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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 48 KB, 1250x1250, IMG_20191017_032154_475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15957107 No.15957107 [Reply] [Original]

I Spoke about CryptoSoul last week, and people have loved the ecosystem, and signature game Mergecats, the reality is this game will pave the way for more exciting games utilizing the soultoken as the primary game currency. This is just the beginning.

>> No.15957128

imagine if you streetshitters actually did something productive with your time

>> No.15957151

What is your problem?

>> No.15957163

Economic model with promosing future. Make sure to not miss out :) .

>> No.15957171

Anyone with questions, please ask. Dont be a dick, we can go about this in a peaceful, sensible manner.

>> No.15957178

You’re a fucking fag, troy, if that even is your real name.

>> No.15957183
File: 145 KB, 766x1024, The Most Interesting Cat in the World 18102019003437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15957203

What makes me a fag? Becuz i am advocating a game that i love playing and pays me to play?

>> No.15957212
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>> No.15957225

Give me a quick run down. Can I implement this with unity?!

>> No.15957234

What rundown do u want specifically? About gameplay? About investing ect?

>> No.15957240

Candy Crush is owned by Blizzard. Stop playing and play Merge Cats instead! FREE HONG KONG!

>> No.15957250
File: 176 KB, 1260x960, Hey wait! Stop! I have Garbage! 18102019001643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15957252

Because you are a newfag that doesn’t even know how to reply properly. That and you obviously brought your transexual discord group here to spam your “soon to be successful” shit token. Please go back, thanks.

>> No.15957274

We believe in Freedom of Speech. Hate all you want, you will not be banned. We are not Blizzard. Free Hong Kong. #boycottblizzard

>> No.15957288

Thanks for bump anyway <3

>> No.15957289

If you actually took the time to read up about us, then ud know we arnt a shitcoin

>> No.15957303

Here is a detailed article that explains what we are about

“CryptoSoul: A new generation of BlockChain gaming?” by Blockchaingamer4broke https://link.medium.com/hBg7VbVXx0

>> No.15957385
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>> No.15957429
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>> No.15957460
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>> No.15957463
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>> No.15957491
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>> No.15957494

So, let's take a moment to do the best for CryptoSoul, as long as there is a way to make this game grow, let's do it, think, grow and strive for better, lets do it CryptoSoul, I'm sure you can the best

>> No.15957503

Yes exactly, and more games will came in the future.

>> No.15957517
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>> No.15957531

I have researched the potential gem thoroughly. The meme pirential is through the roof because of the way they tied the tokenomics to their viral game mergecats.

If you 4 channers actually researched this and played its gane you would realize uts potential here as the token price will not soley be reliable on the crypto market in the future.

Any not taking a small 100 to 300 dollar gamble on this gates easy money.

>> No.15957537
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>> No.15957551
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>> No.15957560


>> No.15957572

Here have a plant. Jannies eat shit and die, namefags kys.

>> No.15957578
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>> No.15957584

So enjoy guys, u can see csoul pump and happy earning money with csoul guys

>> No.15957591
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>> No.15957638
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>> No.15957644
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>> No.15957664
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>> No.15957695

What the fuck... I was dreaming up a game and the main character looks like the cryptosoul logo, and then I get a fortune saying I will soon have a chance to make a profitable transaction. Is this fate?

>> No.15957718

Play, earn, have fun & enjoy game!

>> No.15957788
File: 131 KB, 1188x800, That Escalated Quickly 18102019003300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15957805

Why did chinese do tiananmen square?

>> No.15957806
File: 144 KB, 1080x1080, IMG_20191018_141238_884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merge Cats are going to take over Instagram! Are you ready??

>> No.15957839

Free Hong Kong!
Boycott Blizzard!
Play Merge Cats!

>> No.15957868
File: 32 KB, 374x625, death.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive made close to 1 eth playing gu, and the market is not even open yet

>the name of the game is detected as spam, you gotta be fucking kidding me...

>> No.15958063

Pretty fucking retarded that Cyptosoul requires KYC to withdrawl CSoul to a wallet. Crypto to Crypto shouldn't require it. Also the game might be fun if you enjoy your job working at a click farm. Its convoluted staking with mlm + ponzi mixed in.

>> No.15958146

Do you think Angry Birds and Candy Crush are simple and stupid games?

Well they both have almost 1 Billion downloads and Millions of users. Both games are worth $Billions!

How can you not see the potential for Merge Cats!

>> No.15958155
File: 137 KB, 1024x1280, IMG_20191018_092704_862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DLIVE here we come!

>> No.15958287

Dlive debute, mergecat just getting started

>> No.15958293

Check out the instagram competition, u can win up to 15,000 soul for participating

>> No.15958305

I like how alts get rekt but soul holds sat value

>> No.15958319

Ikr, i sas this too, we hold sat value and we arnt a stable coin.

>> No.15958356

blast off

>> No.15958374

Learn more about Soul here:

>> No.15958386

Great article, fudders need to read it

>> No.15958402

Soul will increase in sats by minimum 50 sats by EOY

>> No.15958408
File: 477 KB, 1080x1198, ZomboMeme 15102019145540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15958422

If you have kids, tell them to play Merge Cats for you. They can help you earn Crypto!

>> No.15958443
File: 2.62 MB, 2000x1350, 1554418174482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What in the actual fuck is going on in this thread all these namefags talking to each other posting facebool memes and shilling their shitcoin jannies do your fucking job

>> No.15958449
File: 370 KB, 1080x1200, ZomboMeme 13102019205031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cool Cats :)

>> No.15958472

FREE HONG KONG! Hate us and you're just as bad as Blizzard.

>> No.15958490
File: 187 KB, 1280x1238, Joker Hit By Car 17102019235408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15958494

I like to think that it’s all an elaborate ironic joke

>> No.15958503

why does it have a diaper

>> No.15958515

Explain why this project is bad

>> No.15958532

Did u even read up about it, facepalm

>> No.15958542

Its a baby. Play the game, and you will see more epic cats as they Merge :)

>> No.15958551

fuck off with these Reddit tier memes you street shitting faggot nigger kikes

>> No.15958552

I think they are bots someone is testing out on /biz/

>> No.15958564
File: 474 KB, 1080x1080, ZomboMeme 14102019161344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have high quality pics :)

>> No.15958575

We are not bots. WE ARE CATS!

>> No.15958597
File: 120 KB, 1100x1000, woody and buzz 18102019003635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15958598

Does this game work in china or hong kong?

>> No.15958606

Works in Hong Kong! Free Hong Kong! Boycott Blizzard!

>> No.15958620

Someone design a Hong Kong protester Merge Cat. And you will get SOUL!

>> No.15958632

It reminds me of the days before tiananmen square. Do you remember tiananmen square?

>> No.15958642
File: 124 KB, 1200x800, Dangerously Austin Powers 18102019002403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15958653

Mergecat has no restrictions like blizzard.

>> No.15958659

You did not answer my question, do you remember tiananmen square?

>> No.15958675
File: 14 KB, 266x150, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just starting playing the game and its very easy to earn SOUL tokens.
The best part is, it is very fun!

>> No.15958679


>> No.15958688
File: 142 KB, 440x440, IMG_20191015_100913_799.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You get a Level 2 merge cat.

>> No.15958691

Are you afraid tiananmen square will happen again?

>> No.15958721

Give me liberty or give me death.

>> No.15958734

Next person to praise Soul gets level 3 Merge Cat.

>> No.15958744

Do you think china will do the same again?

>> No.15958748
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>> No.15958765

I have earned iver $1500 playing mergecats, how is that garbage?

>> No.15958766
File: 135 KB, 440x440, IMG_20191015_100911_606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good meme. Here's a level 3 cat.

>> No.15958773
File: 154 KB, 440x440, IMG_20191015_100916_703.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow. Level 4 for you.

>> No.15958795

People shouldn't be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.

>> No.15958800

Awsome, how many cat levels are they

>> No.15958804

shut up loser

>> No.15958806

$1500? How u make that from this game?

>> No.15958812

Play the game and you will see ;)

>> No.15958813

You have to spend soul to win the tournament, pretty simple

>> No.15958814

Not crypto games, but what I've learned about real world trading and videogames.

If you wanted to design a game with the thought of allowing people to trade the assets they get in game for cash all you would need to do really is stop accepting credit cards.

I've looked into the legal cases against real world trading in video games. They are generally based around the fact that it caused fraud. These cases are interesting because it's usually a lawsuit from the payment provider to the company making the game.

Pretty much don't have a membership system, figure out some other way to fund the servers/development. Perhaps donations?

WoW and RuneScape had cases that got settled before going to court with payment providers over fraud. EvE online also is protecting themselves with banning rwt.

Yet secondlife doesn't have a actual payment system and they allow people to exchange their currency for real cash.

Just a thought programming Anons.

>> No.15958815

What game? What tournament?

>> No.15958819

Don't be like Blizzard.

>> No.15958827

U can download game here and have access to tournament:


>> No.15958828

What are your thoughts on the chinese communist party? Do you think they are wrong for what they do to hong kong (HK)?

>> No.15958834

For more about the project game game visit this medium page:


>> No.15958844
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>> No.15958846

I think that games like this are a great way for those in areas that have massive cesnorship to earn, but lets save that for another thread

>> No.15958857

Is this how you feel about the chinese communist party?

>> No.15958866
File: 189 KB, 1080x877, ZomboMeme 14102019130039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting information. You get a level 1 cat on the beach.

>> No.15958874

How do you feel about tiananmen square?

>> No.15958884

I think its bs that a goverment take away ppl rights

>> No.15958899

Thanks, I get why you're targetting the crypto market easy attention and some curious people, easy money.

But with better research into video game economics and the legal history of MMOs you could end up with a much larger digital market. Instead of possibly getting yourself retroactively fucked in the ass by NGOs.

>> No.15958909


>> No.15958960

That the beauty of decentralized crypto. They can try to shut us down, but you can not shut down the blockchain and crypto. Soul can transcend to any game and still maintain value.

>> No.15958986

You guys are so negative against the chinese communist party and tiananmen square. It would be a shame if someone reported your disobedience and you and your bug family got put in a labor camp for making a cryptocurrency to derail Chinese yuan.

>> No.15959009

No development no confidence. Do you think Ultima online still has a good value for its currency and items? Absolutely not. It's dead game. You'd be just wasting space on miners machines at that point.

Just saying man I decided to take another course at uni and not go into CS/GD but I had spent a lot of time looking into these types of topics. I can tell you are involved too because you act just like the turtlecoin (TRTL) dude.

>> No.15959050

I don't know any of the games you're talking about. I know Angry birds and so does everyone else. Who doesn't like cats more than birds.

>> No.15959057

Do you work for Blizzard??

>> No.15959069
File: 412 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190919-201948_Chrome Beta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tsk, damn shame then. Let's hope there's a smart lurker around these parts.

>> No.15959082

I can’t wait for china to enslave your bug family.

>> No.15959089
File: 557 KB, 1025x1280, ZomboMeme 13102019221326.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Merge Cats are already becoming status symbols on Instagram.

>> No.15959092

Facts bro, mergecat is the only game of its kind that has a real world currency with value outside of game

>> No.15959112

You didn't even remove the meme generator websites name from your filename! Like I said a damn shame.

>> No.15959135

So they used an app to make a meme, they sopposed to hide that? Lol thats stupid.

>> No.15959140
File: 99 KB, 1280x1282, Robin Holding a Whiteboard 18102019172227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15959159

Personally, I'm all in

>> No.15959179

CCP will arrest you all and it will be glorious.

>> No.15959284

This is already attracting a huge southeast Asian gaming audience trying to earn free crypto. The potential here is MASSIVE.

>> No.15959508

Indeed, once the game goes to IOS its game over. We are strictly on andriod market atm.

>> No.15960183

I have one question, the website claims that 202 813 635.00 SOUL have been burned but CMC claims that 171,398,278 are in circulation out of 295,747,865 SOUL total soul. if 200m have been burned there should be less than 100k in circulation

>> No.15960344

Less than 100m I meant to say

>> No.15960405

No. Initial supply was 500m tokens