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15972448 No.15972448 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like the only option that will work as cash works in the physical world

>> No.15972460

Why not

>> No.15972470

Are you okay with a 100x?

>> No.15972484

I'd buy some if it wasn't for the utterly fucking eyesore of a logo

>> No.15972880

It's not going to 100x if it's being made illegal in a lot of place it runs into liquidity issues. If you can't convert it then it because worthless. You could p2p it and it could be valuable but that's a risk. I could see it ether way as long as their is a market of some sort even an illegal one.

>> No.15972901

Better go for SKY

>> No.15973035
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let me explain to you why this is a legitimate project but sadly it is nothing more than another test bed for bitcoin

1) the proof of work ideology of not letting asic's on the network can't scale, and therefore long term the coins governance is weighted towards dev centralization

2) you can have privacy in bitcoin by using wasabi wallet and coin joins, yes it is more complicated and less user friendly to achieve privacy in bitcoin at the moment, but do you want a hard 21 million limit on your money or not faggot?

3) the project is literally 10x less scale-able than bitcoin due to the size of transactions, which is a trade off in engineering decisions the monero community made to achieve privacy

in conclusion what you end up with is a utility token (the only real utility token that exists right now, sorry shitcoiners) that has very very good privacy, but can't scale and long term has an insecure ledger, so it's not good to store your wealth in. bitcoiners already know all this, but shitcoiners know this coin has a low market cap and therefore you can make money off an alt coin rally. Use this information as you will gentlemen.

>> No.15973300
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bump for noob visibility

>> No.15973467

Awful take.

>> No.15973484


if it's so awful, why don't you explain for the noobs in detail where i am wrong? oh right.. you're just a shitcoiner that doesn't know anything

>> No.15973513

btc is layer 1 and will always remain so due to inherent restrictions and the trilemma
stop trying to force it as something it's not. monero isn't perfect but bitcoin will NEVER be a privacy coin.

>> No.15973516

>Not already having 1,000
Not gonna make it.

1. RandomX is cooming out by the end of november and will be the ultimate mining algorithm. Rather than create an algorithm that ascis can then be made for, they treated cpus as ascis and made an algorithm specifically for them. Every cpu on the planet will then be able to competitively mine monero.
2. No. Tail emission makes up for lost coins and incentivizes miners.
3. Bulletproofs have already reduced transaction sizes by 80% and fees by 95%

>> No.15973519

Because it's 4am and I'm about to sleep. Bitcoiners are morons that think they're smart because they're not literal drooling retards that buy chink scams. If the threads still up in 6 hours I'll be back.

>> No.15973529


because you are wrong and will continue losing all of your money on shitcoins, as has been proven over the last 2 years. sleep well. :)

>> No.15973531

based gross thot and information poster

>> No.15973540


you can use it with privacy if you aren't retarded? when will shitcoiners admit this? oh right, they have bags to unload on n00bs

>> No.15973570

For the same money you can buy a Dash or a Zcoin masternode

>> No.15973574


even the devs admit all randomX can do at best is hold off asics for a few years and hopefull cap the asic superiority on mining down to 2-4x efficiency over GPU or CPU mining, at which point they will have to hard fork AGAIN

like i said, "no asics" is not a scale-able ideology and makes the coin developer centralized

>> No.15973615

randomX is the last resort vs ASICs. If it doesn't work, they will ASICs take over. That has already been stated. Hard forks are not option long term.

>> No.15973628

>aren't retarded
look how that turned out for those pedo's recently. BTC transactions can be tracked easily if glowniggers actually care enough. BTC is not a privacy coin in any respect.

>> No.15973642


so in that future, what is the point of XMR if it's run by a network of asic's? it's still going to be a less secure network with lower hash rate and at best a utility token for bitcoiners

all you are left with in the end is the privacy aspect of the coin, which bitcoin already has if you use it properly

>> No.15973653


retard if you buy your coins on coinbase and send them to a single address of course they can trace you. buy your coins without KYC or use coin joins and tumble your coins jesus this stuff isn't hard