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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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16004389 No.16004389 [Reply] [Original]

Is the shitcoin BSV going to succeed solely based on that it's the only Bitcoin that can actually scale?

>> No.16004451

Over the past month alone coins like XLM, TRX, IOTA, DOGE and XRP all have outperformed BSV by two to six times.

LINK has outperformed BSV by eleven times.

>> No.16004565

>looking short term
Kek the last man standing will be BSV the true king. BSV is a long term play not some pump and dump shit coin

>> No.16004609
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bsv is a shitcoin for calvin to launder money

>> No.16005217

Next year we will reach critical mass in the amount of people realizing that BSV is BitCoin and the other forks are scams. And not only that, but it works now, today. It has already been able to scale, it has smart contracts, it is Turing Complete, it renders every single altcoin useless and it has ALL the relevant patents.
When the zeitgeist come to understand all this some time next year, we will experience a Golden Bullrun

>> No.16005787

Nchain have all crypto patents. It's game over for most crypto.

>> No.16005909

its so funny when BSV tanks you all try to play it down and as if youre only in it for the tech, muh longterm vision, blabla. but when someone buys $500 worth of your shitcoin and it pumps 10% you spam the catalogue with celebration threads. youre not fooling anyone, bsvfags!

>> No.16005920

>When the zeitgeist come to understand all this some time next year
yeah when FINALLY THE MASSES WAKE UP AND SEE THE LIGHT this shitcoin will moon. I mean it happens all the time right. the great unwashed masses shake off their ignorance and embrace the rational choice. this is totally how the world works amirite?

>> No.16005943

calvin doesn't need to launder money you mong he lives in antigua and gets huge income from mining btc and gambling
he probably isn't gaining much or maybe anything from bsv atm

>> No.16005987
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>using a public ledger to launder money

>> No.16006003
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>people in BSV are the only people on /biz/ who celebratory post during price movements

>> No.16006079

the difference is no other shitcoiner pretends to be in it for the tech at least theyre open about wanting money. bsvers switch from "oh who cares about profits its all about the long term vision and healing the world" to "yaaaaaass 10% pump in a day I just made $50" whenever it suits them. theyre shape shifting weasels.

>> No.16006105
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>shitcoiners don't cope post

>> No.16006150
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>misrepresenting a post twice after having it explained to you already

>> No.16006190
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>arkies muh smartbriges tho
>linkies muh oracles tho
>nano muh feeless payments tho
>monero muh anonymity tho
>etherium muh smart contracts tho
>btc muh lightning network tho

>> No.16006224

have you sold your bch for bsv?

>> No.16006248

fuck off faggot, there are endless shitcoiner cope posts with fundamentals, linkies have been doing it since $4
corecucks are posting asuka all the time as well

>> No.16006312

Anon, they all do that. You're giving BSVjeets too much credit, they are exactly the same as every other altcoin bagholder

>> No.16006374


>> No.16006429

>consider yourself a smartass oldfag
>go all in on a tulip hopium fork led by a prover scammer
>lose a shit ton amount of money since ATH
>likely to continue losing
I don't know how and why such people exist, but bravo Craig.

>> No.16006491

You aren't going to believe me, but I didn't /allin/ until after Binance delisting.

When the fork happened I was already not paying attention to crypto anyway because it was already almost a year into the bear. I didn't know why they split, I didn't care. Because it didn't really matter, I would get both coins anyway. Then prices began to explode in the spring. It drew me back into crypto and to /biz/. I saw people posting about SV, but at the time I still didn't know what the split was even about. I started researching it. I was starting to get interested in BSV and bought some. Then Binance delisted and I started buying a lot.

>> No.16006496

scaling is meaningless
but BSV does not scale

>> No.16006551

Don't lie to me, little cunt. I'm perfectly aware that you were all in on BCH years back and subsequently fell for Craig's lies. You're pathetic. You're pathetic and a liar on top of that. People who bought BSV yesterday or maybe a few months ago for the lulz are not as pathetic as you because they're small time bagholders. You're a seasoned, miserable bagholder who is down, down, down.

>> No.16006568

Will be adding with every pay check. I figure my goal is 120, which is 2x my current stack.

>> No.16006581


>> No.16006590

how? bsv is not even better than dogecoin or litecoin

>> No.16006598

You are SEETHING. How much does blockstream pay you ?

>> No.16006605

>You aren't going to believe me
I also bought btc in 2015.