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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15961012 No.15961012 [Reply] [Original]

Why does biz never post money making methods
or even niche business ideas at the very least?

>> No.15961030

Why would a bunch of NEETS, whose parents pay for everything, know anything about making money?

>> No.15961033

buy link bitch

>> No.15961034
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>no spices whatsoever

>> No.15961043


Y-y-you first.

>> No.15961045

that would require going outside

>> No.15961073
File: 122 KB, 438x503, 944A5C73-50EC-4DDB-AC28-744C44E0A298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it’s true, but it’s always been that way: a cesspool of neets and coomers. at least in 2017 there were flashes of greatness with the golden bullrun and our lord and savior assblaster... even the skimpletong poster. those days feel so distant now.

would love a daily thread about side hustles and code / programming ideas, but those all burn out after about 30 posts. c’est la vie

>> No.15961083


>> No.15961089

they need to have a separate board for fake internet money. this board should be for actual business and finance.

>> No.15961100

>biz picks the best performing asset in the most important emerging market of our lifetimes

Hurr durr why doesnt biz give me dumb guy ideas for fucking retards like me duhhhh

>> No.15961158

Literally the only good thing this shit board has done

>> No.15961160

Look through the archives

>> No.15961165


>> No.15961191

based response. the good shit is always overlooked

>> No.15961198

Here's a money making tip: If you sell things that people want to buy, you can potentially make money

>> No.15961216

Lot of us already made good money through Chainlink. You're fault for being a newfag.
You just gotta wait for the next home run now.

>> No.15961218

I think people need to get real with what they expect from a discussion forum. The idiotically broad question of "how do I start a business?" Is going to be hard for anyone to answer. Do you honestly think people are going to sit around and consult you on how everything works? You either have to seek employment in the field that concerns your focus, or you're going to have to PAY someone for their advice. That's how the world has always worked.

Why do you think tax rules are complicated? Why do you think there's so much regulation and bureaucracy? It's impossible for that to all be necessary. It's there to give people jobs, so that they can be parasites off your enterprise efforts.

/biz/ has good threads, they're just infrequent or perhaps irrelevant to your current focus. There can always be more of that though. People always go for the easiest option though, why make threads on commerce when you can make mindnumbing "what was that?!" thread #6,000,000?

>> No.15961245

kill yourself faggot it takes money to own the things people want to buy

>> No.15961251


>> No.15961255

Reminder that white people discovered and subsequently conquered half the earth in pursuit of spices. The "yt pepo don season dey foods" meme is a nigger cope.

>> No.15961266
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>> No.15961267

You want to make money? Find a good franchise opportunity or a job with commission. Then work your ass off.

You can make a lot of money in the markets, but you have to be willing to bust your ass with blood, sweat, and tears to get it rolling.

The biggest problem with this board is everyone wants the new get rich quick scheme. Noone wants to roll up their sleeves and put in the effort it takes to build a business, sales, or client list.

>> No.15961270
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Well you see they actually do. The best investment you will ever have in your lifetime is shilled relentlessly on here and has been for two years. It will have a better ROI than any stock, bond, or even bitcoin itself over the next 5 years and already has proven itself time and time again. Of course you and a majority of newfags like yourself are batshit retarded however, and even if you weren't some of the dumbest people on 4chan you still wouldn't be able to accumulate enough.

This is all of course assuming you DYOR (spoiler, you won't). Enjoy poverty

>> No.15961283

Too obsessed with crypto and easy fixes.
The hard route is unlikely to be discussed on an anonymous board, there's no incentive to put that much effort into your posts.

>> No.15961297
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>I work harder for my money, lmao the idiots on here are too focused on the easiest ways to make money whereas I, an intellectual know that the hard route is the only route!

>> No.15961299

Buy DAG.

>> No.15961306

Good bait but I'm not sure how you got that from my post.
Objectively speaking, you are more likely to find success through the hard route. Most of the easy routes are based on luck/foresight and already passed (buying bitcoin a few years ago, or starting an online business in the 90s).

>> No.15961319
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>> No.15961323

I think it’s because the white people they know are vegan liberal women who can’t cook

>> No.15961342

Spice must flow

>> No.15961354

Why not sift through the shit and find the gold? There have been many threads about Kleros (PNK) in the last few days. If you hold this for a less than a year you are all but guaranteed 1,000%+ returns. Is this not good enough for you?

>> No.15961358

There weren’t flashes of greatness. It was a bull run. Everything went up like mad.

>> No.15961384
File: 75 KB, 1389x1202, 067CF875-CA47-44E2-B15A-0C287D8CA744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so I bought more Kleros. Opportunity cost of small amounts doesn’t bother me, but with all this Vitalik shilling, when can I expect a 10x, at least? It’s clear it’ll take off when more cases come, but has the best really beaten out normies?

What will be the catalyst for the new bull? Someone mentioned MKR and “why not just buy Augur”, but I’m half wondering if I should just park 50% of my “whatever” fund into PNK. It’s clearly bottom, and obviously not going anywhere.

Why aren’t you all doing your duty and putting cases and volume to the big fat steaks? Help me cross a million $ with Kleros and I’ll buy this board.

>> No.15961400

Why do people like you come here then? Miserable unfunny people nobody wants to be around with attitudes like yours. Go be unhappy somewhere else. Thanks.

>> No.15961520

>Why does biz never post money making methods
>catalog is flooded with chainlink threads 24 hours a day
What did he mean by this?

>> No.15962647

>would love a daily thread about side hustles and code / programming ideas, but those all burn out after about 30 posts.
like indiehackers? i’d like the same, not sure where to find it though.

>> No.15962683

I suggest /cry/.

>> No.15962715

Yeah let me just share good ideas online so other people can steal them. What a great idea.

>> No.15962740

Because anyone with intelligence made it in 2017 what's left are the dregs and late coomers. The ponzis over boys

>> No.15962888

Haha fuck off, reads like a plebbitor

>> No.15963618
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it happens but you do understand that most people keep their ideas to themselves just in case they decide to get off 4chan