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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 258 KB, 1188x870, credit_card_debt4_size-a9ad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15994497 No.15994497 [Reply] [Original]

Just paid off the last of my credit card debt. How much do you still have outstanding, /biz/?

>> No.15994514

Jesus Fuck, is that average per person ?
You got Jewed, Big Style burgers

>> No.15994517
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none, learned my lesson and now teh cashback will break even w the interest I paid, never again..

>> No.15994573

like $800 on my car

>> No.15994584

I currently have $2000 in debt on 0% APR intro deals. It's not so bad :^)

>> No.15994598

I pay it off every month, it's not hard and I make a decent amount in rewards.

Been paying my mortgage off too and hope to have it gone in 5 years, bought my car with cash.

>> No.15994601

Having credit cards :)

>> No.15994604

About 4000 or so, wanted to go to Vegas so took on 2k debt. Not a big deal though I can pay it off easily

>> No.15994605

What the fuck do people in Alaska spend money on

>> No.15994625

Natives buying alcohol

>> No.15994647

Mouthwash and vanilla extract **

>> No.15994660

staying alive, i.e. not dying of starvation or exposure to the elements

>> No.15994674

With my CCs, car, student and personal loans I'm at about $100k in the hole. Been thinking about bankruptcy lately

>> No.15994675
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I love the look on Boomer's faces when I tell them that i'm 29 and I've never had a credit card.

>> No.15994700
File: 497 KB, 654x663, 7AAE495C-EE2B-482C-8192-214F2D9484CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any suggestions for best cc to use? I’ve had one for a couple years to “build credit” and now that I’ve done that I feel like I might as well use one that will actually give me rewards. Right now my bill is usually anywhere from $450-$750 depending on purchases and gets paid off before coming due. I was leaning towards capital one venture card since I already have an account there but I don’t really know. Any suggestions given the expense level I mentioned above?

>> No.15994703

Basic necessities cost like 10x as much there

>> No.15994705

you don't lose student loan debt in bankruptcy and you would lose your car

>> No.15994714
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bout $8k. Back in January my doofy dog escaped out of the backyard then got ran over. Broke his hip & front right elbow. Surgery was around $10k

>> No.15994718

is he better now?

>> No.15994737

Blue Cash Everyday card from American Express works for me. No annual fee and a bit of cashback.

>> No.15994739
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You're a good guy, anon.

>> No.15994740

15% of income and 12 month is not that much isnt it? i always thought burgers drown in debt

>> No.15994779

that says it's for credit card debt. that seems like it wouldn't include the enormous markets of mortgage debt, student debt, auto debt, or medical debt (although at times there could be some overlap with the last 2 they are generally separate). so it's not like their total debt will be that low in most cases. but on the other hand, these numbers seem huge to me... maybe I just don't know how bad things really are? I am wondering if they include "business" credit cards, and the chart is basically meaningless without more statistics like median and standard deviation

>> No.15994799
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Yea, just has a slight limp. But still alive to chew on deh kitty

>> No.15994831

I might be a cold son of a bitch but I cannot rationalize 10 grand on an animal.

>> No.15994847
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>> No.15994862

Student loans are pretty low, almost done paying those off. Car is the banks anyway I know I'd lose it. I have a second car I own outright they probably wouldn't take

>> No.15994868

41€ - i pay that shit off every month, they aint get interest from me

>> No.15994884
File: 121 KB, 1080x1349, 1515569505712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

About 3k, but it's all on a card with no interest for the next 15 months. I kind of went bananas when I got a new job and bought a lot of shit.

Gonna make minimum payments for now though -- would rather put it all in crypto.

>> No.15994993

>$10,000 so your dog will live like 5 more years
Not gonna make it

>> No.15995011

ZERO, I'm not a Mutt

>> No.15995094

usually i pay it off, but i bought too much crypto last month and also couldn't resist buying a joker cosplay. i have a few extra hundred dollars i didn't pay off from last month's bill, but i should be able to pay it all off with my next paycheck

>> No.15995099

$28K. I make about $60K/year before taxes. Shit is so fucked, bros.

>> No.15995123

We don't have such thing in Europe.

>> No.15995135

Why did you buy things you couldn't afford?

>> No.15995181

I'd rather pay for a cute dog surgery than for a cold son of a bitch like you.

>> No.15995190


>> No.15995208

7k credit, 40k student, NJ
$300 in checking
2.8k link all in

>> No.15995250
File: 104 KB, 454x605, mlem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it

>> No.15995283

Never going to make it

>> No.15995317

based 4 legged destroyer of credit

>> No.15995350

at least dogs give a nice wet blow job

>> No.15995355

Drunk driver (illegal spic, btw) T-boned me at an intersection. Could have been worse, but three months out of work and Amerifat doctor bills add up.

>> No.15995362


I've never had debt in my life despite having a line of credit and two credit cards. Fuck paying more money to banks, the road to financial freedom is paying for things with money you have or leveraging your loans by buying real estate or something that will pay for itself.

Not having discipline and getting free cash back rewards and the convenience of credit cards :). Just pay it back right away you friggin dummy.

>> No.15995368
File: 111 KB, 748x459, 3derps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't blowjob, sleepin

>> No.15995494

About $15k in consumer debt. Random shit added up over time and my last car had a lot of repairs. Good news is I have over half a million dollars worth of Chainlink. Put all my debt on 0% interest cards and paying off bit at a time so I don't have to sell my Linkies. Not struggling to make payments so I don't give a shit. I'll probably pay it all off around $6-7 dollar Link

>> No.15995512


>> No.15995635

I forgot to change my withholding on my taxes during 2018 and I got screwed. Put the $8K my CC then did a transfer balance to another no interest for 15 months card. Currently at $2500. Will have it paid off by the end of end of the 15 months. also changed my withholding so now I'm going to get a $3K check to invest instead of owe.

Currently have about $800 in other credit card bills but I pay it off every month, use it to pay for all necessities.

>> No.15995843

nah youre probably just brown

>> No.15996000

0 i dont even know how to get a credit card or why i would ever need one. Just buy with money you have

>> No.15996048

>I must not need groceries since I don't have the money for it
>I cant afford to get my Mercedes fixed that Oprah gave me, I must not need to pick up my children from school
people have expenses man

>> No.15996427

checked trips

I get 2-5% cash back on my credit card. So i use it to pay all necessities. I try to use cash when I go out for entertainment because you really do spend more when its on a card (debit or credit)

>> No.15996497

I've never had credit card debt beyond the month I made a purchase

>> No.15996541

Does this count 'debt' from statements that get paid off in full every month? I can carry $1-2k on my statement any given month but it's always paid off before interest is due. Just maximizing my good goy points (credit score and cashback)

>> No.15996568

dogs run 92% of US media organizations

>> No.15996590

Where to start:
>$31k in credit cards @ 18% average apr
>$34k in loans @ 14% average apr
32 yo australian boomer here, not really sure how I got in to this mess. But my desperation lead me to going all in on chainlink almost 18 months ago (I have a stack of 80k) so perhaps it happened for a reason. Will be paying everything off at $7 usd linkies.

>> No.15996611

Notice the states with the most brown people have the highest debt, little to any brown's have the lowest.

>> No.15996702

you should pay those off now, fren

>> No.15996721

Citi 2% Rewards card. Use it for nearly all my purchases.
Paid in full each month.

>> No.15996882


>> No.15996991

>12k CC debt
>24k student loans
>just took a 24k loan (16.5%), put most into crypto
>Rent: $2k/month

My salary

>> No.15997052

25k in debt. 55k salary. Credit and medical debt.