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File: 588 KB, 750x993, ED874AB0-2A1E-4C3F-9214-2FDBFDE8D38D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15959551 No.15959551 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill the masses about bitcoin with similar posts on Facebook. Because, you know, if you don’t support bitcoin, you essentially support pedophilia and human trafficking.

>> No.15959563

Bitcoin is against criminals and pedos.

A great example of people fearing what they don't understand.

>> No.15959577

yeah, may as kill its sole viable use case

>> No.15959657
File: 49 KB, 600x578, EB1BE4CA-E997-4D49-BAEE-1AB324DA64F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, United States Federal Government

>> No.15959760

Bump. Come on lads. 4chan sucks now

>> No.15959821

i never understood pedos but fearing them is a huge stretch

>> No.15959942

They feared bitcoin, dumbass. Now they are proven to have been dumbasses too.

>> No.15959976
File: 79 KB, 640x640, D0CF7AB6-118B-4924-BAA7-3CA84621E982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now unironically OPERATION NORMIE COIN . Go Go Go Go Go. Let us relive the prior glory of 4chan. The sickos and criminal scum of the Earth will perish under the foot of mighty Bitcoin.

>> No.15960017

they will misconstrue it and push to ban bitcoin because it's used by pedophiles and drug cartels.

>> No.15960032

Not your personal army.

Also, sage.

>> No.15960037

and can you imagine blockstream are building anynymous transactions on BTC holy fuck they are such idiots

>> No.15960530

Wasn't half the reason we got into crypto because of a hatred of Orwellian government control? Do we really want a global currency where every transaction we ever make can be tracked by everyone? Sounds like some NWO one world government shit to me.

>> No.15960569

This. When people are biased enough the facts no longer matter they'll just twist them anyway.

>> No.15960572

govemint pls
gooby pls

>> No.15960582

Found the pedo. Scum.

>> No.15960597

Fact is most people have no idea how bitcoin even works or they'd realize how useless it is. The early adopters who unironically thought it would replace banks(lol) and the criminals who thought it was anonymous are all just retards.

>> No.15961032

Only an absolute retard would interpret it like that. This is a clear victory for law enforcement. Massive numbers of criminal scum were removed from communities around the world thanks to Bitcoin. Unironically, Bitcoin has freed more slaves from human trafficking than any organizational effort ever has. This is the undeniable future direction for all civilized societies. A digital public ledger is necessary to prevent the continued use of stinky untraceable fiat by criminal scum for fueling heinous acts. Literally if you don’t support Bitcoin, you are a fucking pedophile and drug trafficking supporter and enabler.

>> No.15961050

They wont if public sentiment as gauged by their normie book spiders exceeds a critical threshold where they risk getting exposed as fake if they act against the coin

>> No.15961241


Get raped to death with a broomstick in prison, pedo