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15997217 No.15997217 [Reply] [Original]

Bulls BTFO. You were never in control. Time for the real crash.

>> No.15997224

the same thread again?
how are you not banned yet?

>> No.15997240
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>> No.15997250

This isn’t reddit where the mods protect your faggot feelings

>> No.15997287
File: 20 KB, 480x337, 881BB026-6381-4C51-856A-F6FDFA50F1E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bulls eternally justed

I’m almost tired of winning bobros

>> No.15997301

Yea but he made the same thread 20 times over the course of 6 hours, it's not right. You not only slide more meaningful threads but you clog and clutter up the catalog thereby concealing a more constructive thread.

>> No.15997315

You better put your money where your mouth is and crash it below 7700 this time stupid bear

>> No.15997317

This is fourchan where the jannies protect their tranny feelings

>> No.15997375

That wasn't me, that was just all the bobos bragging about how much of a faggot you bulls all are. If you can't handle the heat then get out of the incinerator.

>> No.15997389
