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15970756 No.15970756 [Reply] [Original]

Alright you cheap bastards, I am buying a motorcycle for my quarter-life crisis. If I was to point a gun in your head and ask you to choose between the following, which one would you choose? Not buying is not an option, pros (+) and cons (-)

New 2019 Harley 1200 Iron -$11K
>+power out of the box because autobahn no conversion needed
>+comfortable seat
>+better resale because market is full of 883s and 1200 is fairly new

New 2019 Harley 883 Iron -$10K
>+can be converted and be better than stock 1200 for like $1K or less if I DIY
>-Less power
>-might have to spend more to have it converted

Used 2018 Harley 883 iron -$7.5K
>+can be converted and be better than stock 1200 for like $1K or less if I DIY
>-Used for 700 miles in the span of 3-4 months, then sat in storage for a year
>-do I wanna be a cuck by buying used for my first and long term bike?
>+/- Might have no warranty, great if it does

Pls help me, number crunching nerds :(

>> No.15970765

none of those are cheap faggot, you sound like you've never ridden. get a vulcan for ~2k since you'll probably eat shit.

>> No.15970775

Wrong board faggot. Motorcycles are terrible investments, and typically lead to your death.

>> No.15970776

Buy a cheap 250 and learn how to ride on that before you lay out a brand new harley

>> No.15970779

Well the actual frugal thing to do is not buy a bike at all or buy a used old model for cheap.

That aside as someone who is just frugal and doesn't ride bikes my opinion is the 883 unmodded

>> No.15970792

I had the Vulcan, great bike

Youre assuming I am that eager to live

I already know how to ride breh this will be my first time in a while that I am buying something for myself and I have a choice

You guys suck at this game

>> No.15970801


Of course.

Its worth noting that the 883 has been around for decade, therefore I dont know if the market is better or worse for having that many 883s running around especially since most beginner biker's have >>15970776 mentality

the 1200 came out in 2018

>> No.15970822
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>> No.15970852
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>tfw no bearded hipster biker with a tatted up bitch snuggling up to you
why even live bros?

>> No.15970881

I’ll just /thread myself
Fuck this thread

>> No.15970910
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OP here

YOu know how I got here? I bought a ring for a btch that didnt deserve it, glad I realized wtf I was doing, snapped out of it before I got down to one knee.

Sold the ring, and now here we are, trying to decide which bike I should get with the ring money

>> No.15970934
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Rider here
I'd get a Suzuki M109r, harleys are for faggots

>> No.15970948

Faggot bikeboy
I am buying a 3rd gen trans am for my crisis

>> No.15970951

>I'd get a Suzuki M109r, harleys are for faggots

Bitches dont care about performance ;)

>Harley vs Any other bike
>Iphone vs Any other phone

Not that bitches is the end all be all, but why win it all?

>> No.15970957

>Bitches don't care about performance
Neither do they care whether it says Harley or Suzuki or Yamaha on your cruiser, who gives a shit about bitches anyway

>> No.15970985

Well, as a long term gearhead of both bikes and cars, I don't like Harleys. The unbalanced firing sequence is all for the glam of that trademark Harley sound and doesn't do shit for power yet the vibrations cause leaks, loose bolts/ nuts and other problems that wouldn't otherwise been a problem. Personally I think it's a bejeweled ass plug so you can fit in with the crowd of other posers that are more interested in looking cool in assless leather chaps with your man-bun life size vibrators.

But seriously fuck my opinions on brand. If it's what you desire then do it. Buy the used one, and modify it to make it yours. Your assless leather chap weekend badasses will be more impressed with the bike that can only be customized/modified and not bought off the showroom floor. It'll get you extra bedazzled points.

But seriously get the used bike. Put the extra money into the paintjob that speaks to you and the engine mods. You'll have a better sense of pride of ownership and you won't find another like it. Make it yours. Though Harley's retain value very well, you'll still lose right out of the gate buying new. If you have the facilities to do so, get a factory service manual and learn to do your own work and be self sufficient if you aren't already. If it's your first Harley it'll be a bonding experience that makes the bike yours more so than just shelling the cash out at the dealership like the faggot doctors for their weekend badass sons-of-anarchy cosplay fantasies. If you do it right, you'll have a faster, more unique bike that you'll be comfortable modifying to fit your needs and wants better than any showroom new bike, ever. Remember that hand-worked shit is always cooler than new, and yet modifying without moderation can cause reliability and other issues. The best modified gearhead shit is either 100% custom, or clean enough that you can't tell it's modified unless you know what you're looking at. No matter what, enjoy the ride

>> No.15970987

I've got a Honda Shadow for my first bike. Only four gears, cheap as shit, but it'll still take the highway. Costed me 700 bucks, and it gets me and the girl where we gotta be. If you're dead-set on American, get an Indian Scout. You'll spend more time on the road and less in the garage. Harleys are shit.

>> No.15971010

And wear a goddamn helmet. I got two people I know that are challenged by Wal-Mart shopping carts and revolving doors because a brain bucket was out of style. At worst Get a crash helmet with your country's flag and a fuck you painted on it and put a few cigars out on it. It'll fit in well enough

>> No.15971012

But they like how Harleys look. And they know what a Harley is lol

>To bitches cruisers = harleys

>> No.15971014

Very excellent points

>> No.15971044

I’d get an Indian scout.
Harleys are fucking gay imo

>> No.15971046

but where do I get the tatted up slut anon?

>> No.15971070

Have you tried tinder?

>> No.15971104
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Also arent chaps supposed to be assless? Wouldnt chaps that have ass just.... pants?

>> No.15971195


>> No.15971216
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Enjoy your Harley :)

Seriously, no homo.

>> No.15971223
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Okay, I'm done now.

>> No.15971616
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Only Harley Riders fucks

>> No.15971666

buy life insurance as well

>> No.15971675

this is you

>> No.15972047

Second hand if you don't want to take the first price hit OP.

>> No.15972147
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BEtter question, which one of these has the best value and why?

My gut is telling me its the brand new 1200

>> No.15972247

Harleys are gay af, get an indian

>> No.15972269

HD is for midclass boomers. Get an Indian if you want a chad American cruiser.

>> No.15972471

Single most dumbest normanest investment of your life

>> No.15972595
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>Can't read Harley haters comments because this is what I'm looking at on the reg

>> No.15972738

If you never have owned a motorcycle but still want a cruiser, check out a Suzuki Blvd. Got mine for 2700 and it was great to learn on.

>> No.15972780
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I am past that stage anon, I want more now

I agree

It's not

I never lived in the moment, and my fomo was not just a fear, life was passing me by.

>go to school
>get a an educated GF your parents like and whose parents like you
>never raise your voice
>go to church
>don't eat gluten
>participate in the rat race
>pay taxes

Next thing I know I'm 29 and I wish I lived. I wish I did some drugs, got a couple of tattoos, got into fights, skydive.

>> No.15972806
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>I wish I did some drugs, got a couple of tattoos, got into fights, skydive.

good, good

>> No.15972830
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Don't be retarded anon...

>> No.15972845
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You can do most of those things and still have a lot of fun without ruining your life.
You can skydive with your ugly gf
You can fight with your gf
You can get a tattoo or whatever, get an anchor or something that shows how much you like when dudes fuck your gf, maybe like a "proud cuck" tatt or slme shit
Smoke some weed.
Bam! Now you have lived a little.

>> No.15972961

Good on you for participating in one of the last bastion of American freedom Anon. See yah out there

>> No.15973014

>If I was to point a gun in your head and ask you to choose between the following, which one would you choose?
I don't care about motorbikes so I would buy the cheapest and dump it in a lake.

>> No.15973026

buy a older used harley. Motorcycles are hard as fuck to sell on the second hand market if you buy something kinda new you are going to be stuck on it for a while. Just buy something that needs works and list it for sale while you ride it until someone wants it.

>> No.15973030


You'll see what I mean.

I wish I hooked up more in college instead of just studying.

>> No.15973043

Get the one you really want. This is about living, not letting other people tell you what to do.

>> No.15973214


>> No.15973294

>>15972780fantasy chasing. Your life is your own. Stop looking at tatt/harley/biker slut threads on Instagram. If it's not your scene, its not your scene. Harley advertisement is not to be taken seriously.

>> No.15973316

>smart, frugal
>wants a new harley

>> No.15973322


>> No.15973728


>> No.15973748

op dont finance a brand new bike. go to a used motorcycle dealer. youll find a badass bike with upgrades on it for a fraction of the price

>> No.15973753

Buy the used one, nothing wrong about that. Less power is not an issue (it's an Harley, you won't ride at 100mph anyway) and it's cheaper, plus bikes are bought by passionate customers so you know that in general used bikes are well kept.

>> No.15974198
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The only reason why you "need" to do those things is so that you understand that you really don't want to do those things. Hang a bit with druggies, people who get tats and end up in fights and you'll see what I mean.

>> No.15974204

>Next thing I know I'm 29 and I wish I lived. I wish I did some drugs, got a couple of tattoos, got into fights, skydive.

Anon I lived like a degenerate from 17 to 23 (currently) being on the streets, doing drugs and staying in trap houses. And guess what? I’m having a midlife crisis knowing I turning 24 and I only have six years left of my prime. Honestly if I could do it all again all I wish I would have had was a good, close group of friends who I trusted and some hobbies like 40k or something. What will truly make you happy is good friends and a few interests along with a good girl of course.

>> No.15974543

>getting into fights

You can just join your local boxing gym. Street fights are dangerous and unpredictable.

Your attitude is similar to the people who climb Mount Everest to "live a little" only to end up dying from exposure.

>> No.15974955
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After reading a bunch on the topic, it appears that I will be spending about the same if I buy the new 1200 and the used 883

The new 883 is the most expensive option.

Since I am dead set on having the extra HP conversion kits come with.

I don't know how else I can distinguish the two to make a better decision. Insurance rates between a >\< 900cc bike?

Pls halp

>> No.15974963

Sleep is love, Sleep is life.

>> No.15975099


>> No.15975114
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I cant sleep because of my dilemna

>> No.15975152
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go build a bored/stroked shovelhead and shut the fuck up

>> No.15975317

buy Japanese. cheaper, more reliable, and better performance.

at least go Indian if you're going for USA* cruiser

>> No.15975324

Ok say I dont want a Jap bike.

The options are at the OP >>15975114 here is how they look

>> No.15975405


>> No.15975547
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>I don't want a Jap bike
Why not?
I honestly can't think of a single reason ro get a HD over a jap bike. There is absolutely no way owning something like picrelated would give you less success with women than if it said Harley-Davidson
This dilemma here is nothing like say you want a BMW sedan and I tell you to get a Hyundai or something.
Actually you know what? Get a V-Rod if you can, that's the harley I would get if I had to get one

>> No.15975742
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I say the used if those 3 are your only options.
I'd also say get an even older bike and put more work into it to a. save more money and b. have something with more soul.

Anyway you're a dumb fucking retard for wanting a harley
>extremely gay "culture" of owners who either larp as 1%ers or are someone's dad named Bill who really just wants a hog to feel young again
last tip, only the trashiest nastiest whores think anything of any motorcycle, let alone a harley.
If you're getting a bike to impress women you're a bigger retard than I thought.

have fun with your 8 thousand dollar toy. Wear a helmet faggot

>> No.15976219

aint that great
one day shell fall off and gets her face destroyed by the hard asphalt leaving a disgusting red trail

>> No.15976271
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Eh, I hitch hiked around, had some fun and stuff. It did have a lot with who I am today and bla bla bla bla bla.. but I had to go through that stuff because I already came from a poor ass family with problems so it was easier for me to get into that stuff than try to live a regular life, which I would have really enjoyed, but we are poors so whatever, in some kind of paradox fashion though I would have never learned about God,LINK, and a lot of realities of life which inspire me to rise above the chaotic world and maybe one day I can make a lasting difference(God willing) but today I just take it one day at a time. You worry too much anon.
Go read ecclesiastes.

>> No.15976288

Maybe you could try getting your hands on some DMT.
Also having sex with a lot of girls aint so amazing if most of them are fat and silly looking lunatics.

>> No.15976952


I'm not one of your girlfriends that wants to chat about shopping faggot. This is /biz/ I hope you die on that motorcycle too. Have a great rest of your life.

>> No.15977353

>I only have six years left of my prime
LOL I guess everybody's prime is quite different.
Some are old before 20, others are vital in their 50s

>> No.15978115

You bitch, Jethuth Chwith

>> No.15978207

You've got shit taste bruh. Harleys are shitty in pretty much every way except that they sound amazing. Get a 2005 VN2000.

>> No.15978289

How much money do you have in your bank and what do you make a year and I'll tell you what to buy what are your expenses roughly how old are you and what are your prospects for job and life?

>> No.15978432
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I am a contractor that gets a job yearly. No guarantees I'll be employed next year, BUT I will be employed until September 2020. Looking to get out of this unstable af life and be a regular 9-5 government job just for the retirement.

I have $3K to spend on this, not gonna touch my $70K "oh shit" off shore money (more like "cant" for now) dont ask.

I make $95K/year after taxes.

Just turned 29.

Dont wanna say exactly what I do, but pic related is related. And if you know, you know.

>> No.15978589

Wtf, you're Garand Daddy?

>> No.15978594

Get a Ducati instead.

>> No.15978602

No no I'm not lmao

I've met flannel daddy tho for pleasure not business ;)

>> No.15978644

Unf. Wtf, tell him anon said hi, and I want to shoot my FAL with him. I-I'll even buy a plate carrier and everything

>> No.15978662

Also, tell him I'm gonna be a marine pilot within 4 and I'll be watching his ass from above. <3
Harleys are still shite btw, seriously get a BMW or VN2000

>> No.15978666

Coincidence based post.

I just bought a 883 iron for 7K. Only has 300 miles on it. Go with used.

>> No.15978707

Check this than thank me later


>> No.15978941

Thanks for nothing

>> No.15979411
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How do you like it, evil trips?


>> No.15980731

Based ecclesiastes anon. I suggest reading Ecclesiastes 1:9, and truly understanding its meaning - for every anon here.

>> No.15980761

>Harley Davidson
Fuck off boomer

>> No.15980798

What's this style of bike called?

>> No.15980812

Buy a used ducati or a cheap crotch rocket.

>> No.15980831

why don't you just fucking kill yourself, retard

>> No.15980861

Cruiser or power cruiser