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15993747 No.15993747 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone interested in FTM:
A few weeks ago, maybe a month or so, someone started a thread on here claiming to be a Risk analyst for a South African bank.
They then claimed to have insider information that the rand was going to be tied to a digital currency, but they wouldn't say which one.
Everybody then began to assume it was Fantom that was going to be used and pretty soon Fantom was being shilled every day (it was prior to this shilled a fair bit but not like it has been lately).
It has now come to my attention that the information that a South African bank would peg the rand to a digital currency has been publicly available since April or so, meaning the Risk analyst guy was almost definitely a LARPer.
This basically means that all the Fantom shilling since then has been built on nothing.
Additionally anyone saying that there is a banking website claiming they will be using FTM is lying. All that exists is a startup who say they will be using fantom and CLAIM they are going to be working with a bank in South Africa. There is no bank outright saying it will be using FTM.
Just thought I'd save you wasting your money.
Link is to the publicly available info. http://sys.4channel.org/derefer?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com%2Furl%3Fsa%3Dt%26amp%3Bsource%3Dweb%26amp%3Brct%3Dj%26amp%3Burl%3Dhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.resbank.co.za%2FAboutUs%2FDepartments%2FFinancialServices%2FProcNew%2FLists%2FNews%252520and%252520Publications%2FAttachments%2F40%2FEOI%252520MR01-2019-0.pdf%26amp%3Bved%3D2ahUKEwiIi-7tpLDlAhWDxVkKHSypBykQFjAAegQICRAB%26amp%3Busg%3DAOvVaw39bAQIMrCGycumk38acjRD

>> No.15993867

this is wrong but i cant spend any more time responding to this poor fud

good luck anon

>> No.15993874

thanks bruh
back to your shitting street

>> No.15993895

Back to getting dumped on by Gilbert...

>> No.15993916

>All that exists is a startup who say they will be using fantom and CLAIM they are going to be working with a bank in South Africa
thanks for the intel OP. are you talking about xar/zar network? and do you have a link for them claiming they want to work with a south african bank

>> No.15993921
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>> No.15993961

Ok well which part is wrong? I made more than one claim.
I wanted to believe in FTM and that I'd make a million dollars doos just as much as you do anon, but you'll have to back up what you're saying or it's just empty words.
I'm happy to listen to you

>> No.15993991

I've got scammed again, haven't I?

>> No.15994078

I am talking about ZAR.network yes.
This thread's OP picture is them claiming to be getting tied to a currency. Not exactly claiming to be working with a bank but...

>> No.15994092

I mean...I don't KNOW anon. But it definitely is making me suspicious.
What did you previously buy that was a scam btw?

>> No.15994113

thx anon Ive been doing research on fantom because I need to write a shill paper on it (wouldnt touch this shitcoin with a ten foot pole lmao).
this source claims ftm is working with a large south african bank but not exactly a trustworthy source IMO

>> No.15994160

Lol. How do you even get into that line of work?
Those websites are all so unreliable. I mean their bias is literally in the title most of the time. "www.bitcoinisthebest.com" delivering crypto news...I mean how blatant can you make your own bias?
Regarding your link - I wouldn't be surprised if THEIR source was us.

>> No.15995114

Bump for more discussion pls. If this shit is scam then im getting the rope cause I’m too far in. Thx

>> No.15995139


>> No.15995204

All I'm saying for certain is that there is NOT a bank that's openly saying they're using fantom. That's a lie going around.
Also the "insider info" from the Risk analyst was in fact publicly available months before his thread.
What there IS: a company of unknown reliability called ZAR network who are claiming to be using fantom.
A statement issued by south African bank saying they want to tie a digital currency to the rand.
Basically it's a gamble not a sure thing anon. But don't allow them spread lies that it's a certainty.

>> No.15995217

Is it? I mean who the fuck has heard of "cryptofreaknetwork". That is not even sort of a reliable source

>> No.15995300


>> No.15995330

I laugh at the retards casually watching, not doing any research and then stating their retarded opinion that fantom is a scam.

Having done my research, it is with 100% certainty that I can state that zar network used fantom tech to build infrastructure for SARB mandated crypto fiat project which will be implemented in SA commercial banks.

>> No.15995349

This shit is about to explode to XRP market cap levels and a whole host of btc maximalists and link maximalists are going to neck

>> No.15995576

Ok and would you like to actually prove any of your claims then?
"I 100% know god is real" - every religion ever.

>> No.15995638

I don't have to. I did the research for my own benefit and came to a conclusion which I am satisfied with.

You will all know what I know at some point soon.

>> No.15995719

"You will all know what I know at some point soon."

u played urself scammer

>> No.15995731
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>> No.15995744
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>> No.15995897

This is the funny part.
>discord tranny

>> No.15995926
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tranny, fuck off back to discord

>> No.15995946
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>> No.15995957

Not even a discord tranny but I fully agree with this sentiment

>> No.15996009
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nice source nigger

>> No.15996078

That thread also has an eoi by the sarb which mentions ZAR
How do you refute that?

>> No.15996110

Everytime I check, this shit has lost sats and is in all time low, who you guys deal with this? It will go down to zero eventually.

>> No.15996144

Fantom foundation donated all their tokens to the staking reward pool so own zero tokens to dump on holders like some other popular tokens. They are paid to build and maintain the stable coin networks.

In the most recent AMA in the crypto differ telegram Michael Kong revealed they are now engaging with clients in Europe for their stable coin platform.

>> No.15996215

So they have no skin in the game?

>> No.15996236

I mean, I just don't get why a fucking central bank would partner with a fucking 20m cap project rather than an established platform.

>> No.15996242

what is superior technology

>> No.15996247

And also the Dubai smart city thing turned out to be really deceitful. Not sure what to believe at this point.

>> No.15996260

But their mainnet isn't even out yet. They missed their own fucking deadline.

>> No.15996265

I tried many times to figure out what all this mess regarding the South African bank was, and what I certainly know is that as soon as the team unveils the related news, most of you will be disappointed.

I think that this project might eventually pops up, but pretending that in within six months a blockchain company will be able to sigo a contract with a bank, will develop a disrupting no centralized system, will run simulations until having a working product and all that... I am sorry but you are dreaming.

Just signing a contract with a bank of such magnitude might take 1 or 2 years...

>> No.15996287

they didn't miss the deadline...it was delayed by the client. The tech was finished early, and has been for some time. You can build on statheros yourself right now dumbfuck

>> No.15996372

Prepare to have your mind blown

>> No.15996394

we discovered today its not a new thing, as the client bought there first lot of tokens months ago.

Also SARB have conducted a trial using Quorum a while ago and it was much slower than the fantom stablecoin mainnet

>> No.15996418

This thread brought to you by a salty Quant bagholder.

>> No.15996456
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>Just signing a contract with a bank of such magnitude might take 1 or 2 years...

>> No.15996548

This is a legitimate point. What incentive does the team have to deliver?

>> No.15996632
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Following screen caps are stated by either CIO or Michael Chen in the most recent AMA.

>> No.15996636

Do you think being able to dump 100s of thousands of QNT on IDEX incentivised Gilbert Verdian to do anything other than Shill?

>> No.15996645
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>> No.15996669

100 eoy?

>> No.15996684
File: 464 KB, 1125x2436, 68FC94FE-ACA3-4822-9AD1-EEA3E6104FC9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentions not only stablecoin banking client in SA but also Europe.
Not many anons know about this yet.
Fantom is so undervalued it’s unbelievable some people haven’t got at least a suicide bag of this.
The price is so obviously being suppressed while institutional money accumulates but it can’t be held down much longer.
Like everyone is saying, these kinds of partnerships and clients are what every shitcoin has set out to achieve but none have so far.
We have a working mainnet that will generate revenue, another mainnet following shortly (all under NDA) but once the cat is out of the bag this shit is going to $.50 regardless of what bitcorn is doing.

>> No.15996950



>> No.15996999 [DELETED] 

What’s your problem nigger?

>> No.15997019

Trying to avoid people here pumping it prematurely: the nice thing about that is that no one is fucking browsing this dead board anymore, so thankfully we can shill this to hell here and just laugh at the brainlets who didn’t buy when we pump to $1 eoy

>> No.15997058

Cunts have had a year to accumulate.

>> No.15997279

I literally just started last week, I’m going to go all in by this Saturday.

>> No.15997407

Holy shit this chink scam will rekt so many people.Anyone dumb enough to believe central banks would work withis tiny dubai seed group partner deserves to.lose their money.

>> No.15997419

lol how much do you hold?

>> No.15997443

0....i avoid overhyped obvious chink pump n dump scams. Ask them how many CZ recieved to dump on Binance.

>> No.15997488

Yeah CZ dumped 10m Fantom on its listing. Idk man what to do anymore. I’m autistic and take people’s word on an anonymous image board to get rich.

I hold 50k but somewhere i know this shit is a scam and im going to zero. This is all my savings (flipino making $250/m). Fooook, I’ll get the rope and keep it next to my pc just in case hehe

>> No.15997493

Team has none to give idiot. All team tokens went to node reward pool.

Next week will be glorious

>> No.15997569

I have 30k will I make it

>> No.15997621

FTM was listed for free

I think there will be more on the reasons for that soon

>> No.15997630

Even at 1$ ur still poor. How?

>> No.15997667

Absolutely fucking nuts, this shit is going to do a 50x next week

>> No.15997739



>> No.15997763

there is no confirmation the banks will be ready by then...

>> No.15997769

If you really believe what you judt wrote then you need help. Call shit coiners annonymous please. I hear they have a 12 step program to help you avoid buying obvious shitcoin scams.

>> No.15997800

1200 linkies. debating on all in'inng on ftm. thoughts? split it? ugh

>> No.15997834

1200 linkies. debating on all in'inng on ftm. thoughts? split it? ugh. have 6k ftm too. need a big 10x+. fucked up on the golden run by not being all in on the right token.

>> No.15997837

I'd say go all in but I have nothing left to lose and think about suicide if I don't make it

>> No.15997867

I can work with 30k. Especially with dividend stocks. My goal is to get enough to throw a huge lump sum into dividend stocks so I can live the passive income NEET life

>> No.15997896

just sold 50k link as its crashing like fuck, all in on FTM here we go check back in 1 month

>> No.15997899


Dividend stocks yield around 2%. Wtf are you gonna do with that?

>> No.15997910


Where do you guys find the money to invest $100k in shitcoins?

>> No.15997911

Live the NEET life

>> No.15997979

The link meme is over. Web scrapers are free and so are ERC20s. Fantom is an evolution in platform, not a hype scam to trick brainless like link.

>> No.15997998

stoodent loans

>> No.15998338


>> No.15998382

kneepads and alot of females wanting their not used in years pussies licked. I refuse business with fat chicks cuz they always got rank pussy

>> No.15998438 [DELETED] 

Tim Agushi