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15988790 No.15988790 [Reply] [Original]

Coordinated pump and dump scam happening with pump and dump group SATSGANG and DAG.

Satsgang bought up millions of DAG when the shitcoin was destroyed and slowly going out of business. They bought in the 30-40 sat range and accumulated a huge portion of the supply.
They then took over DAG community management at the request of their CEO Benjamin Jorgensen. He literally brought the scammers in to fleece their own community.
They were coordinating announcements, and manipulating their super thin books with market buys and sells, forming charts they could talk about.
Now every time it dumps you have the Satsgang in their telegram telling everyone why its dumping, blaming whales, blaming crazy stupid sellers and telling everyone to HODL for 100000x.
They push hard here on biz, in twitter, and push the hardest in the DAG telegram channels themselves. If you say one word that isnt positive about the price movement you are banned. If you think its going to retrace slightly you are attacked and often times banned just for suggesting it. If you even try to ask how they lost $33M in 18 months you are banned. If you ask why they laid off their entire staff you are banned. These questions (im not joking) are considered FUD. Perfectly legitimate questions any investor would make, any whale would demand to hear, any half way intelligent investor would require.....banned.
Massive volume spikes, massive selloffs, perfectly timed market buys, and thankfully Satsgang is there to tell you why its happening with helpful charts to support their story. This coin has no real volume yet the whole community is obsessed with charts thanks to Satsgang. Charts are fucking meaningless, but if you want to discuss price you must provide a chart which are all manipulated by Satsgang to begin with.
This is the most obvious Pump and Dump scam in all of crypto.
Look at their telegram channels. Lucky, RN03xx, Denny Dagins, Crypto Fan, Bazerka, and 30 DAG related alt accts.

>> No.15988811

thx for saving us anon..just dumped the rest of my 2mil

>> No.15988824

If you dont get it by now, Satsgang telegram people keep talking about a whale manipulating the price, putting up huge fake buy and sell walls. You fucking idiots are getting robbed in broad daylight and its only because your a bunch of dumb noobs otherwise it would be completely obvious.
Like fish in a barrel, and because they dont allow any talk that isnt MOON 10000X EOY, you will never know how much of a scam this shitcoin really is. They are OUT OF MONEY you fucking idiots. Thats why everyone left, thats why they have never gotten on a real exchange, thats why they brought in Shillrock investments, that is why their community is literally run by Satsgang.
DAG investors are literally the bottom rung on the ladder, few investors are stupid enough to fall for this shit. Seriously it is incredible people still actually think this is a good investment. Its not even a bad investment its a literal scam.

>> No.15988843

There are no buyers you dumbfuck. Its a scam precisely because there is $2M in volume and you cant even dump $5k

>> No.15988855

Why did DAG partner with fat Sergey then?

>> No.15988862

u save us from poarness.. thx you for coming here 5 times a day and posting this.. I swear diggles must have niggled ur gf.

>> No.15988879

I've seen Lucky and RNO3xx in other tokens and can confirm they manipulate the price and dump on people. I can't believe how deep they got in DAG. Im surprised the team allows them to do what they do right out in the open. Are they legally liable for not stopping them when it's obvious what they

>> No.15988898

I dont understand the question. Crypto partnerships are meaningless and plentiful. It says nothing about either company.
Thats impossible, Diggles is gay

They are in Ocean, VIDT, RSR, and whatever other thinly traded shitcoin that can be easily manipulated.

>> No.15988930

They also manipulated and shilled the shit out of Sentivate kek. They’re so obvious idk how plebs fall for this and buy their bags

>> No.15988948


Okay...anyone who listens to this over emotional brainlet who is salty because he bought the top and got raped in the bear market deserves to stay poor.

I know pretty much all those satsgang guys you just publicly slandered and all of them are real investors, certainly not pump n dumpers. This 4 chan sats gang thing is a meme and this guy is the definition of a sad bitter LOSER. Sociopath as well. Portland State University just added the Constellation team as academic advisors. The former hello kitty CEO is publicly backing this and helping with marketing and advising. Building a validation node with sergey and link. Are you going to listen to them or this this pathetic anon incel?

>> No.15989008

You are so full of shit its not even funny. Its far more likely you are a Satsgang bitch here to pump and dump like you do in every thread. You are currently pumping VIDT, OCEAN, DAG, MATIC, BOLT, SENT, MITIX, HOT, and ONE.
Every thread pushing any of these coins is Satsgang. They literally had to write we are "not" a pump and dump group on their twitter.

>thats when you know for sure its a pump and dump group.

Im really glad you could stop by and let us know they are all stand up guys and not a pack of dirty scamming indians. And all those odd $5M DAG disappearing buy/sell walls arent them, must be some huge whales. LOL you fucking brainlet

>> No.15989070


Confirned delusional retard. Satsgang has zero to do with VIDT or RSR. They are mostly pro DAG and QNT. Look man, you are obviously living in your own little autistic delusional space, so i will just put this out there for anyone reading who is sane and objectional. Go read all the details of the details of the partnership with Link and what they are building together. Go serch Diggles and Wyatts background history. Ask yourselves why would the creator of Hello Kitty a multi billion dollar valuation internatiobal brand want a stake in this. The go look at all the publications who reported the USAF contract. Go look.at the Portland State thing. But i guess the OP a 4 chan anon who just wants the best for everyone with no personal bias knows best right? OP you have been decimated. Go back to your basement already.

>> No.15989108

You are here to lie, that is what you are paid to do, so I get why you do this. But you are still lying.
Diggles and Wyatt never did shit in their previous jobs. The publications reporting about the DAG USAF "partnership" were all 100% DAG paid PR. Link isnt building shit with DAG, DAG has no fucking product.
You know how I have proof. Not a single investor in Silicon Valley has invested in DAG. This is the hub of all tech investment in the world and nobody believes in the value of this technology. They have 3-4 full time employees. The company has a tiny MC. So if all what you say isnt a lie, then everything I just wrote couldnt be possible. Yet its a fact.
You sir, are a fucking liar and a paid shill. You and your gang of pajeets are dumping on innocent dumb first time crypto investors. Get a real job and get the fuck out of biz.

>> No.15989127

The USAF partnership is a meme everyone already figured it out. If it wasn't a meme they wouldn't have an $8m MC. I looked into dag and saw nothing but moon freaks and desparate bagholders looking for the next announcement to dump

>> No.15989199


This was written by the Chainlink team.

t.co/6AgOVk2Te0?amp= 1

You are the liar here not me. And DAG most certainly did not pay all the outlets which reported. You can stay poor forever for all i care, but stop trying to drags others down with you.

>> No.15989216
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get help anon.. u do this every day

>> No.15989225

DAG paid for 100% of the PR, that is how PR works and it was picked up by everyone because that is called PR syndication you brainlet lying fuck.
I dont give a shit what bullshit PR Link put out for yet another bullshit crypto partnership. It was so monumental it had no impact on the tiny DAG MC. Nobody believes in DAG most importantly the smart money. Name one intelligent investor who purchased DAG.

>Protip there are NONE

Im sorry you make your money lying on the internet.

>> No.15989229

I'm a member of satsgang, OP. Fuck you. We're the smartest investors in crypto. We caught a future bluechip at 20 sat!! How mad does that make you right now?

>> No.15989233


Sorry, but upon reading your first 2 sentences it's easy to see how much of a brainlet you are. You obviously looked at it for 5 mins and listened to the fud. And DAG'S community is one of the best in all of crypto. It's marketcap is still at 8 mil because Kucoin is too easy to manipulate prices and we are in a shitty alt market. Even so, it was at a 2 mil cap just 3 months ago, retard.

>> No.15989272

Umm no. I owned a small stack of DAG and tried to engage the community. I tried to ask simple questions and got ran out of there as if I stole something. The community is rotten to the core, moonboys and bag holders only allowed

>> No.15989292


Lots of smart Link and QNT whales are loading up right now you over dramatic delusional simpleton. No one wasting their time as much as you fuddibg on 4 chan is successful nor intelligent. Please go back to wage cucking and flipping burgers. It suites you better.

>> No.15989293

Satsgang has arrived to explain why they arent pumping and dumping this shitcoin. Just happened to buy it all up when it was going under and somehow suddenly there is a huge pump and dump on every announcement. And I love your charts, so helpful, doesnt look like manipulation at all.
I understand there are no jobs in Mumbai but you could just rent your butthole for a few hours, at least it would be less time consuming.

>> No.15989311

Name one intelligent investor who has purchased DAG. Name one VC that has bought DAG? Name one or you are proven to be a liar. They are right in the heart of Silicon Valley, so prove your point. Who buys this trash besides PnD pajeets and the bagholders they swindle?

>> No.15989346

Still not over losing all that money in the presale, Raphael Rehman / That Martini Guy?

>> No.15989355

Chainlink has propensity to jump into partnership with unvetted coins, case MOABtoken.

>> No.15989367

lol this faggot thinks everyone is satsgang. This isn't some simulation, I'm a real person. Unironically take your meds schizo

>> No.15989376

Name an investor? I'm not going to list telegram handles from link, qnt and dag chat on here to appease a delusional brainlet like you. Go to etherscan for proof with your own eyes faggot.

As far as your other lame fud, does the ex CEO of Hello Kitty ring a bell? Also, DAG has a huge automobile partnership TBA. This thing will literally be unable for anyone to fud very soon. Keep crying those salty tears though.

>> No.15989392

legitimately will be hitting 1000 sat by eoy

>> No.15989415

Literal streetshitters shill this day in day out. Keking hard at your lives.

>> No.15989434

No Automobile partnership going to be announced, that is more "pump news" for you to spread.
Ex CEO of hello kitty has purchased exactly $0 of DAG.
There is not a single intelligent crypto investor who has purchased dag which you can point me to.
Yes, all bot trading for you Pump and Dump. Its easy to predict volume when you are the one manipulating it. They had $2M volume the other day and I couldnt sell $5k.

Not going to sit in biz and argue with paid shills and pump and dump scammers. Enjoy your losses and I hope you lose every penny.

>> No.15989448

You already lost every penny dumping bottom after the pre-sale

>> No.15989477

DAG is sooooo much bigger than Chainlink. DAG is one of, if not THE leading next generation network. Link will have to stand in line with their little web scaper with 20 other non-technical philosophy majors that mashed together a few tutorials and called it a project.

learn: https://github.com/Constellation-Labs/constellation/tree/dev/src/main/scala/org/constellation

>> No.15989486

You don't own anything because you sold the bottom like the retard you are. GTFO .

>> No.15989598

> No money
> No dev team

Yes it's going to the top just as soon as they find some money from a few more college freshman with $200

>> No.15989633

Wow, OP actually flushed members out. That says a lot by itself having several of them come forward. This is getting interesting; figured shills ran this board now.

>> No.15989656


OP made the classic biz mistake of buying the top and selling the bottom and now cant cope because he is a beta faggot.

>> No.15989688
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>> No.15989745

This classic mistake seems to be made by anyone entering a pump and dump scam you streetshitting pajeet

>> No.15989757

>New investors. Real VC not ICO bullshit
>one of the most active githubs in crypto
Try harder faggot, you missed the boat.

>> No.15989783

>Thinks an active GIThub means something important

>Thinks Shillrock is a real investor

Stay poor mi amigo

I just took a look at the trade books. My God if this isn't a fully manipulated pump and dump scam I don't know what is.

You will be dumped on if you buy this scam gauranteed. Or you could hold all the way to zero, your only 2 options

>> No.15989824

Fucking kek. The state of crypto is sad. Nobody is gonna make it until all these wannabe projects are flushed out of the market. When your project relies on relevancy from scamming on newbie investors it's all but over

>> No.15989906 [DELETED] 

Right...one look at the kucoin orderbook which allows hidden orders now buy.the way tells you it's a scam. At least the OP has some what creatibe fud, your fud is downright lazy and pathetic. Muh...orderbook...muh pump n dump. JSTU you miserable excuse for a human.

>> No.15989917


Right...downplays all the proof of work on github and with one look at the kucoin orderbook, which allows hidden orders now by the way, tells you it's a scam. At least the OP has somewhat creative fud, your fud is downright lazy and pathetic. Muh...orderbook...muh pump n dump. JSTFU you miserable excuse for a human.

>> No.15989934


>> No.15989963

Is someone's pump and dump scam getting exposed? Sorry man it doesn't take long to look at the books and see it's totally manipulated. Are you more pissed off I came to the conclusion too fast? It's still my conclusion and any trader with half a fucking brain sees it's a pump and dump. Sorry Rahsheesh

>> No.15989991

Downplays the facts they lost $33M FUCKING DOLLARS in less than 18 months with nothing to show for it except and active GitHub from polish freelancers and abandonment by their entire team.
Have a bright and sunny day in Calcutta. You won't be dumping on bizlets today, no extra curry for you

>> No.15990132

The only thing you could be talking about is typical Kucoin bot activity...otherwise you are full of shit and you know it. You fudders are getting dumber and dumber.

>> No.15990158

Oh ffs...already back to resorting to your old washed out fud. I have seen your pics Raphael. You are literally a street shitter. Just accept the fact you sold the bottom like the little brainlet you are and go back to making curry or kibabs at your food stand already.

>> No.15990173

OP is really uncovering some shill shit on this board. Props to him. I’ve seen him calling out shit for a good while now and it all seems to add up.

>> No.15990182

Look into PNK. One of the honest projects out there, similar to LINK except without the cult.

>> No.15990197

ITT: That Martini Guy, Raphael and his buddies working for FANTOM SCAMMER MICHAEL CHEN on the Howdoo pump and dump.

Proof DAG FUD is coordinated by them:

>> No.15990214


DAG trolls are on the Fantom payroll coordinated by Michael Chen.

>> No.15990289

All I know is
>New investors
>epic code
>faggoty FUD
>even the haters are obsessed

>> No.15990365
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>> No.15990390

thanks for exposing this scam pnd shitcoin

>> No.15990425

finally some 4chan fud, but prolly not denting price :(

>> No.15990467

> The only thing I'm pumping & dumping is your mom.

> Done son.



>> No.15990493

Down 90% how much more dented can it get?

>> No.15990553

As if people are still fudding this, its actually laughable lol the 4chan cesspit is legit.

>> No.15990922
File: 94 KB, 938x944, checkem-57b6fd9dd9e6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you like Constellation? its early charts were a little too pump and dump for my trades, but when the USAF partership was announced in summer 2019 i think smart money really filled their bags. Financially and emotionally. The whole chart has a clear, obvious moon mission vibe and a new sheen consummate directed acyclic graph source code that really gives crypto another chance to moon. Its been compared to IOTA and ByteBal but i think DAG has a way cooler and more chad tier ticker name.

>> No.15990927

Tell this faggy group to pump Zuckbucks to $5 already.

>> No.15991595
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LITERALLY partnered with the US Air Force and Chainlink:


Get fucked FUDDERs. DAG is going to the top 50.