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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15955303 No.15955303[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>leave work last night and buy binge food for my first binge in 4 days (large chocolate bar, Pepsi Max, Doritos and dip, haribo, supermarket sandwich)
>too tired to go to gym
>read a lot of a history book, but it feels like aimless and pathetic consumercuckoldry
>alarm wakes me up at 8 am (woke up a few times in the night to drink lots of water and piss; forgot how taxing binges are)
>go to work (felt demoralised when seeing Staceys on the tube (today it was young Staceys))
>had nothing to do at work
>literally nothing
>so boring
>still trying to imagine my life if I moved back with my parents after taking a boring job (if I could even get that) (sterile, dull, seeing people I went to school with being more successful than me; but £1000 savedin the bank each month...)
>now drinking Costa coffee at eets pyoorest on my lunch break

At least the weekend is here. I should see the Trickster movie.

>> No.15955318

No one here cares. >>>/r9k/

>> No.15955323

Ok, now shoo shoo with your blogpost and KYS

>> No.15955333

The Pepe movie or the Trickster movie or the Woke & Broke Wojak movie?

>> No.15955357

Do you have any investments, Londonfrog?
Also, be sure you're supplementing vitamin D. The weather (and lack of sunlight) is what fucked with my head the most, when I lived in London.

>> No.15955391

modern /r9k/ is basically a shittier /soc/; all the old posters an hero'd and got replaced by normies going there to laugh at robots only to find other normies to complain about relationships with

/biz/ is basically the new /r9k/, all the people that made it crying about no gf attracted the people that were crying about no gf in general, resulting in what we have now. We didn't put out the fire when it was small, and now it has grown to a mighty inferno

>> No.15955894


lol why eat so shitty? You can eat like a king on bacon, eggs, cheese, and coconut oil.

Why don't you try weight-lifting? It literally only takes 2-3 30~45 minute sessions a week as long as you do proper form, use compound movements, and do the rep to muscle failure.

Of course I understand that null zone where nothing sparks the imagination and spirit. Which is why God invented small amounts of stimulants to compensate for the excess stimuli bullshit our modern life puts us through.

Hell, why not join the military? Even if you don't stay past 4 years, the benefits help immensely when you're in a rut.

>muh war

For every boot on the ground, there's 2 office jockeys supporting them. Be the office jockey. Or if you're in a navy, become a Boatswain's Mate. Develop huge biceps, develop the useful skill of tying knots, and fuck sloots in foreign ports.

Oh wait you're British nevermind. At least in America, you can be a glorious welfare queen using all the benefits afforded active military and vets.

>> No.15955911


Dead lifts literally saved me from KMS

Do 10 Dead lifts and just feel that test surge though your veins

>> No.15955926

>buy binge food

This is where you make your stand. Just don't buy it. Don't hold it in your hand. Don't possess it.

Secondly pat yourself on the back for refusing. Praise yourself, concern the bad food as evil, most hated.

>> No.15955953

Let's stand here together, frens, in solidarity with Londonfrog. He is doing God's work by sharing his childish and repetitive thoughts on 4chan, making us confront ourselves at every corner.

>> No.15955960

have you considere doing a vlog series on youtube? you could just walk around london and comment on your day. im sure theres an audience who would watch your self defeating internal monologue

>> No.15955963
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>> No.15955986

Didnt realize LondonFrog had a name. Fucker drops a post and is then too lazy to even respond in the thread every time.

>> No.15956000

anons try to give legit good advice and ask him questions but he never bothers to reply. fuck londonfrog hes a self-obsessed incel who thinks the entire world judges him as a loser constantly. sort of like a weird bizarro form of narcissism.

>> No.15956013

He's been doing this for years on other boards. Seems like he decided to post on /biz/ after he landed a job for the first time in his life. kek

>> No.15956015
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>woke up a few times in the night to drink lots of water and piss
Congratulations, Opie. You have the beetus. ArS+k/R7 was right, low carb is the only thing that will save your feet from being amputated. The good news is, once you are less of a fat fuck, your mindest improves. And with what you save on junk food, you can buy a flip SEA monkey and throw a couple of supreme gentleman into her.