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15990577 No.15990577 [Reply] [Original]

I'm trying to learn about them but all I see are arguments in favor of it. But there's has to be more to it. How are (((they))) profiting from it?

>> No.15990609

ok i'll try. whenever a bank loans money they take it from the central bank and give it to the debitor.
negative interest rates means the bank has to repay less money to the central bank.
the bank makes profit by lending with a higher rate than the central bank does with the bank.

there is also a negative interest rate for money that is parked at the central bank, which means the bank has to pay money to the central bank

>> No.15990612

basically it's a tactic used for people to stop hoarding money and spend more, this usually happens in a stagnant economy among other reasons, also
>bank lends at a negative interest to a prospective homeowner
>homeowner buys house with a mortgage
>years later shit hits the fan, money has less purchasing power than what it used to be
>homeowner can't afford to pay mortgage since he's swimming in other bills
>bank claims the house
>bank keeps the house
they basically gave away worthless pieces of paper and earned land in exchange

>> No.15990642

Thanks a lot /biz/bros, I'll keep reading about it but now I got a clearer picture.

>> No.15990860

the goal is to increase the monetary base (the interest spread is the amount of new money created after the loan is repaid) and to increase spending