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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15989984 No.15989984 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15989990

What supports its value?

>> No.15990029

Massive tech

>> No.15990078

it crashed from a billion cap to 20 mill. youd have to be legit retarded to buy this.

>> No.15990179

Like most of the other projects the Fall from its ATH was a brutal one. But saying that Ark is not capable of doing a 10-20x from where it is now(all time low almost) is more than stupid. Look at their github and coincodecap. Need to say more?

>> No.15990242

OP definitely knows his shit.

>> No.15990269

yes more is required

>> No.15990273

Stop shilling this bullshit ass 4 YEAR OLD JAVASCRIPT BLOCKCHAIN. It's a fork of Dan Larimers first shitty ass project. What is wrong with you idiots.

>> No.15990286

Reminder that comparing yourself to 'most of the other projects' to justify your 90% fall in value it makes you a shitcoin. Most of the other projects are shitcoins and so are you. Only the shitcoins crashed this hard. If your coin looks like the ark chart it's never recovering. Btc eth and link and possibly some exchange coins like bnb are the only ones with any kind of promise.

>> No.15990678


>> No.15990690

Ya by 4 year old shitcoins built by incompetent scammers and shilled by jeets

>> No.15990721

nice job slipping in more link shilling to that anti shilling post faget

>> No.15990788

LAME. Next.

>> No.15990841


>> No.15990859

it is not money and has no route to ever being money. the token economics are beyond forced.
it does not represent control of a scarce resource or a unique Schelling point. a dozen chains just like it could be launched and they would be at no disadvantage, having the same network effect i.e. zero.

>> No.15990872

Explain to me what gives Ark value. I'll wait.

>> No.15990879

well at leat Ark is about 100 x more legit project than chainlink

Ark has own blockchain, while chainlink doesnt have and chainlink is just ETH dependent erc-20 token, i.e. chainlink is not independent cryptocurrency

and chainlink has zero use case

i remember when the called Arkies deluded, but Ark is about 100 x more legit project than chainlink

i dont know what chainlink trying to achieve, chainlinks seems total scam

chainlink solve one problem, that is Sergey and co. money problem, chainlink has made Sergey and co.millionares

>> No.15990888

Where the fuck are you people even from?

>> No.15990916

Better, but still LAME. Next

>> No.15990935

How about refuting his point? Or better yet, answer my question here: >>15990872

>> No.15990939
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>> No.15990957

ARK will make you a netter person.

>> No.15990963

Puah button deployable blockchains. Anyone can make their own blockchain for any reason and its normie friendly. Also smartbridge tech, you can communicate across different blockchains

>> No.15990995

>Anyone can make their own blockchain
Why would they want to? If you need a blockchain, why not use one that's securely backed by proof of work like ETH?

>> No.15991001

> anyone can make their own blockchain
> anyone can make their own internet
> anyone can make their own
Solution to a non-problem

>> No.15991040

Even ETH wont be proof of work soon, ARK is cleaner and more environfriendly. Also ETH doesnt have smartbridge tech
>decentralize data feeds so you get scam companies inputting real world data and taking the "mean" instead of just trusting verifiable 3rd parties like the NASDAQ/CMC/etc

>> No.15991080

Transferring data between blockchains is absolutely trivial for any oracle solution, not even exclusive to Chainlink.

Ark being environmentally friendly is not a selling point. Databases are environmentally friendly. There is nothing that gives the Ark ecosystem any value.

>> No.15991085

>LAME. Next.
that's pretty much what the industry said this shitcoin, and lisk and crypti and all the other Dan larimer broken short lived shitcoins.. who the fuck would write a blockchain in javascript? it's like a summer project for a code school fag. NEXT

>> No.15991162

The fact that ist was initgially Developer in Java Reallohn grins your gears, right. They moved on already. Seek the blog post yourself, not here to spoonfeed you.

>> No.15991168

*developed in Java *really grinds

>> No.15991242

>not here to spoonfeed you
Good. Because no one wants to buy this garbage.

>> No.15991381


ark is unironically one of the projects that actually isn't a scam

>> No.15991396
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>LAME. Next

>> No.15991431

True dat.

>> No.15991459

>he really doesn't know
there's a reason why the team holds most of their funds in BTC and not in ARK

>> No.15991498

There are several things that the team is doing that should be considered problematic (team delegates, lack of marketing, cringe worthy behavior of certain team members, lack of ability to deal with criticism, the way the team is dealing with Chang and moon, one of the most valuable contributors to the ecosystem, just because they adress certain things) BUT
Overall the project is making decent progress on the development side plus they seem to try to listen more to community concerns, at least. So, arkies and doubters need to give ark at least another 9-12months to then judge whether the project is dead in the water or not. Also, funding should not be a problem over that timeframe. Patience is all that’s need. Not easy for /biz though, I know

>> No.15991618


>> No.15991641

>buying ARK in 2019.


Get some Kleros and live your life for a year, anon.

>> No.15991646

i paid 4k€ for 4k coins.
i fucking want my money back!
but that's what i get from trusting french men

>> No.15991662

You need your 4K instantly? If so: stop investing in shitcoins without expecting a average waiting time of 3-5 years.....