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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15970011 No.15970011 [Reply] [Original]

What's your reason for wanting to make it /biz/?

>freeing my family from wageslavery and helping them pursue true happiness

>> No.15970034
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Gaining sovereignty over my family so I can elevate them from wagekuking and being blind normies

>> No.15970067
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Exposing the jew, i figure with enough money ill be able to.

>> No.15970087

Revenge. Dab hard af on my roastie ex and then fuck all the basic bitches that I went to high school with

>> No.15970130
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Alot of reasons some selfish some not selfish
I want to make my parents retirement as comfy as humanly possible to the point they can afford people to come in and do all the chores they have around their place. I want to make sure my sister if she chooses will never have to work another day in her life again. I want to make my 2 closest friends also have enough money they can retire to persue hobbies and passion or at least quit for awhile to just relax while investing and making themselves money. I have a friend that has a few business ideas I want to fund since otherwise he'll be saving for the next 20yrs and by that point someone else came in and took the spot he wanted to get. My reasons are I wanna make sure i can wake up decide to fly to mongolia and spend the weekend eating mongolian female ass than fly back like nothing happened. I want a few vanity projects like a giant wizards tower and moat around my yard and I want another vanity project in a lambo and some other super car just so I can pretend I have a big penis. Also being amused by the thots that'll throw themselves at me over said lambo or super car. Mostly tho I just wanna have so much money various levels of rich elites become aware of me but dont bother me since im just a little guppy in a giant ass lake. I want to continue my plans since I moved to cabintown usa population 601 to buy up all the surrounding property and turn those into private residents for myself or friends down on their luck and turn a few into full crypto mining fortress for bitcoin/altcoins shitcoins of the month. Along with buying up a few dead business to either reopen them or turn them into something else like a gas station. I want to own this region of the lake im in including all the property on the island in the middle of the lake. there's more but thats the jist of it

>> No.15970457

After not selling at the peak of the last bullrun I'm content with a +30% from now so I can buy a full frame camera to photoshoot my dog with and immortalize him with archival detail before he passes on

>> No.15970468

I like money, I want to be able to buy anything and everything, I want to become god, money will bring me somewhat closer to my goal.

>> No.15970469

I don't want to not make it.

>> No.15970478
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It just hit me yesterday morning. I think I want to be a corrupt, White Supremacist judge. Maybe I'll go to school for a while. Come out and rekt some shit.

>> No.15970509

I'm going to assist George Soros in his reinforcement of the neoliberal globalist hegemony

>> No.15970515

brain transplant from chimpanzee 1 to chimpanzee 2 such that it survives

>> No.15971036

Based and redpilled

>> No.15971209

Freezing my body and having it reanimated once it is possible to get replacable bodies

>> No.15971237

I want to take my friends on holiday

>> No.15971266

>my dog
There is nothing actual linking YOUR dog to you

>> No.15971523

With chainlink there is

>> No.15971537 [DELETED] 

Im sick and tired of having to interact with niggers and women.

>> No.15971548


>> No.15971557

i just want everyone to leave me alone

>> No.15971564

One of the reasons I want to make it is so I dont have to live anywhere near minorities. B&R dude.

>> No.15971613

So I can spend all day doing what I want. I want to control my life not in subordination to a boss.

>> No.15971983
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fucking based and saved

>> No.15972024


>> No.15972034

just to sort out things in way i want it to be.

>> No.15972048

to fuck is legit.

>> No.15972071
File: 24 KB, 352x550, 42233844-352-k279602.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My family is already rich and they're all miserable. Fuck them. Bunch of idiots that got everything handed to them on a silver platter. They don't even realize how good they have it.

>> No.15972095


financial freedom and proving my family wrong, they don't believe "people like us can make it" and think investing is a fraud and don't care about finance at all, whenever i talk they brush it off like i'm talking some shit, so fuck them

>> No.15972101
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Imagine being so retarded you buy into baseless shame based leftist propaganda

>> No.15972255

Grew up in an abusive single mother household and tried to kill myself multiple times as a kid in many cowardly ways. Only reason I made it this far was because of my step grandma who supported my interests enough for me to climb out of poverty with a decent job. I want to buy her a house.

>> No.15972992

Based and cumbrained

>> No.15973048

I want to start some businesses and eventually have an estate. Some extra vacation homes, staff who cares for the home/food/gardens/animals.

Have money to impress a high quality woman. I was rejected by a girl who we clicked on every level recently. She was a qt white conservative, but she came from a lot of wealth and because I am a poorfag she said I didn't make enough money for her. Made me realize the black pills are real.

If that fails I have a black pilled friend who plans to reinstall nationalist ideals in America so I'd probably support that financially

So I will become rich by 25, enjoy 25-30

Spend 30-35 expanding and building my empire, and then settle down around 35-40 to raise a large family and provide a great life under a stable home.

>> No.15973089

I just want to see everyone here make it with me. /biz/lluminati would truly be the best timeline

>> No.15973101

you sound mentally ill lol

>> No.15973124

I just want to set up a quiet aesthetic home, wear designer stuff, read great works of literature/philosophy/religion, be a photographer, travel, and attract a set of women from which I will choose the one best fit to allow me to be myself as we raise a family that ends the inter generational trauma passed down to me. I want my kids to pursue their own interests rather than someone else’s. I want my wife to always feel like she’d be missing out if she left me for someone else, thus keeping her faithful.

Basically I want to be what a man should be.

“For contemplation hee and valor form’d,
for softness shee and sweet attractive Grace,
Hee for God only, shee for God in him”

Any marriage that doesn’t fit that description is doomed to fail.

>> No.15973259

Definitely not mentally ill.

The people I wonder about though are those around me who are

In debt
Worthless degree
Unhappy relationships
No hobbies
No social life
Rely on others for money etc

>> No.15973286

Based and redpilled

>> No.15973311

Buy ever parking meter company in the world and purposely make them go bankrupt

>> No.15973944
File: 200 KB, 628x932, oh i see.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad anon

>> No.15974112

>One post by OP
>Retarded question
>35 retards replied
Everybody who replied honestly and engaged in discussions with other retards should consider suicide, as a cow has more mental capacities than him

>> No.15974123

Hey Jimmie, did you ever fix your comp sci cover letter?

>> No.15974182

>but she came from a lot of wealth and because I am a poorfag she said I didn't make enough money for her. Made me realize the black pills are real

Is that a blackpill? Seems pretty reasonable to me.

If she's somewhat trad she probably intends to become the primary caregiver for any kids she has. How would that work if she was also the breadwinner?

>> No.15974195

Make sure everyone I love is taken care of before I anhero.

>> No.15974211

to be able to go off the grid and have a house/apartment wherever I want and to make art, music, write, whatever until I die of alcoholism

>> No.15974308
File: 95 KB, 737x453, IDK why I don't get laid!!!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow that list is going to be included in the next checklist I make.
It's gonna be such a spicy meme!

>> No.15974754

Enough money and influence to stop clownworld.

A Jew stopping clownworld and proving to the idiots that we’re not in favor of this nonsense. It’ll really piss off some people.