfinex :)

>> No.16019817
File: 878 KB, 872x2653, Welcome_to_bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to BitCoin.

>> No.16019889

if he was satoshi we would know about it.

>> No.16020072


>> No.16020131

Am I retarded to think his obsession with the law is because he wants to hide something?

>> No.16020141
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>Am I retarded


>> No.16020145

No. I think you're actually spot on.

>> No.16020172
File: 58 KB, 729x410, 1449644242583[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, its odd. why, back in Australia, creg would decide to switch continents on a whim, in a fucking very great hurry indeed, whenever The Law came to visit him. So odd, he never goes back to his home country, isnt it
>better run run run fraudboy

>> No.16020292

Why does Craig get a pass on challenging elite corruption? Is it because they know he isn't a threat?

>> No.16020307

I'm seeing that crypto boomed like crazy like I thought it would and that it's host to all of the shenanigans that I thought it would be.

>> No.16020371

He's too powerful to stop. & Now that original BitCoin protocol is set in stone at v0.1 it's too powerful to stop as well.

>> No.16020476
File: 337 KB, 1008x610, Craig_Q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because he is under the protection of military intelligence in the current shadow war between CIA/NWO and NSA/Trump. Why do you think he is so confident and seemingly unstoppable, with so many powerful enemies stacked against him?

Why do you think he knows about all the big fish crypto criminals in detail that isn't laid out in the public yet?

He is much more powerful than people think.

>> No.16020492

He still got raped in court like a lil bitch

>> No.16020519

you decided, looking forwards, absolute fucking retards be the most suited untapped potential marketplace for your shitcoin and associated horseshit then ?

>> No.16020543

>He is much more powerful than people think.
that's not a high bar cause most of us thing he is a wanker a poser and a compulsive liar all bark no bite.

>> No.16020559

>a wanker a poser and a compulsive liar
oh, my opinion of this cunt is less than that
way less

>> No.16020587
File: 61 KB, 591x1012, anon_coins_btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well you are going to find out the hard way then. Hopefully you aren't invested in BTC, or used crypto for anything heinous.

>> No.16020603

remember when the creator of bitcoin hired a room to talk about bitcoin at oxford and when someone asked him why he backdated his blog posts he made the most cringeworthy, spaghetti spilling autistic rant of all time?


>> No.16020641

oh. bsvtards are also qtards.

>> No.16020654

>in Late 2019
yes, I'm sure -some people- are still waiting on the debut of this 'creg system'. Shame he got told to take his Twitter offline. Why, JUST think of all the broken promises, vapor claims, nebulous nonsense and outright blatant lies and fraud that fountain of shit would have proved by now. How is it NOT to be able to enter your home country, EVER AGAIN, btw ? Some people might find that SAD AS FUCK (not Australians tho, obv. - they can fucking rejoice)
retards be the word you seek

>> No.16020675

This dude is Justin Sun in a whiteguy suit

>> No.16020696

He destroyed that retard.

>> No.16020702
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, D_AQpZrW4AIPpiH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh. Anti-BSV shills are also anti-Q shills. Makes perfect sense.

>> No.16020761

>Anti-BSV shills are also anti-Q shills. Makes perfect sense.
weeell.. and if you're so hot on aligning your shitcoin with cretinous boomers, why you are you shilling it here ? go take your shit somewhere that gies a fuck

>> No.16020788


>> No.16020797

if his pathetic display in front of his rent-a-crowd at oxford doesn’t tell you enough about the man, here’s some more https://github.com/vbuterin/cult-of-craig
even his mum says he’s full of shit since he was able to talk.

>> No.16020816

empty threats, false bravado, lies and delusion:
after an entire year this is still all what sv talking points amount to.

>> No.16020833

You're right, all the applications and real use cases that are being built on BSV are made up and a distraction. Please continue to think this way it benefits the rest of us.

>> No.16020863
File: 345 KB, 385x686, miga_iran_q.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JIDF on suicide watch.

>> No.16020868

hadnt seen this before! YIKES! this guy is so cringeworthy. ranting about western culture HAAAAAAAAAHAHHAA

>> No.16020879

>all the applications
yes, speaking of that, heres the bsv theme song
- its also got video of Australia in it, just for creg. In case he misses it. What with him not getting to go back Home very often and all
damn, you got me good there anon

>> No.16020921

Just wait until 2020. I don't know why people are lying to themselves and not realizing regulation is inevitable and the changes will be very sobering. BSV is literally the only coin that is government/regulation friendly. All regulators have to do is tell exchanges to stop what they are doing or they will be shut down. It's laughable that people believe things can't be shut down due to 'decentralization'. Fucking kek. US and UK regulators have been working together since 2017. Other countries will follow. At some point in the near future the only way to get BitCoin (BSV) will be by earning it - when that happens people are going to lose their minds and hyperbitcoinization will occur.

>> No.16020935

New applications are built everyday, the WeatherSV meme is dead. If you cant see the value in immutable data and tying identities to it, I cant help you. Choose to live in ignorance or consider learning and stepping outside of your box.

>> No.16020945

I feel like I said this exact thing a week ago on here

>> No.16020952

there are no real use cases built on sv
that shitty weather app is pointless nobody needs terrabytes of stale weather data that is already archived and well distributed by climate researchers anyhow.

>> No.16020965
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>> No.16020975

>If you cant see the value in immutable data
it's a fucking meme stale data is mostly worthless
99.9% of the blockchain is literally junk.

>> No.16020976

Okay sure, just hodl to your grave buddy. The level of naivety in your post is beyond my comprehension

>> No.16020991

Yes, the infamos wettaSV is now down to around only 50% of the absolute fucking garbage pile that is the BSV chain now, I believe. Coming up strongly in second at 30%+ , I givve you Peev (Preev ? Perv ? Whatever), an invaluable 'application' that shits out yesterdays crypto price data, to the interets of absolutely no-one. Mountains of ded, shit, useless data. The rest is literal trash tho - why don't Calvin just stick p0rn on it ?
>99.9% trash
generos Sir, generos

>> No.16020993

i could say the same but why bother, you will never see reason.

>> No.16021024

>generos Sir, generos
i was not talking about shitcoins only btc.

i'm working - on the side - on a protocol addition that allows bitcoin to shed the useless junk of old transactions forever while retaining the ability to sync up trustlessly.

i just can't believe this was still not done as of now. 10 years and 150 gbytes and pruning nodes still can't sync up from each other.

>> No.16021050

My point is that you cannot see past the rudimentary applications that already exist. WeatherSV isn't the end goal. Cryptotards like to think that this is our holy grail or something but it is barely scratching the surface. Everything that exist in the cryptosphere can be ported to run on top of Bitcoin. Open your eyes and look past the idea of simple data.

>> No.16021070
File: 128 KB, 828x1544, C19F48EB-61B1-4E62-B921-AAE0230F8D09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is supposed to be about the $390,000,000 money launderer who sold everyone $0.73 on the dollar?

>> No.16021082

>Everything that exist in the cryptosphere can be ported to run on top of Bitcoin.
that has been talked of for a year now nothing new. and still a terrible idea. same sort of high handed retardedness that made some fags launch 0xbtc.

>> No.16021086

Yeah but who gives a shit. craig said you shouldn't hodl bsv anyways so why would anyone on here buy and hodl it?

>> No.16021095

indeed he said they would ruin anyone that tries that.

>> No.16021118

So is the internet

>> No.16021134

sure but very few people are dedicated to keep every shot posted on the internet forever on an immutable unindexed timestamped database.

>> No.16021163

99%+ of most everything is trash tbf. Just, no-one agrees on exactly what bits the 1% is. Thus, 'immutability', which has probably got the same basic flaw as immortality, forever being a long time

>> No.16021179

Correct, don't buy BSV to hodl it. Buy it to use it. Spend your BSV, use its value to create more value.

specialized data farms solve this

>> No.16021199

Correct, this is how Bitcoin was proposed to work. Those people are called miners

>> No.16021200

>Thus, 'immutability', which has probably got the same basic flaw as immortality, forever being a long time
indeed, and also one more thing, if you upload something to cloud or torrent and it's hash to an immutable blockchain you would get the very same immutability. with the addition of deleting forgetting junk content and better scaling overall. just a thought.

>> No.16021209

>Correct, don't buy BSV to hodl it. Buy it to use it. Spend your BSV, use its value to create more value.
No thanks

>> No.16021212

>this is how Bitcoin was proposed to work
no, bitcoin was never about keeping junk data forever. it was always about ordering transactions and maintaining a ledger in a trustless permissionless manner.

>> No.16021232
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>> No.16021233

it cost money to store data. don't pay, get pruned. You can't seem to understand this probably because your extent of using the internet is shit posting on Chinese cartoon forums. Some people value their data and want it forever, sorry that you don't fit into that category

>> No.16021256

>Spend your BSV, use its value to create more value.
buzzword bingo bullshit, anon
Concrete 'create value' example(s) or stfu - you can't even coke n hookers with your shitcoin, no one will the trash. Should be renamed Herpestoken

>> No.16021293

>don't pay, get pruned
lol how exactly you imagine this would work?

>> No.16021313

It's the gay aids token

>> No.16021314

>Some people value their data and want it forever
its called backups old word older than the internet

>> No.16021331

Sure, we can use Twetch or Streamanity as an example.

You create content, you pay to have it posted. Users who interact with the content are paying you to use/engage with it. If your content is shit, you win nothing, just like in the traditional model the advertising industry uses today.

Or you can sell yourself out like the cheap whore you are to Google and let them monetize your video with coca-cola ads and tampax pearls.

>> No.16021361

How about you autist take this for a spin. I am a miner. If BTC's price doesn't at least double, it will not be profitable to mine that chain. Lightning doesn't help miners at all, it actually causes them to generate less revenue. The only people you should care about in the grand scheme of things is the miners, they are what keep the chain alive. So when the block subsidy cuts in half, and miners seek additional revenue, how will they survive on BTC? They won't, they will move to the blockchain that gives them the most rewards. When you fit 1,000,000 transactions in a block and charge a low fee, it generates a considerable amount of income for the miner. BTC said, lets scale transaction fees, not block sizes. No user is going to pay $40 transaction fees, not even $1 transaction fees. It is incomprehensible, especially for anyone that lives in the 3rd world.

>> No.16021373

Fuck that. Buying bsv just to prop up calvin's mining business sounds like a shit idea.

>> No.16021414

bullshit you are the usual sv cuck not a miner
>Lightning doesn't help miners at all, it actually causes them to generate less revenue.
impossible on btc
miner capitulation already happened anything that remains knows the halving mechanics perfectly well.

>> No.16021446

>no you're not
good one
>halving mechanics
Right because that worked so well for LTC

>> No.16021464

i feel sorry for you if you don't understand 0xbitcoin.
if you like bitcoin, you should have no objections to the rewards being administered by an immutable smart contract. that's what 0xbitcoin is. bitcoin ported to solidity as an erc-20.

>> No.16021490

quite apart from the fact that the 'pay to post' model demonstrably doesn't work, you are not 'creating value' with any of this, rather cycling it in a closed loop, one with an insurmountable barrier to entry. Obtain obscure shitcoin, pay to post, hope you get 'rewarded' and some obscure shitcoin returned.. none of this can ever clear the critical mass of adoption hurdle, and people prefer free posting and (You)s. Or, at least if they don't earn much from YouTube et al, initial posting is still not then at cost to them
tldr, this isn't 'creating value' nigga. Its taking existing solutions and tacking compulsory bsv on, thereby negating every feature that made the originals popular (free, no barrier to entry, etc). And tbqh -any- chance of any those sites working out be nuked from the start by their insistence on using bsv. But at least you tried

>> No.16021546

>pay to post doesn't work
This a new system that hasn't been implemented before to this degree
>you're not creating value
look man, if you dont feel your time and effort is valuable, I cant help you here
The reason the current Ad model exist is because corporations foot the cost to host your data.
>closed loop with difficult barrier to entry
I can't argue you on this, if this is what your perspective is of the system then so be it. I foresee it becoming the next generation system that the internet functions on, we will leave that up to time to determine.
>people prefer free posting
this can be implemented. That is determined by the application. One could allow for free posting but an end user could set their profile to hide free post, or subjectively not value the post.

Youtube doesn't make money. Their model doesn't work. What is the next step to create profitable internet for the end user and not a corporation?

>at least you tried
correct, if it ends up being a working solution it benefits all parties. If not, maybe a better system will be designed, but I dont believe that will be the case.

>> No.16021600

Do you it see the constant unrelenting attacks against him?

I mean.. he was also kicked off Twitter.

>> No.16022171
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>> No.16022535

Sergey Nazarov is shorter than Vitalic. Jeff bezos is shorter than Sergey. Why even bring up height? It's meaningless.

>> No.16022542

why doesn't he just login to bitcointalk and prove he is satoshi already jfc

>> No.16022695

yeah...what idiots! its just tether...

>> No.16022890

no wonder as people are primitive immature human apes in general so even slightly advanced concepts go over their heads

>> No.16023008

if you were a miner you wouldn't talk stupid shit like that.

>> No.16023075

i’ve been watching the tether saga very closely and he literally copied talking points AFTER cryptomedication, bitfinexed, et al. broke the news on them.

>> No.16023194

craig has been 10 hours to a few days late on most news, his nour larp was the closest with half a day late.

>> No.16023225

No he isn't, Calvin ayre is 6'2 ish tops and craig is shorter than him.

>> No.16023604

im 6'2 and craig could suck my dick standing

>> No.16024489

Vortex wtf lol you are a fat midget manlet go Larp on Twitter basedbean boy

>> No.16025126

>yes, an interesting thread OP, but why not earn some PI for free
>no battery usage and no mobile data usage
>all you need is an invitation
Use EE27 as a referral and get a 25% bonus to your mining rate
Also add me to your Trust Circle to get another mine/rate boost

minepi com EE27

>> No.16025157 [DELETED] 


i dont know if hes Satoshi, it doesnt matter

fact is that now Bitcoin core its now opposite what it supposed to be, while Bitcoin SV, BSV is now what Bitcoin supposed to be

so im not suprised if/when Bitcoin SV is going to flip Bitcoin Core

because its clearly that Bitcoin Core has compromised and tamed and going nowhere

>> No.16025183


i dont know if hes Satoshi, it doesnt matter
fact is that now Bitcoin core its now opposite what it supposed to be, while Bitcoin SV, BSV is now what Bitcoin supposed to be

so im not suprised if Bitcoin SV is going to flip Bitcoin Core

because its quite clear that Bitcoin Core has compromised and tamed and going nowhere

>> No.16025251

They're the guys that ripped off finex for almost a billion

>> No.16025257

OP posts interesting article, /thread ends up talkin about...well you know

>> No.16025268

Not to mention it's regarding a group closely associated with bitfinex, one of the only exchanges handling their shitcoin for easily conned brainlets.

>> No.16025329

plenty of objections to it. ETC being the easiest one

>> No.16025503

nice english lmao

>> No.16025504

what an asinine reply, miners literally only care about profit buddy, whenever you realize that you will understand what is going to happen to BTC

>> No.16025565

>it is not an asset that cannot be seized by government
but it is though. it has to be willfully surrendered unless craig is claiming that governments have a backdoor in it that they have just decided to not use up until now (laughable)

>> No.16026053
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All miners have a physical address in the real world, as well as legal owners. A court order or an FBI knock is all it takes.

>> No.16026124

why doesn't it count?

>> No.16026180

>t. craig

>> No.16026266

The only nodes that matter are ones that make actual changes to the blockchain, aka miners. Anything else is just a waste of network load.

Yes, you can verify your own transactions with a node but ultimately the chain moves wherever the miners dictate it. Miners are invested in infrastructure and high powered equipment, whereas people who host non mining nodes have no economic stake in the system at all.

>> No.16026299

they wouldn't bear the bandwidth without non mining nodes offloading it for them

>> No.16026440

That is not how the network functions at all

>> No.16026477
File: 43 KB, 647x186, nodes_whitepaper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because Nodes are Miners. If you are not a miner, you aren't a node. Read the white paper.

>> No.16026508

it is how p2p works

>> No.16026520

also on the note, miners are incentivized to have low latency high bandwidth connections, every ms counts in mining, as well as having powerful servers to run their own nodes.

>> No.16027296

you have no understanding of miner profitability and bitcoin.

>> No.16027315

>the chain moves wherever the miners dictate it
as long as they adhere to consensus rules otherwise they make an alt

>> No.16027327


>> No.16027343

everything is a node that relays blocks and transactions cucknugget

>> No.16027522

Please, stand up and explain to the class then. What is my misconception of miner profitability and bitcoin.