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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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160183 No.160183[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>158940

>> No.160185

Remember to only create new threads AFTER the old one has reached its bump limit of 300 posts.

Exchange - Current Price 190 Satoshi:

Buy DOGE with fiat:

Mining guide:


Useful sites:

Free doge:


Want the DOGE coin to succeed? This is how you can help:

Ask btc-e to add DOGE to their exchange:

Donate to the original doge owner:

Join #do/g/ecoin at Rizon now.

>> No.160188

THIS POST IS ABOUT PANDACOIN (PND). WHAT IS PANDACOIN (PND)? IT'S AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD MINE IT NOW. (http://bamboohouse.info/index.php?page=gettingstarted))

UPDATE YOUR WALLET TO THE NEWEST VERSION(1.5.3): http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip

Bitcointalk: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=464476.0
Twitter: @panda_coin
Facebook: /pandacoin
Reddit: www.reddit.com/r/therealpandacoin/

Want to help PND?
Mintpal voting: https://www.mintpal.com/voting <- 3 votes/6 votes registered allowed per hour
Coinedup subreddit: http://www.reddit.com/r/CoinedUp/comments/1ylq9d/please_add_pandacoin_pnd_to_coinedup_0_premine_3
Coinwarz contact: http://www.coinwarz.com/contact <- Contact to list PND

Website: http://thepandacoin.net/

Released since: February 15, ~21 GMT

Binaries: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/binaries
Source: https://github.com/pandacoin-official/pandacoin

http://bamboohouse.info - amDOGE's official pool (0.8% pool fee)
http://pandacoin.scryptominers.com (1% pool fee)
https://www.pandapool.info (0.5% pool fee)
http://poolesclosed.net/ Poole's Closed (0.5% pool fee)
http://wolongsucks.tk (1% pool fee)



Mining Guides:

Mining Resources:

IRC: #officialpandacoin@freenode (webchat.freenode.net)

>> No.160189

First for PND is ded.

>> No.160190

Well, time to offload my 1.6mil PND.

>> No.160191
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>> No.160192

2nd for PND going through rough times with low chance of survival

>> No.160193

PND is still profitable to mine and is being added everywhere, go away you shill.

We've been at 1 satoshi twice before fuck off shill.

>> No.160194
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>> No.160198

I want to sell all of my PND but every time I sell off a crypto, the price skyrockets a few days later. Sold bitcoin @ 12, sold Doge @ 50, sold Mint @ 6...

If I do this, you motherfuckers better thank me when you're all rich

>> No.160195
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Is PND actually going to go back up?
It is a week old after all and didn't DOGE have a similar thing happen?

>> No.160197


is the 4chan tipbot script/extension/add-on done?

will it be compatible with appchan x or other 4chan extensions

>> No.160201

No but you can test the draft as per >>160139.

Yes, it's pretty much standalone as well and won't depend on the 4chan X API for instance.

>> No.160202
File: 105 KB, 1207x686, pndpnd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have faith guys

>> No.160199

How much have you got?

>> No.160200


why are you not buying it back when it drops?

>> No.160206


>> No.160203
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>> No.160204
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amDOGE why did you changed your trip on last thread?

>> No.160205

>a coin is dead if it doesn't increase in value exponentially day after day

Get a load of this shill.

>> No.160207


Well okay then I'll buy 80,000PND at 0.015 doge because apparently we're going to recover from this horrible frefall in market value..

>> No.160208

>Yes, it's pretty much standalone as well and won't depend on the 4chan X API for instance.

sure but is there any chance it will affect other scripts like 4chan extension or other 4chan related scripts

i guess testing it now myself will let us know a bit

>> No.160211

>any chance
Possibly. That's why it's up for testing.

>> No.160212

Freefall? Check the PND value since it first arrived at market.

>> No.160213

Any news from cryptsy?

>> No.160214

It's weekend.

>> No.160216

Also China now makes up half of the network hashrate.

>> No.160220



>> No.160222

Should we try to get on a chinese exchange?

>> No.160223

Without question.

>> No.160228
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>> No.160231

however, it is a competitor now

>> No.160233

It isn't.

>> No.160235

should i cut my losses and offload my 25m pnd at 4 satoshit

>> No.160237
File: 27 KB, 479x414, it werks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


may i suggest tipbot tipping in get posts

Greater the get the Greater the tip?

Dubs: X amount of coins

Trips XX amount of coins

Quads XXX amounts of coins etc?

>> No.160238

Can be done. This would be optional and off by default though.

>> No.160243


>> No.160241


>cut your losses


what price did you buy them at?

>> No.160245

>This would be optional and off by default though.

Ok then what would be the default mechanism of getting tip from tipbots?

something like a !beg command?

cause that can easily become bannable

>> No.160248

I think it is.

>> No.160249

The dream is over.

>> No.160250


>> No.160251


>100M coins dumped by weak hands and it only drecreased the price by 1 satoshi.
>I better sell and come spread FUD on 4chan so I can feel better about not knowing how a market works

>> No.160252
File: 147 KB, 640x480, muh pnd :(.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.160254

There's none needed. People post their address and that's it.
Later on I'll be adding a backend that stores the addresses rather than having them sit on the site itself for minimum banning.

Your point of view is wrong.

>> No.160255

Okay I just sold half of my Doge for 60,000 PND. This market better recover or I'm going to fly to your houses and shit down your chimneys.

>> No.160256

I don't think we have exchanged any arguments. You can't possibly understand my point of view.

>> No.160259
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>> No.160261


Place Sell order of 10M PND @ 7 , 8M PND @ 8, 7M @ 9

wait for a couple of days or a week

Or if you want to get them into BTC even sooner then place the Sell order of same amount of PND @ 5,6,7 respectively

>> No.160262


>> No.160263

Did you check eBay?
It's getting overrun by PND.
Someone selling 1 million for 150 € top lel

>> No.160264


BTER staff member on bitcointalk.org is "freeworm"
Everybody with bitcointalk account, can PM him.

>> No.160265


A double bottom is forming. You kids must be stupid to sell right now.

>> No.160266

that looks suspiciously like a certain Canis lupus shibeis that may belong to a certain trap on a chinese cartoon imageboard.
Am I correct in my assumption?

>> No.160267
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>> No.160269

>There's none needed. People post their address and that's it.

oh ok

i dont know why i imagined a somewhat interactive tipbot 4chan extension

>> No.160268


>> No.160271

I can't tell which is wolang's panda and which is ours. have these people never heard of trading symbols?

>> No.160270

How many DOGE did you have? 5?

>> No.160273


Oh please.

It was a whole 10.

>> No.160277

PND is ours.

>> No.160275

Interactive? The problem with 4chan is that it isn't static. Everyone can have different refresh timers or none at all. Then there's anonymity.

>> No.160278

What's good software for mining on linux?

I'll be keeping my wallets on a windows box so i just need the software for mining.

>> No.160279

>however, it is a competitor now

by that same logic DOGE is PNDs compitetor and shouldnt be included in the tipbot

>> No.160280

Take us into orbit, Mr. Malmsteen.

We've seen enough.

>> No.160281


>> No.160282

I know that but all of the ebay listings are just "Pandacoin"

>> No.160283


>> No.160284


thanks, I just couldn't remember the software name

>> No.160286

Check the logo then

>> No.160287


Like an extension that will notify me when i get tipped or that will remind me to put a wallet address, you know stuff like that

>> No.160290

I'm done guys, see you on the doge side

>> No.160294

>Like an extension that will notify me when i get tipped
Your local wallet does that. Again, you don't have usernames on 4chan, you have sessions which can change at any time.
>that will remind me to put a wallet address
You might be able to store all addresses you have later on locally and then sure which one to expose.

>> No.160296


>> No.160298


how about notifying how long to wait for next tip or by when to expect next tip

>> No.160299

What do you mean?

>> No.160302

i post my wallet address, the tipbot will then tip me

then i wold have to wait for the next tip right?

so someway of knowing how long to wait will be nice

by the way what is the cooldown period gonna be for the tips

>> No.160303

The concept here's a little different. It's not exactly like on reddit where everything is managed by the backend. The backend will only help exposing your address to other users without getting you banned and also enable other users to send you funds in an easier fashion.

>> No.160304

So what's our next coin?

>> No.160305


so its not gonna be a tipbot?

>> No.160306

Comedy Gold™

>> No.160309

A tipbot enables you to tip a user and the other use to receive funds.

>> No.160311

I want to get out of the PND shit as quick as possible, but without making any losses. Just make it hit 8 satoshi again please so i can sell for DOGE

>> No.160313


i dont know why for some reason i merged a tipbot and a begbot in my head

>> No.160314


>> No.160316


>> No.160320
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You do it, I dont have to do anything for you.

>> No.160322
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>> No.160326


>> No.160325

amDoge what are you mining right now?

>> No.160328


I don't even wasnt Cryptsy now.

Mintpal was bad enough. If it gets listed there it'll be dumped down to 1.

>> No.160330
File: 53 KB, 230x787, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

M-muh Chinese..

>> No.160332

Wtf, when did this start lol

>> No.160333
File: 70 KB, 1280x720, supersad renchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shills please go, its so much better to hang around here when you are not trying to run the fun and lightheartedness of my days, cant you just go do actual work for your 2.0 shit instead of doing a poor job at working against others?

>> No.160334


Dubscoin (DUBS)

I've had this idea for a while now.

Block reward, tx fees and all transactions have to end in double digits. Images of dubsguy etc.

Could be good and everyone here and on Bitcointalk would get so pissed off by it which would make it even better,

>> No.160336

Why have people waited until mintpal to dump?

Seems strange

>> No.160337

let me just go find a noose that will fit my neck now

>> No.160340


No idea. But we've lost 40% since going i
on Mintpal.

Cryptsy is even worse. 80% of newly added coins get dumped to shit as soon as they're listed on there.

>> No.160341


has lower fees than other exchanges

>> No.160339

walruse coin

get tipped every time you walruse somebody

>> No.160342

That's from 8 hours ago.


>> No.160343


i dont even know why evertone wants cryptsy in the first place, whats so s[pecial about it than other exchanges

>> No.160344
File: 23 KB, 377x351, 083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this.

>> No.160347


is it seperate from the official pool?

>> No.160345

I dunno where their balls went m8, but I'm fucking HODLin.

>> No.160346



>> No.160348

More like Swisskeks, am I right? xD

>> No.160356


meh it has its pros and cons

>> No.160358
File: 148 KB, 1280x531, kato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd assume so as they all have different stats.
Seem a lot more active too compared to the US pools, but I guess people are still asleep

That's where the big boys trade. We'll get more adoption and credibility if we're on cryptsy.

>> No.160359

>nobody wants to buy your coin
>blame exchange
stay classy pandas

>> No.160361

>one person is all of us

>> No.160365

dammit I'm having trouble setting up my cgminer, I was able to get the cpu miner to run but getting my 5750 to run isn't working too well, can I get some pointers?

>> No.160364

>That's where the big boys trade. We'll get more adoption and credibility if we're on cryptsy.

i see

>> No.160367

Some additional information is needed. Preferably in the form of screenshots and the like.

>> No.160369

Try with CGMiner 3.7.2 or earlier

>> No.160370

Not much to add, I run the batch file and the miner opens and closes in less than a second.
I tried following the sample codes from different places for the batch file but I'm not getting any luck
I'm not much of a coder hehe, still learning the basics really.

>> No.160374

Which version of cgminer are you using? Also use sgminer instead.
What does the batchfile contain?
Are your drivers and opencl installed?

>> No.160375

Paste content of batch?
What version of CGMiner are you using?

>> No.160372


>> No.160376
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>> No.160381

Add PAUSE to the batchfile and take a screenshot

>> No.160383

I'm trying to update my coin address on wolong sucks but every time I get an error saying "invalid coin address", despite copy/paste the adress from my wallet client.

Any help?

>> No.160389

trying this now
and as of now This is my batch:
cgminer scrypt -o stratum+tcp://bamboohouse.info:3334 -u *username*.*user* -p *password*

>> No.160394

4.0.1 doesn't have support for GPUs. SGMiner does however.
Latest CGMiner with GPU support is 3.7.2. Try that instead.
You also need --scrypt, not just "scrypt"

>> No.160395

Make sure you have the right client from http://bamboohouse.info/bin/pandacoin-qt-win32_1.5.3.zip..

>> No.160397

use cgminer 3.7.2 or sgminer 4.0.0 or 4.0.1

if you use sgminer, remove the --scrypt part in the .bat file

>> No.160408

Why the hell was my post deleted?

>> No.160409

lmao , my mother just called me and know that i have some crypto. She told me to panic sell all my coin because its going to crash "soon".

What the mass media are saying about the crypto atm ffs

>> No.160414

My dad got this email this morning and forwarded it to me (It's way longer than this):
I pity the fool who didn't listen.

Ever since May 2013, I've been warning against investing in the wannabe currency, Bitcoin. I called it nothing more than an "insidious currency scam."

Lo and behold, one of the most prominent Bitcoin exchanges, Mt. Gox, disappeared this week.

Like a thief in the night, it moved offices, shuttered its Twitter account and closed down its website - without any explanation.

And just like that, every sucker who owned any Bitcoins on the exchange lost everything.

Like Erik Voorhees, the man behind Bitcoin-sharing website, Coinapult.com. He had over 550 Bitcoins on Mt. Gox, worth almost $300,000. As he conceded, "I will never get any of that back."

No. You won't.

If you're also among the unlucky ones, don't say I didn't warn you.

Heck, don't say the Bitcoin insiders didn't warn you, either.

Back in April 2013 - in an incredibly tragic twist of irony - Mark Karpeles, Chief Executive of the now-defunct Mt. Gox, said, "If you buy Bitcoins, you should [keep] in mind that the value could be zero the day after."

Well, thanks to you, Mr. Karpeles, that day has officially arrived.

As a result, ex-Federal Reserve Bank examiner, Mark T. Williams, says that the "high-profile collapse could trigger a Lehman Brothers-type chain reaction throughout the Bitcoin market."

I couldn't agree more...

>> No.160417

i think you should just feel glad you aint b&

>> No.160422


>> No.160423

>What the mass media are saying about the crypto atm ffs

they say:

>it noes gud

>muh volatility

Journalists only have a rough idea on crypto most of it solely based on Mt Gox.

I saw an article that was expressing shock that bitcoin was still strong after Mt Gox closed. Its like they have no idea there are other places that trade BTC and for fiat even

>> No.160425

Plus the whole altcoin thing gives bitcoin additional interest naturally.

>> No.160426



so instead of manually being able to pick your selling order it automates it?

>> No.160428


i am not even sure if the mainstrean (lamestream?) media is properly aware of other altcoins

>> No.160430

They aren't.

>> No.160432

It allows you to mine on a MMPOS pool, put automatic transfer to cryptsy and automatic sell on cryptsy, so at the end of the day you're left with BTC.
I wish I had done that with Maxcoin...

>> No.160433

>coinabul sells precious metals for bitcoins
>I'd get more money by trading BTC into fiat straight up rather than buying 100oz of silver for 4.24 BTC and trying to sell it local

How does that make any sense?

>> No.160434


ahh i see

so it bascally is a dump exchange

>> No.160435


people who have little idea about crypto buy bullion from crypto thinking its a safe option and will profit them into long term

i had the very doubt about why people were converting some of their cypto into bullion when the value of the crypto exponentially rises more than that of bullion

>> No.160437


To be honest though if I started to make some serious BTC I'm tempted to buy that 100oz of silver on coinabul.

Just so I can have a 2 KG bar of silver to show people.

>> No.160441

there are multipools that automatically switch to the most profitable coin, dump them on an exchange, and pay out btc to you daily. i've used one.

your fiat might not have the same purchasing power at some point. your power/internet might go out, or your crypto might implode. an ounce of silver will always be an ounce of silver. the markets for platinum, gold, silver, etc, are heavily manipulated and underpriced. they aren't so much an investment, but a store of wealth.

>> No.160440

> Pandasino.com

Are you guys getting errors when depositing here?


>> No.160446

>Just so I can have a 2 KG bar of silver to show people.

kind a waste

i mean a pound of silver would be enough , no?

it can be a good conersational pice

>You know why the currency in england is called Pound. Cause it was literally Silver that weighed a Pound

i mean other than that putting too much of crypto on bullion seems a waste

>> No.160449


lel, its not our Panda

>> No.160450


>> No.160456

Is it likely that PND will hit at least 40 satoshi?

>> No.160457

>your fiat might not have the same purchasing power at some point.

you can just collect fiat in margins without losing any crypto, this way you profit both ways should the crypto make it in the end

earning marginal bullion from crypto on paper is tricky , no?

i have heard poeple warning against doing that for some reason, not sure if its actually safe to buy bullion on paper

>> No.160460

I wish.

>> No.160463


maybe, maybe not

>> No.160464

I see it going as high as 100 satoshis in time, if you fuckers HODL.
Now get to work.

>> No.160469


holding necessarily wont up the price, buying/trying to buy for a higher than current price will

>> No.160470

>not sure if its actually safe to buy bullion on paper
that expects you to trust that they actually have that silver for you. most of the time they do not. look into eric sprott and what he did with that.

>> No.160472



It might hit double figures if everyone stops dumping and people remove their low sell walls.

Or if it gets pumped (slight chance, quite a few Mintpal coins have been pumped recently e.g. MINT, TOP, AUR etc)

>> No.160473

Why didn't you guys tell me about Auroracoin earlier?

>> No.160475


i assumed so, marginally selling crypto for fiat so you dont lose any crypto is a better strategy imo

>> No.160474

Everyone did. It's a second ripple though.

>> No.160477

I kind of want to get that 100oz bar of silver just so I can stick it up my butt and then claim to people I've had 2kg of silver up my ass.

Is that strange?

>> No.160480

No one did.
When this was posted the first time in Doge threads on /g/, everyone laughed about it.

>> No.160478

I only said that because I get the vibe that people are getting nervous and want to panic sell.
..I could use some more cheap PNDs tho..

>> No.160482


If enough people hodl then the sell walls will slowly be removed and wont be put back up.

This will force the buy orders up. So long as people don't immediately dump at this point it's possible we could rise dramatically, this is what happened with MINT. Of course if people DO dump straight away it will come right back down. This is what happened with TOP.

>> No.160485

Molten silver is a great lubricant

>> No.160487

>.I could use some more cheap PNDs tho..

>Some motherfucker's always trying to ice skate uphill


>> No.160492


if everyone holds and noone trades we will be no different than PANDA

you can see them not doing any trade in mintpal

buying for more price is what gets the price up in the end

>> No.160490
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>> No.160495


>> No.160496

That's pretty optimistic

>> No.160497
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>> No.160498


its showing value of each currency in the amount inputted

>> No.160499


Is the dogetools calc correct/up to date orrrr..?


>> No.160501
File: 73 KB, 256x279, 1393274608884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But 1000 doge is really $1 right now?
I could buy a ton of weed.

>> No.160505


>tfw bought weed with 10k PND

It was a hard sell and the dealer was a close friend but hey, crypto-weed!

>> No.160506


it took me a while to get how that video is done

>> No.160507

7500 doge is not worth $286

>> No.160510
File: 259 KB, 500x371, 1393541780623.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It might make sense if everyone's dumping their PND to doge, right? I'm not much of a market guy but it seems like it could happen...

>> No.160518

There's no way you'll ever trade Doge at 3500% of the current market price

>> No.160517
File: 760 KB, 2000x1339, 1393683880110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moolah PoE arrived.

>> No.160522
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J-just you wait!

>> No.160525

using doge(dot)yottabyte(dot)nu comes out at 7usd

>> No.160530

If pnd drops to 1 satoshi, I will have 3 btc's ready to become a 400 pandillionaire.

Keep feedin' meh, Seymour.

>> No.160532


>> No.160537
File: 419 KB, 350x195, 1393394715957.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Is that a more reliable value calc? I've been holding through bubbles like this anyways so the misinfo hasn't screwed me yet, but if the site I linked isn't showing proper market amounts I should probably switch...

I was so pumped to tell my mom that the 500 Ðoge I gave her for Christmas was worth $20.00 now...

>> No.160540

i just got a pnd wallet. do you also tip?

>> No.160550


>> No.160556

its the site ive been using and many ppl have to watch the value of doge across the main exchanges.

which can vary between exhanges by a few satoshi but its generally right.

all you need is the doge to btc exchange amount at however many satoshis its currently at.
then you look up current btc value and see if its the same as the calculator.

>> No.160564
File: 509 KB, 200x600, 1389687407808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Difficulty 20.87434305

>> No.160571

Awesome, we're now the most profitable coin to mine again

>> No.160573

fuck you complainin bout willis

>> No.160586

Will PND ever bounce back?

>> No.160587
File: 84 KB, 1336x373, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, alright.
this is my address: PQjmVBz7AURtyN175z5KRegCLBpZewxmPm

>> No.160589

sent ;)

>> No.160590

Proof of Entitlement

>> No.160613

is this your first crypto? shits down everywhere and it's the weekend

>> No.160623

Sell me your coins

>> No.160627

>shits down everywhere
What's going on?

>> No.160628

mt goy is kill

try to keep up, nooblet

>> No.160645

I have no idea what I should mine right now.

>> No.160654


>> No.160658


>> No.160660

Everybody. To make the choice easier, I decided to make a poll to see everyone's opinion on getting a new coin/logo.

Please vote here:

Voting will end 23:59 EST 29/02/2014.

Winning vote won't necessarily happen, but is more to help organize our opinions.

Thanks for voting!

>> No.160663

>no "let amkill decide"

>> No.160665

This isn't to make an decide what we are going to do. It is to know what our split is.

>> No.160669

wow... I fucked that sentence up...

>> No.160672


>> No.160677

Wow... What an asshole.

amDOGE I am going to shill JacobUX's Devs to see if they want to join our cause. Are you OK with that?

>> No.160678

Wow, JacobUX is fucking BUMBUSTED.
What a prick.

>> No.160681

Does anyone know where this faggot lives?

>> No.160685

Sadly no

>> No.160686


>> No.160687

He's a certified fuckwad, but I don't know how anyone could be surprised at his replies or stance. I mean...we did indeed steal their coin logo. IMO, I'm of the stance that we should create our own identity. Just redesgn the damn logo and you can still toss in 'don't trust wolong' somewhere for vietnam vetfat value. I don't see what's the problem in that?

>> No.160690

Any promising coin launching today?

>> No.160692

Sweet. Let me finish watching this episode of Kill La Kill and I will try to get on that.

>> No.160701



>> No.160727

>Mar 01 08:35:39 <@JacobUX> you have become everything you hate

To be fair, this is true.

>> No.160731

>Mar 01 08:35:39 <@JacobUX> you have become everything you hate
And you have become poor, suck it faggot.

>> No.160738

BurgerCoin soon™, fellow americlaps

>> No.160740

It doesn't make it less true.

>> No.160744

We're working on it

>> No.160747

What's wrong ozy? Not enough content being made for you to steal?

>> No.160748

jesus fucking christ. this is so complicated for a simpleton stoner like myself. i have like 50 different tabs open on 3 different exchanges, something like £300 worth of various coins i'm buying/selling, at a loss like 90% of the time because i'm so lost, all while stoned as a bitch. this is going to be such a retarded disaster. too much to compute. no wonder the rothschilds are so insane.
still, learning experience. /biz/ board is best board.
someone spend a fortune on TIPS pls. i wanna pump a load of money into them as they're so cheap and i'm such a retarded noob, but that wall of cheap sellers is murder.

>> No.160750

>not buy and hold

>> No.160751

The number of tips on reddit fell considerably. The number of giveaways here few as well because of the bans against addresses. As of this moment, it's not worth my time.

>> No.160754
File: 66 KB, 859x441, Screenshot - 010314 - 18:30:25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.160758

Also, I can't ask people to make OC here anymore because I need them to provide their addresses. No one is doing this anymore here because of the bans.

The OC market for Dogecoin here is dead. Now only shitty PND OC is made, but I don't need them because I have enought already.

>> No.160761

4chan "Tipbot" is being worked on.

>> No.160763

Miles, is that you?

>> No.160764

How soon?

>> No.160766


>> No.160768

for doge i hope_

>> No.160771

I'll only say it one time.
Look out for Ekrona if you're mad you missed the Aurora train.

>> No.160773
File: 8 KB, 1009x71, 1393692114524.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is tolerant.

>> No.160772

I that a swedish equivalent? I don't believe in these 50% premine coins.

>> No.160775

what is there to believe in a pump a dump? do you believe in your prostitutes too?

>> No.160778
File: 66 KB, 681x1024, 1383306752465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Don't play with my heart.

>> No.160779


>> No.160783

It isn't premined though.

>> No.160784

It's for real?

>> No.160782

I don't pay for sex, and I don't pay for premines.

>> No.160788

You can find a early alphabetawhateverstage at https://bitbucket.org/amdoge/address-finder/src/master/addressfinder.user.js.. Currently works with the email field only.

>> No.160787

i dont pay for prostitutes nor for mining. the point is you use and dump then you raging faggot

>> No.160790


>> No.160795
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>> No.160796

If it's a premine, the risk of being used is too great. See wolong's pandacoin.

If it isn't a premine, that's different then.

>> No.160797
File: 12 KB, 241x230, 1319651701021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Top kek.

>> No.160798

Last month I slowly worked on the idea/prototype of a site where people could post images (OC) to be tipped; the site would track and display the total tips, could sort by most popular, people tipping could get rewards, detection to prevent repost/stealing, and a few other features.

I stopped due to lack of motivation, hard-drive crash and a new job, but I still have a backup and could continue development (and add PND in addition to DOGE).

People posting OC here would need to upload twice and post the link, a bit more tedious and I don't know if the rule would permit posting a link to a tip page instead of a direct address anyway.

Would the "4chan tipbot" be enough ?

>> No.160800


>> No.160802

its always a mutual exploitative relationship... just dont be the bagholder in the end and then its fine. just gotta know when to abandon the ship

>> No.160805

Lmao. We officially won the old logo?

>> No.160811


>> No.160813

>price is toppling on all fronts, LTC, DOGE and BTC
>people still holding


>> No.160817

I prefer not losing DOGE.

>> No.160816
File: 10 KB, 467x95, wow such trust much realiable.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This part always gets me
>How do we trust
>You can't but gibe money please.

>> No.160819
File: 56 KB, 600x419, EroticBoutique-600x419.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wolongcoin is still alive

>> No.160821
File: 310 KB, 1080x1701, uHxQ8i1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Are you in contact with moot for a possible 'official' inclusion?


>> No.160822

If by alive you mean gasping for its last few breaths of air before the light is forever extinguished from its eyes, then yes

>> No.160824

Moot doesn't exactly like me or what I do.

>> No.160825

JacobUX pls go

>Mar 01 08:30:38 <@JacobUX> dream is over.

Hey would you look at that? I heard this phrase at least once or twice in every thread for the past 2-4 days.

Gee I wonder who is shilling these threads and spreading FUD about PND?

>> No.160830


Here it is.


>> No.160831
File: 12 KB, 460x276, Harry-Hill-011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat logo

>> No.160827



>> No.160828

Our prophet has spoken, i'm holding.

>> No.160833

Excuse me?

>> No.160836


>> No.160840

post more 11/10s please

>> No.160842

lol Pixels and PND getting #rekkt

>> No.160847

He doesn't? I thought Moot generally liked cryptocurrencies, and what you're doing for the community is great for cryptocurrencies.

>> No.160848
File: 961 KB, 1280x840, oiMbTda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I didn't knew. I'll be expecting anyway.

I have the feeling that I'm gonna get banned again...

>> No.160850


I actually just sold about 1000 Doge for PND. I was just kind of hoping people would panic sell so I could get it even cheaper.

>> No.160852


I don't know if you are angry shills, crypto-noobs or just weak hands but PND is a week old and has already what takes some new cryptos months to accomplish.

Sorry, were you expecting you triple your investment in a week? That's just not how it works.

Either hold your coins and stop bitching or go be a weak hand and sell and GTFO these threads and don't come back until you have some intestinal fortitude.

>> No.160858


jacobux you have completely lost touch with reality.

You are now reaming out friends and supporters of your own coin thinking everyone is a PND supporter.

This looks like the diary of a madman. Are you ok jacobux?

>> No.160861
File: 124 KB, 640x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well that's not very nice.

>> No.160862
File: 25 KB, 468x263, 1393694377423.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is Dogecoin going to come back into the spotlight?

>> No.160863


>> No.160864


Once the price for PND rises a bit, everyone cuts their winnings and runs back to Doge.

>> No.160871


I'm analpained?

You're the one shilling and fudding in OUR threads all day.
Stop actlng like a fucking child, you're wasting your time.

>> No.160873


4th of July

>> No.160876

I'm not jacobux, I just sold half of my PND

>> No.160877

Just because I'm saying that I'm going to offload all my PND?
You're delusional. In any case, this would give you a chance to buy some PND for a low price.

>> No.160885

Oh I hope so...

>> No.160886
File: 9 KB, 492x279, 0qRQJi7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tfw just picked up about Ᵽ8.5k with Ð160


>> No.160892

not sure about the logo but whatever

>> No.160894

>Nice. Are you in contact with moot for a possible 'official' inclusion?

not gonna happen

it kinda comprimises anonymity and i dont think he will officially include it for that reason

>> No.160909

I just sold some PND at 4 and 3 to buy a VPN subscription with BTC. Best investment I've made in a while.

>> No.160913

Sold at 4 and 3? Just how easy is this coin to mine !?

>> No.160932

You should keep your wallets on your GNU/Linux box, probably more secure than having them on Windows

>> No.160931


What did you buy it for?

Haven't seen it trade for 2 yet,

>> No.160940

Maybe we could break into the niche chubby chaser market. We get some fat guys and girls to rub their bellies all over their webcams and ask for tips in PND and Doge.

>> No.160945

>As a result, ex-Federal Reserve Bank examiner, Mark T. Williams, says that the "high-profile collapse could trigger a Lehman Brothers-type chain reaction throughout the Bitcoin market."

>people use fiat/stock market derived terms to describe market collapses/whathever bad shit
>yfw the only terms for shit markets are from fiat/stock markets
And Bitcoin's the scam

>> No.160950

>How does that make any sense?
Because everyone who sells stuff with BTC/altcoins haves some market to make up possible losses due to volatility

>> No.160946
File: 1.46 MB, 338x300, 1389446566890.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.160969

It's funny that people are upset by markup with crypto coins, but will happily convert to USD and then pay markup.

>> No.160978

They haven't updated their site since the 6th, do they still have some of the pie?

>> No.160979

>3 sat


>> No.160986
File: 137 KB, 244x264, 1252353097188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ughhh why didn't I sell last night, oh what a fool I was

>> No.160995
File: 16 KB, 335x363, 1380372397588.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So... I'm still technically profiting mining dogecoin. I mined 116 in the last 24 hours, and used 4 cents worth of power. 116 dogecoins are worth about 12 cents. So at this rate I'll be rich at the heat death of the universe.

>> No.160996


Exactly so just sell then.

Why you gotta tell everyone? because your shilling, that's why you have to tell everyone.

Hi jacobux, how are you today?

>> No.161003

>dat shirt
mah nigga

>> No.161010

How many khash/s?

>> No.161014

290KHash/s with a GTX 750 Ti

>> No.161015

>trading multiple shitcoins when you can't even trade one
Start with one or two at least son

>> No.161019

I mine more than that in a day with 70 khash/s, which pool are you using?

>> No.161020

Uppdate your Drivers, and it should work!

>> No.161018

Remember goys, hold :^)

>> No.161023


>> No.161030

And at 260 Khash I mined 26,000 PND in 10 hours. That's nearly 1,000 DOGE in ten hours with a smaller hashrate.

>> No.161036

You don't have to be so butthurt though.
Besides, you can't even use proper grammar.

>> No.161038

Post your configuration then.

>> No.161039


Definitely no shortage of those here.

>> No.161037

I was trying to get started on PND, but I couldn't connect to any of the stratums. I tried all 4 at bamboohouse.

>> No.161042

Looking at Dustcoin and Cointweak says you should be mining at least 1300-1400 coins a day, ever tried switching pools?

>> No.161041

That's odd. I've been hashing for days without error. As amDOGE said, post your config.

>> No.161045

I did last night. You were trying to help me but couldn't see anything wrong with what I was doing.

>> No.161049

Or did I?

>> No.161052

I guess it could have been an imposter. They were fairly helpful though, just couldn't get it working.

>> No.161058

Has anybody rented a mining rig from Leaserig? Have you profited or atleast ROI?

>> No.161063

renting is a scam

>> No.161067


Let me fucking reiterate myself.

The only people who are butthurt in these threads are the losers who spend all day in here shilling.

And it's not that I "can't" use proper grammar, it's that i'm choosing not to for dramatic effect.

Also are you implying that if someone has bad grammar it somehow makes their argument invalid?

Can you do any better than just repeating "butthurt" over and over?

Is that how you think people on 4chan talk? Did you just learn that word jacobux?

>> No.161069

Post it anyway.

>> No.161070

>Still holding PND
We're all laughing about you, you guys are walking jokes

>> No.161073
File: 358 KB, 800x800, crypto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.161076

>not holding your funcoins
It's almost as if you were serious about our monopoly money

>> No.161077


I'm actually buying it as we speak.

You mad? :^)

>> No.161079

Nice try.

>> No.161082

I'm sorry that your life is so shit that you have to argue about inane rubbish on 4chan.

>> No.161085

I actually just tried to switch over again and this time it worked. Maybe there were network issues to Canada / Germany last night or something... Anyhow I'm now hashing along with Panda. It looks like PND blocks must be found really quickly? There are several stacked up unconfirmed on the blocks page.

>> No.161087

Nice try.

>> No.161088

No, thank you actually. I'm trying to sell.

>> No.161095

Difficulty is at 30 at the moment so it's considerably fast.

>> No.161100

I'm actually roleplaying as JacobUx to amplify the faith in PND, and it works pretty good so far

>> No.161107

Wowdoge vs Multidoge, which lightwallet should I use?

>> No.161110

Whichever you like best.
That said, don't use the lightwallet if you haven't.

>> No.161116

Any chance of PND showing up on coinedup? That's my preferred market...

>> No.161118


TOP KEK, they rebranded? LOL

>> No.161124

>That said, don't use the lightwallet if you haven't.

>> No.161128


Surely this is a troll

>> No.161129

Because it's better to use the full one.

>> No.161139

Did that anon that said he would buy a GPU from coinverted(?) with PND do that already?
Also I think that a link to the places we can spend PND should be in the OP. Possibly all in a pastebin to save space if it starts to grow.

>> No.161141


>> No.161144


>CoinedUp.com is a FREE crypto-only currency exchange

what do they mean by free, no transaction fees?

>> No.161147

Guys, what is preffered exchange to buy pnd. I'd like to buy 1mil.

>> No.161159

>Flat Rate Exchange Fee:

>> No.161176


there are flat rates in most exchanges , calling it free is disingenious

i think the fee is same around 0.15% for buying in most exchanges but mintpal has same for selling as well so i would recommend mintpal, in case you want to sell them for less rate

>> No.161186

No, I copy pasted from the website and 4chan split it onto two lines. They're saying there is no Flat Rate Exchange Fee, or, conversely, the Flat Rate Exchange Rate is 0.

>> No.161207

>Flat Rate Exchange Rate is 0.

do they convert crypto into fiat?

>> No.161215

No, that's why they also say they are Crypto Only. But I've been using them for jumping between BTC and Doge. They're nice for that.

>> No.161222


>> No.161438

nice try ;)

>> No.161447
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>> No.161480


>> No.161510

oh thanks fam

>> No.161547

any new pumpy dumps?

>> No.161562
File: 40 KB, 400x488, tumblr_lzo74nqW9D1qzeqyio1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is ded...
Ask here