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15956226 No.15956226 [Reply] [Original]

Let's start with simple questions, to get the idea.

Why USA is in the power of global economy?

How they made people belive in value of dollar?

>> No.15956245


By becoming the supreme power. Anyone even remotely close were Hitler & Stalin.

Both keked. Soooooooooo

>> No.15956288
File: 5 KB, 166x196, disgustedtyler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BETTER QUESTION: How did anybody make anybody believe in Bitcoin? It's a fucking meme. Yeah some people got wealthy off of it but that's all over. Fucking mouthbreathers are still pumping it with money for some fucking reason. STOP. Better off going back to masturbating your small dick to your Japanese animated pornography and playing your new overpriced shitbox of a console, then proceed to OD on whatever opioids your parents have in their cabinet cause you still live with them.

>> No.15956429

If you can understand why dollar have so much power, you may see same pattern in bitcoin. So

>> No.15956439

I don't understand what you wan to say?

>> No.15956512

they bombed the shit out of everyone

>> No.15956655

>Why USA is in the power of global economy?
They aren't, Europe and China both have as much economic power as the US has.

>> No.15956665

After WW2, USA had the strongest economy and military by a longshot, so USD was valuable for participating in the US economy. These facts (strongest economy, strongest military, widely accepted USD) were used as an excuse by the CIA, military industrial complex, and bankers to strategically bully the middle east into accepting ONLY USD for their oil. The federal reserve and central banks then became responsible for making USD ubiquitous across the world, and they did this by making USD debt backed instead of gold backed. Basically they gave themselves the right to print USD at will by backing the creation of new USD with the sale of bonds (imagine them as loans against the US economy). Every country in the world basically had to be okay with this arrangement because they couldn't outmuscle the US military on the oil issue, and they could buy an interest bearing stake in the strongest and most dominant economy in the world, so there was at least the appearance of a good incentive to play along. There's more to it but that's the basics.

>> No.15956736
File: 11 KB, 278x181, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you poor bastard

>> No.15956778
File: 40 KB, 500x366, chilis-boss-beef-burger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The US created a system to force the world to use the money they print AND ONLY the money (((they))) print to purchase energy commodities. Don't wanna play ball? then you get taken out like Saddam, Gadaffi and (Iran if they could). Play ball like the Saudis and we send 2000 troops to defend your pipelines when we are ostensibly "puilling out" of the middle east. It's not even that fucking complicated.

>> No.15956819


they tricked people into letting the banks hold their private keys, and let the banks do all the economic pushing possible