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15973183 No.15973183 [Reply] [Original]

>had a fast food binge last night, which I didn't feel guilty about because lifting weights went well that day
>go to sleep
>wake up today after 8 hours of sleep
>browse internet, drink coffee, do online numerical tests for jobs
>read a small amount of a history book and a small amount of a pseudy old novel
>go to gym and lifting goes well
>go in to central London for my usual walk, while listening to a podcast
>walk through a park
>get to an underground station because it's only 4 pm and I've run out of ideas about places to go
>get on a random underground train and get off a few stops later
>walk a bit more, see lots of rich looking GigaStaceys, which was demoralising
>now drinking coffee
>unsure what I'll eat tonight

I saw some temporary construction walls in an underground station and there was a sign that said: "Danger: Deep void"

I saw this 6.x/10 girl who looked similar to another one I saw in a previous job. It's the type that looks 7 from some angles or 6 from another. I these types are the most terrified of betas like me because they probably get non-blackpilled betas talking to them.

I feel indignant for not getting jobs because I'm smart (or smart enough to succeed in intellectually meritocratic systems) but a non-normie. But my indignation is kind of based on this idea that society deems giving career benefits based on hard work and smarts morally good, compared to nepotism and normieness contests (because then every institution does its job better, and society improves, and society is happy). But the blackpilled take isn't that people are selfish and defying society (i.e., defying what we would all agree to as the common goal). It's that society's filtering of ugly autists like myself is simply is the desired societal moral system.

The character limit stops me from writing more and answering counter arguments but it's kind of a new take. I'm not the victim of cross incentives in society, I'm the inconsequential detritus.

>> No.15973192

stop drinking coffee you dumb junkie

>> No.15973210

how do do you sustain yourself londonfrog

>> No.15973239
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Stop blogging up this board you waste of space. Quit being so judgmental and ask other people questions about their lives to escape the bottomless pit that is your psyche.

>it's kind of a new take
No, it's not a new fucking take. You're rearranging the same shit you always complain about and feel as though it's somehow constructive

>> No.15973244

What's the point to this post besides being your diary?

>> No.15973258

This is spam I've seen this exact post on other boards.

>> No.15973271

Can a mod please ban this gay blogposter already

>> No.15973273

>What's the point to this post besides being your diary?
There is none. Nothing anyone ever says is going to change this crybaby's mind, he will always have constructed an a priori reason for his failures. I refuse to use softer language with him when dissecting his shit-eating blogposts.

>> No.15973276

bro just start applying in coffee shops or something. They take anyone who seems somewhat hygienic and relaxed/capable.
They're also a good place to work on social skills.
Anything's better than the hell of joblessness.

>> No.15973291
File: 305 KB, 722x683, 0508537A-7779-4959-B9EB-E69EDF312250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these negative threads are literally the JIDF (Jewish Internet Defense League) astroturfing all of social media pretending to be "fellow whites" talking about how they're giving up. They come in bunches. Look at the board right now. Mutiple demoralization threads made in the last few hours. The point is that they repeat this shit so much and so often that they think it will catch on and normal happy people will be infected by it.

If you think I am joking or that this is just a "conspiracy theory" take a look around the board right now. Any time you see a thread like this, take a look at the other threads on the board, and you will likely see several.

This shit is real and people are not paying attention to the fact that they are in a literal war with racists who are using real organized psychological warfare to harm them.

>> No.15973299


I have a job.

>> No.15973356
