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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16005203 No.16005203 [Reply] [Original]

All the pajeets who shit up this board like to use that term for their shitcoin with 100$ volume.
LINK is what it actually looks like. we're gonna be so rich.
Every btc dump, people buy link on mass.
every time it reaches a floor it gets bought up.
Every SAT/ETH/USD pairing is in accumulation patterns.
The funny part? as a chart stalker I have noticed this pattern only really started with volume since google pump. thats right.
Literally all my fellow 10k+ anons bought before this was even in accumulation phase. The boys with deep pockets didnt even know it existed till google pump. they have all been accumulating since then with deep pockets paying a premium.
Imagine that. stealth investors are buying now. what does that make us autists?

>> No.16005211

$1.23 end of year.

>> No.16005216

pnd scam

>> No.16005226


> an eastern european, pajeet or college kid with no money typed this post

>> No.16005234

It is $1.22 now.

>> No.16005240

no u

>> No.16005257


> we're gonna be so rich

t. BTC holders December 2017.

Link is doing pretty well but this post reeks of euphoric delusion. It's just hit an ATH for a second time in a bearish market with a $1 billion cap valuation. Try to look at it rationally before others do.

>> No.16005261
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It makes us the future elite.
Thanks assblaster.

>> No.16005267

A 10k suicide stack is not the mark of success. Seriously stop leading people into delusion.

In all honesty you need 30k+ at the bare minimum. That’s a suicide stack in my view.

>> No.16005268

Fuck off browneye

>> No.16005292
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True Link marines !

>> No.16005296

>Having almost $100k in a highly speculative asset is a suicide stack
>H-haha I w-was only trolling! Rekt!
Neck yourself fag

>> No.16005309

This. LINK is going nowhere until BTC recovers and returns to ATH and there is no signs of that happening anytime soon. Boomers are going to crash this shit to 2k taking LINK and every other coin with it.

>> No.16005318
File: 2.37 MB, 1055x923, sergeyofnazareth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealth investors are buying now. what does that make us autists?
honestly my biggest lesson from buying LINK at ICO and being pretty much all in ever since, is how fucking long the market can take to figure out what you know. The market still doesn't fucking know. But buying on ED before SIBOS I felt like "Holy shit I need to go all in and get as much of this shit as possible before I get priced out." Then months go by, then a year, then confirmation on confirmation on fucking confirmation.
OpenZeppelin, Kaleido, Web3, every fucking Sergey talk, now he's on a panel with Gonser, SXSW, so much fucking information and STILL like fucking NOBODY outside of /biz/ is paying even the tiniest piece of attention.
All of these fucking Twitter charlatans with names like "CryptoBoy" and all this retarded shit, BTC maximalists who just say "If it's useful it will just get added to Bitcoin" like they haven't even gotten their heads around the fact that 10,000 developers are building dApps on ETH and 20 faggots are trying to scale Bitcoin. ETH maximalists who are excited about "More TPS!" without asking the absolutely basic fucking question of WHY is TPS even important if all you're doing is shuffling shitcoins around and your smart contracts can't communicate externally. NONE OF THEM GET IT.
And after all of this shit building and building and building and it still took "Muh Google" before ANY of these newfag charlatan retards bothered to do the basic fucking due diligence that it took to see this opportunity for what it was.
Next time an opportunity like this arises, if it ever fucking arises on this scale and with this upside potential again, which is by no means guaranteed, I am going to remember the distinct lesson that just because something is obvious to you, does not mean it is in any way obvious to the heaving masses of absolute fucking retards who are throwing their money away in this market.

>> No.16005325

Even of BTC tanks, LINK will rise in the tanks into the top 3. Worst case it holds its USD value and gains heavy in sats

>> No.16005327

He's absolutely right. The market cap is nearly $1B so of course a suicide stack is expensive. Even a 10x from here would put it at #4 on CMC which is probably the most bullish scenario.

>> No.16005342

You're just ignorant on what a suicide stack entails, but that's ok.

>> No.16005355

Pajeets before Streets.

>> No.16005375


>> No.16005400
File: 1.46 MB, 768x960, sergey_of_nazarov.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stealth investors are buying now.
what does that make us autists?
honestly my biggest lesson from buying LINK at ICO and being pretty much all in ever since, is how fucking long the market can take to figure out what you know. The market still doesn't fucking know. But buying on ED before SIBOS I felt like "Holy shit I need to go all in and get as much of this shit as possible before I get priced out." Then months go by, then a year, then confirmation on confirmation on fucking confirmation.
>OpenZeppelin, Kaleido, Web3, every fucking Sergey talk, now he's on a panel with Gonser, SXSW, so much fucking information and STILL like fucking NOBODY outside of /biz/ is paying even the tiniest piece of attention.
>All of these fucking Twitter charlatans with names like "CryptoBoy" and all this retarded shit, BTC maximalists who just say "If it's useful it will just get added to Bitcoin" like they haven't even gotten their heads around the fact that 10,000 developers are building dApps on ETH and 20 faggots are trying to scale Bitcoin. ETH maximalists who are excited about "More TPS!" without asking the absolutely basic fucking question of WHY is TPS even important if all you're doing is shuffling shitcoins around and your smart contracts can't communicate externally. NONE OF THEM GET IT.
>And after all of this shit building and building and building and it still took "Muh Google" before ANY of these newfag charlatan retards bothered to do the basic fucking due diligence that it took to see this opportunity for what it was.
>Next time an opportunity like this arises, if it ever fucking arises on this scale and with this upside potential again, which is by no means guaranteed, I am going to remember the distinct lesson that just because something is obvious to you, does not mean it is in any way obvious to the heaving masses of absolute fucking retards who are throwing their money away in this market.

>> No.16005412

>a 10x from here
All according to keikaku

>> No.16005415
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I know this feel anon, and it makes me feel quite stinky.

>> No.16005423

The sad part is when you realize how different you are compared to other people not from /biz.
This does not only apply to investments and Link, but everything else in life.
People do dumb things which are unbearable for us to see, and we are powerless to do anything about it most of the time.

>> No.16005494

Finrekt = Hot Clam Juice.

>> No.16005513


>> No.16005534


>> No.16005535

>we're gonna be so rich
Didn't you say that like 3 years ago?

>> No.16005564

haha yes i too am a fellow /biz/ness man and very professional, it too pains me to watch regular, unenlightened human beings exist. Thankfully, i am of no such origin.

>> No.16005570
File: 381 KB, 1903x1469, i wish this was an arbitrage opportunity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reliable price oracles are badly needed

>> No.16005603

lol retard cmc coingecko wont use oracles they pull api data and so will oracle nodes, if api will feed wrong data all oracles will do the same

>> No.16005715

I can’t wait for the whales to sell when link hits 100.

You’ll be like the BTC early adopters who dumped at 100.

>> No.16005799

I bought at 90 cents in December 2017 like a retard. I wish I had waited and bought in January of this year.

>> No.16005819

Link has nothing to do with BTC price. It will surpass BTC in marketcap in 1 year. BTC is a dinosaur shitcoin

>> No.16006212
File: 269 KB, 3213x1069, chainlink 2023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% agreed, accumulate now while you can