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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 491 KB, 1863x1540, nkn (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
16005697 No.16005697 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.16005825

Look at the board.

>> No.16006416

Yes they're seeing what type of resolution they should put they're blockchain in. Lol

>> No.16006724

1080$ EOY

>> No.16006941

Fucking lol. These retards were probably trying to set their wallpaper right.

>> No.16007032
File: 82 KB, 740x901, cw-recommends.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.16007694

> genuine 200 IQ developer
> gets called a retard on biz

Oh this one will be funny as fuck to see hit $1 while everyone elses alts stay at fucking nothing.

>> No.16008069

exactly this

all in NKN right now

>> No.16008296

It needs to decouple from btc first. I can see it doing exactly what link did. Get some fiat on Ramps and it happens.

>> No.16008406

What exactly is special about NKN

>> No.16008515

big monies

>> No.16009295

this will bleed with bitcoin until 5,5k

i will buy a bunch at 0,01$

>> No.16010512

how to mine NKN for free (10 nodes in 1 month, or 1 node for 10 months)

create a digitalocean account w/ 50usd free credit
https://m.. do.co/c/482e3568f920

create NKN wallet if you do not have any
https://wallet.nkn .org/wallet/create

create one NKN full node here
https://marketplace.digitalocean.. com/apps/nkn-full-node

1) click the blue "Create NKN Full Node Droplet"
2) Plan: Standard
3) Pricing: Click the left button until you find 5$/month
4) Choose your region
5) Select addition options: User data, and then copy and paste the following text into the textbox

- owner: nkn:nkn
path: /home/nkn/go/src/github.com/nknorg/nkn/config.user.json
content: |

- cd /home/nkn/go/src/github.com/nknorg/nkn/
- sudo jq -n --argfile c1 config.json --argfile c2 config.user.json '$c1 + $c2' > /tmp/config.json.merged
- sudo mv /tmp/config.json.merged config.json
- sudo chown nkn:nkn config.json

6) Replace the YOUR_EXISTING_NKN_WALLET_ADDRESS with your NKN wallet ofcourse
7) How many droplet: 1
8) Choose a hostname: Anything you like
9) Add backups: dont
10) Click "create droplet"
11) Optional: repeat this steps to create more nodes

>> No.16010529

anyway i have just started mining NKN, and I have 10 nodes all over the world, but why is it the nodes in Singapore that has gained some reward (11 NKN in 18 hours)? While the nodes in USA or Germany did not get any reward? Can anybody explain this event? Is it because Singapore has less node?

>> No.16010536

This is a fucking meme. The absolute state of "blockchain technology".

>> No.16010553

All I see is future failures in that pic. Literally a science fair meme picture.

>> No.16010863

Why is only no name trash can crypto pumping lately but great stuff like NKN, Monero and some others are not?

>> No.16010918

Hey that was my idea! Oh well I already got 30 signups from my link I guess you can shill yours now <3

EU nodes suck dont use them.

In my testing NY and CA nodes are the best. The most neighbors therefore the most chance to relay a transaction. Keep in mind it not rewards for mining a block its rewards for relaying. So you want low ping and lots of neighbors.