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File: 5 KB, 200x200, PNK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15991696 No.15991696 [Reply] [Original]

Happy to see PNK being shilled again. I've held my meager stack and funneled bits of gains into it here and there. It's had an extraordinarily long accumulation phase, which is obviously because volume is pretty shite.

Gimme the pill on why cases won't ramp up. Vitalik is on board. Some anons on here don't even believe he's shilled it more than once, but I count at least 5 by just small amounts of digging. I can post proof if you want. If you think that doesn't matter, or isn't literally an endorsement, then I don't know what to tell you.

The idea is sound. Staking works. Their escrow, I have used, and it's nice and simple. Ethereum's ecosystem hasn't even grown out of the shitcoin creation phase, and this seems like a very simple, normie friendly use-case. They're still around. They know everybody. They hit all the conferences, aren't Asian, and aren't brainlets. Arbitration, inventive systems, and appeals are all sound. Governance, Bribery / attacks and court arborescence are all explained in the short-paper : https://kleros.io/whitepaper.pdf

Give me reasons to not keep funneling money into this while it's still a $1M market-cap. Seems criminally low, desu.

>> No.15991740

vitalik shilled OMG very hard. that's all you need to know about vitalik and how much it means that he would shill something

>> No.15991753
File: 88 KB, 496x861, Screenshot_20191022-092833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related, need I say more?

>> No.15991755

those were different times, though, when every diamond-eyed loser believed every word of out ever person's mouth.

vitalik knows times have changed. why he'd shill this all year without a future ahead, well...it just does not make sense for this not to be a good buy.

i'm not saying bet the farm, but IMO, anyone who doesn't have a few million is probably doing a disservice to themselves for 2020.

i make this thread for FUD, though. tell me how dumb i am.

>> No.15991833

Unironically a buy signal. Already picked this up. Not going to allocate more to this low of a cap.

>> No.15991850

Not trying to sway your decision, but... "not allocating more to this low of a cap" only makes sense if there's no tested floor. This is clearly bottom, and yes, volume is NO BUENO, papi, but dumpers have dumped already.

Unironically reminds me of Link at the 19-20 cent mark.

>> No.15991860

I market buy 5M of this every quarter. Will continue. Patience, fren.

>> No.15991879

When is this getting on TradeOgre. It's got that ogre look, nah meen?

>> No.15991943
File: 1.17 MB, 1494x803, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15992102

Unironically bullish. Volume used to be higher before americants got barred.

>> No.15992158

yeah, that IDEX KYC really fucked me on my plays.

new-fags, don't snooze on this. not much FUD to be had. only progress.

>> No.15992163

no can do on the Ogre. ERC-20. when the fuck is tradeogre gonna support erc-20 is more like it.

>> No.15992187

When the FUCK is this going to take off i've missed...erm, a lot of opportunity cost holding it for like half a year, and I bought more last week. Better be worth it long term, you screaming neckbeard faggots.

>> No.15992207

imagine buying no volume IDEX scam coins in 2019...
some of you guys are legit retarded. courts on the blockchain is the dumbest fucking scam I've seen for a while. I can't even imagine a dumber project to 'invest' in.

>> No.15992225

unironically delusional beyond belief
>hey guys its literally impossible to buy and sell this shit because nobody's touching it even with a 10 feet pole, this is akshualy bullish af !!!

>> No.15992271

You post the same thing in every PNK thread. Why not give us reasons why this isn't a good buy, because all indicators point to patience making us substantial gains soon.

10-20% spread isn't a big deal. Do you not know how low caps work?

>> No.15992306

you nigger if I put 5% of my folios value into this shit Id empty the orderbook instantly, acquire almost 1% of the supply, and make it moon 500% at least
do you fucking understand?
this is not just a regular shitcoin
this is shitcoin even by shitcoin standards
what the fuck man

>> No.15992346

To be fair to Kleros, IDEX closed to burgers, and Ethfinex is migrating.

Also, you don't market-buy order books on low caps. It takes a while to accumulate positions, obviously. Don't be such a salty dingus. If you have such a "portfolio", you know how this works, and how it will go in the future.

>> No.15992395

Oh yeah I know how it works
99.999% of coins are beyond scam
99.999% of retarded shits shilled here are forgotten in 3 weeks max
99.999% of projects will eternally bleed out and never recover their value
This shit is not one of the 0.001%
Its a random pajeet shitcoin
The archives are full of them
You are probably new as fuck if you think this is somehow different

>> No.15992410

now you're just putting your hands over your eyes. kleros will prove themselves. you are probably new as fuck (.) (fin)

>> No.15992425

Onions Boy, Vitalik literally does shill this every month. Don't be delusional to this it won't gain well from speculation alone (not to mention more usage, which they will get) next year.

All this fighting from indians is bullish.

>> No.15992450

bearish for vitalik if anything

>> No.15992454


>> No.15992527
File: 166 KB, 400x400, 2AB4FB74-9299-4895-B4DF-875DD5F5B721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this really someone you want to invest in? Remember when he passive aggressively shat on link then was proven wrong literally a week later? This guy is an overly emotional passive aggressive bitch, people like that don’t make you rich.

>> No.15992711

Holy shit this in fighting. >>15992271
North Indian
South Indian

Or .. They do?

>> No.15992788


Dude you buyed few eth of dead shitcoin we get it stop spammin my board

Ill draw it to you:
a) idea si DUMB AS FUCK
b)vitalik is not on board he fucking weetet its "intresting concept"
c)sybil attacks
d)sybil attacks
e)sybil attacks
f)sybil attacks

>> No.15992958

Just wait till some large company comes in and partners with them to resolve low level disputes.

It doesn't even need the Ethereum network, it fits to many situations and from their previous uses, it works. There are literally 8/9 figure legaltech and corporations eyeing this shit up.

Vitalik shilling it means fuck all. Speaking at Stanford and that whole ' Yale thing' does.

Not holding a bag is insane.

>Inb4 they're bought up by a large chain or partner with a megacorp.

>> No.15993080


>> No.15993098


>> No.15993135

except, i disagree. vit shills are good. the market eventually catches up.

>> No.15993157

Can anyone provide a thorough answer to this anon's question from the same shill thread last week?

"PNK provides jurors the incentive to vote honestly3 by making incoherent jurors, i.e.
jurors whose votes do not agree with the ultimate ruling, pay part of their stake to coherent ones."
In their Bob & Alice example they give jurors 3 options to vote on; Reimburse Alice, Give Bob one extra week to finish the website, and Pay Bob. Let's assume the majority goes for Reimburse Alice, where the next largest group of jurors decide on Give Bob one extra week to finish the website. Any jurors who voted for Pay Bob would be penalized, alright that makes some sense especially if it was lopsided; maybe only 1% said Pay Bob. What if it was 80% Reimburse Alice and 19% Give Bob one extra week. Are the 19% here also paying PNK to the "coherent jurors"?
What if the website was actually well designed and Alice is nitpicking small things, but perhaps small things that were outlined in the contract? Now you may end up with a more even split of votes. As unlikely as it is, what happens in a hypothetical 33/33/34 type of vote? Some will feel the contract was not honored, Reimburse Alice. Others will say to be reasonable as Bob delivered on 90%+ of what was promised, and to give him an extra week to finish the website, Some might say that these things are easily and quickly corrected and don't want Bob to wait one more week to get paid.
Still reading the whitepaper and maybe these are brainlet questions but it's hard for me to wrap my head around penalizing jurors that don't go with the majority, when their votes aren't necessarily wrong

Don't vote with the majority and get penalized? How do you provide incentive for nodes to be ran when the penalty greatly outweighs the potential reward?

>> No.15993528
File: 87 KB, 235x297, 1540670549861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just wait till some large company comes in and partners with them to resolve low level disputes

Anon I...