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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15982065 No.15982065 [Reply] [Original]

Is being hated the most based thing ever?

> If you arent hated you are a nobody.

Is this unironically true?

>> No.15982088

to be despised by men and admired by women...is really the only worthwhile sign that you're going in the right direction

>> No.15982421

Sex up my ass baby.

>> No.15982696

I never understood why seemingly so many people hate some others people that succeed, did better or say some truth

like how low of an IQ should you have to feel like so?
"but humans are like that" is not a reason, many are not like that, because it's so god damn retarded, so why, does it have to do with mental retardation?

>> No.15982729

If you aren’t disliked by at least someone there’s a high chance you’re a pussy and a pushover who has never fought for anything or held firm to your beliefs and principles.

>> No.15982742

true in world of Warcraft

>> No.15982763


>> No.15982854

>mental retardation

your ending sentence should actually be
>[...] so why; Does it have to do with mental retardation

>imagine not knowing when to use a semi-colon

>> No.15982972

It's a lowlevel sign of success
1. nobody
2. famous public person
3. puppetmaster (control over money etc.) without going public

2 is a stepup from 1 that will attract hate but 3 is still better and doesn't attract any hate.

>> No.15982979

Are you implying beets are somebodies?

>> No.15983006


>> No.15983144

>rothschilds, soros aren’t hated

>> No.15983332

>writes books, gives interviews, appears on tv
>not public figure

As for rotschilds you don't even know the family yourself. They can walk on the street without being known. If you want to claim you hate them you hating an abstract idea of a rich powerful family and nothing more because you don't know the real ones at all.

>> No.15983383

So you’re saying Soros is a puppet rather than a puppet master? Lol then tell me who’s pulling his strings? As for the rothschilds not being recognised in public that’s just delusion. I can show you videos of them being confronted on the street.

>> No.15983434

Soros didn't hide his ass that's all i'm saying.
Theorizing about whether hes someone else minion is beside the point. It's factual hes a public figure.

As for your examples - some extremely invested people hunting the old rothshild guy is not indicative. Normies have their personal stalkers too. The point is most of the family is completely unknown to the world.

>> No.15983452
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>to be despised by men and admired by women
another day
another dollar

>> No.15983504

He can’t hide his ass because he’s behind too much shit to be unknown. Anonymity seldom comes with that much power. Same with the rothschilds. It doesn’t matter who hates them, the fact is they are hated by a significant number of people. If you have some examples of real elite powers who hide their power level id be glad to hear them.

>> No.15983512
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>3. puppetmaster (control over money etc.) without going public

>> No.15983567

That's an oxymoron. If they are known they failed hiding - like the examples already given here.

That said it's on public record that most of the lower rich avoid the press like the pest - journos cry about it regularly. What's the point after all? Nothing to gain painting a target on yourself.

>> No.15983578

Everyone thinks im a creepy incel, does that count as something?

>> No.15983690

This. By having ideals and beliefs, you're guaranteed to clash with someone if you genuinely believe in them.

Now if you're clashing with everyone, you're probably just a shitty person and should reassess your ideals.

>> No.15983723

Who is this dude anyway?

>> No.15983779

It’s not an oxymoron because real wealth creators and puppet masters who are anonymous don’t exist and your theory is b.s. Now you’re changing the goalposts to gain some validity, it’s no longer the puppetmasters you’re talking about but the “lower class rich”.

>> No.15983906

Simple example is south korea. Their leader was controlled by a fucking sect and nobody knew before it accidentally leaked and she had to resign. Google it.

Just cause you don't know shit doesn't mean it doesn't exist.

>> No.15983957

>implying that cult isn’t hated
Dumbfuck why do you think there was so much backlash in the first place?

>> No.15983985

Are you legit retarded? Nobody knew they even existed before it got out and so they couldn't even hate them. Then they failed hiding and it broke down.

Now decide do you want a public example or not? I told you already it's an oxymoron to ask about those who didn't fail.

>> No.15984009

Would rather be admired by my Bros and hated by the hos Desu

>> No.15984082

This is just cope and you know it.

>> No.15984092

It’s pretty clear you’re the turbo retard here. By your own sentiment since they got exposed they “failed” and now you’re literally arguing for the oxymoron you suggested earlier. God you’re a fucking idiot.

>> No.15984189

They existed as a secret puppet master before the failed for over a decade...
Why do you need everything spelled out?

>> No.15984228


I was just thinking about this today. How to make people feel intimidated by you without being bully or using physical strength. How to make everyone feel awed by you?

I think you need to participate in normie things, they respect money, status, fame. But if you’re high iq anon all this stuff besides money isn’t attractive to you and even money isn’t something you’d flash with or spend frivolously.

So yeah, if you’re a decent person with morals normies will never hate or respect you. They’ll think they are above you and I hate this. But to prove that you’re better than them, you have to play their games.

What would you decide?

>> No.15984269

>How to make people feel intimidated by you without being bully or using physical strength. How to make everyone feel awed by you?

By becoming someone that they cannot possibly become no matter how hard they tried. Usually this can be done by being incredibly successful relative to your peers in similar socioeconomic and age groups, but also be setting good examples, and becoming a role model for those who are lost.

>> No.15984283


I feel like that too. But on the other hand, if you're good a person and try helping others, I feel like they respect you less and are quick to take advantage of you.

I think the best combination is of respect & fear, without fear respect goes away quickly becomes normies only understand power. Be it money, status, fame, that's why money signaling is so powerful. They respect some guy with rented lambo and fake jewelry and clothes that look real more than millionaire that lives below his means and wears normal clothes. That's my dillema.

>> No.15984352

They all “fail” at keeping anonymous, that’s the point I’ve been trying to make. Every single “secret” society ends up becoming unbidden and exposed. Freemasons, elite banking jews, the Vatican and practically every other “secret” society. The world is too transparent for them not to be.

>> No.15984366


>> No.15984422

Because he isn't the sharpest cuck in the shed.

>> No.15984472

This thread is the manifestation of Cringe.

>> No.15984514
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>I feel like that too. But on the other hand, if you're good a person and try helping others, I feel like they respect you less and are quick to take advantage of you.

This is only true to the extent that you aren't aware of the fact that you are being used. Part of helping others is knowing who to help, and also when to say no.

>Be it money, status, fame, that's why money signaling is so powerful. They respect some guy with rented lambo and fake jewelry and clothes that look real more than millionaire that lives below his means and wears normal clothes.

This might be true for nigger rappers, but I think that there is a level above this cheapness and that is understated but confident elegance in both disposition and attire. I think the classic image of an English gentleman like pic related is a good example of this - I guarantee that any dude that holds his form dressed like that is going to be respected anywhere he is, including by shit-tier nigger rappers even though they might not show it.

Buying a lambo and clothing yourself in Gucci and Prada is a cheap and easy way to show off money and fame, but the values you want to embody should always be those that cannot be bought and can only be cultivated through years of self-improvement.

>> No.15984549


Oops sorry forgot to reference the correct post for above.

>> No.15984676

Refute anything I’ve said then snoothbrain

>> No.15985032

This is a cope, anon. Talk to your therapist about it.
>But I don't have a therapist.
Get one. Anyone who posts in certain boards (and /biz/ is certainly one) could use a therapist