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15956311 No.15956311 [Reply] [Original]

Remember when in 2017 we thought that in 3 years everything will be blockchain related? I'm one of the most deluded linkies but man, it's almost 2020... and we're still thinking of timeframes of 2-3 years... will it be 2-3 years forever?

>> No.15956323

People say that because they have no idea what theyre talking about. Remember when we thought the Chinese government was going to embrace NEO? No one here has any idea about any of this.

>> No.15956325


>> No.15956327

Seriously how the fuck does DCR keep tanking each week. All the smartest crypto analysts were mega bullish on DCR even muststopmurad said it should be the #2 market cap coin behind BTC. I’m ruined.

>> No.15956336

We were deluded thinking as early as 2020. But the 2-3 year timeframe has gotta be right sometime :^)

>> No.15956360

This is what I'm starting to think. Nobody is thinking about AI or FinTech or Cloud Computing and other shit because it's hard to invest in them. With crypto you have the excuse of telling yourself that you're enthusiastic about the tech when in reality the tech is already there and nobody is using it, it's really not that big. For example, nobody is excited about Hedera or Hyperledger stuff or IBM Blockchain because you can't make money off of it. We're all shilling this great technology because we are greedy, not because it is objectively the most disruptive.

>> No.15956391

a promise of a bright future (moon), the lamenting of a barbaric past (fiat money) and the tolerance of the present suffering and incertitude (hodl) is the basis for any cult or political ideology.

escape this mental cage and start thinking for yourself.

>> No.15956411

btw, I still believe blockchain is hugely important.
just dont think that it will make everyone suddenly rich.

>> No.15956538

Both legal and regulatory frameworks are holding crypto back big fucking time atm. Look what happened to Libra

>> No.15956606

well, if legal and regulatory framework roadblocks are enough to stop this movement, maybe one should start looking at it with sober eyes. its all speculation m8. as soon as you have something that has one value today and another value tomorrow, there will always be speculators, bulls, bears, SEC, government, taxes, the mass of normies (mostly bulls). EVERYTHING EXCEPT NORMAL USE. why would you spend your bitcoins on normal shit except if you think value will go down tomorrow.

and still no scalability solution which takes home the cake.

enjoy living in the future m8. I will stay in the present.

>> No.15956647

we needed chainlink for that man, chainlink is bringing the adoption we need!

>> No.15956654

I am still trading though, going long, going short when the setups are there. It is the only way. Hodling is literally an expensive lottery ticket.

>> No.15956700
File: 439 KB, 1253x3436, smartcontract.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're literally on the verge of adoption though. ETH 2.0 will change the game. We literally have major corporations namedropping Chainlink weekly now.
Adoption for smart contracts was always 2020-21.

>and still no scalability solution which takes home the cake.
ETH 2.0 is around the corner

>> No.15956718

beyond rekt.............two years of non stop red. how much suffering can one anon take, faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak

>> No.15956843

Well, again, pointing to the future. ETH 2.0 better be decentralized too! its kind of the main point of cryptocurrencies. I am not a pessimist, just trying to see through all the smoke and mirrors.

>> No.15956884
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>Well, again, pointing to the future.
1-2 years is absolutely nothing. You should consider it a blessing that crypto markets move this fast. There is nothing else like it on earth. Crypto is *still* the generational opportunity it was a few years ago.

If any of this was set in stone and established, it wouldn't be such a moonshot now would it?

>> No.15956956

if it goes to 500$ you will regret keeping it, if it goes to 1 million you will regret not buying more. just take care anons and read about market theory or something. the same applies here

>> No.15957120

The Internet first started to get actual mainstream adoption in the early 90's. It took around 10 years for Internet to become the "norm". We hit that 10 year starting timeline around this year. In 5 years you'll see a huge investment boom. In 15-20 years your investments now - IF they were good ones - will pay off hugely. 1000x's abound.

Because crypto allows investment at early stages you MAY see an expedited timeline on price rises, but probably not less than 3-5 years from this point to see a 100x for most things which will eventually do that.

>> No.15957624

all you had to do was listen to concentrated autism. yet you chose to listen to normies. gg

>> No.15958253

Chainlink has 0 users. 0 x 1000 = 0. Real projects will moon, Chainlink will not.