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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15949616 No.15949616 [Reply] [Original]

On topic since this is at workplace that is a business that makes money, fuck off jannies.

>> No.15949629

you dont. retard.

>> No.15949639


Don't do it unless it's the owner's daughter. Otherwise it's not worth catching a case of sexual harassment at work

>> No.15949654

jus bee urself

>> No.15949676

tell him you will jerk him off at the toilet. then jerk him off

>> No.15949690
File: 270 KB, 1920x1280, IMG_20191016_113307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to fuck a little black girl at a previous job but she didn't seem to understand that we start messing around on the coach then move to the bed. Fucking blacks man

>> No.15951023

Don’t do it.

>> No.15951087

I work with the most beautiful 50 year old woman. I almost wish she wasn't so beautiful to kill her dude magnet. We get along amazingly well. She even has /pol/ opinions and we mock the libs together. Of course she's been married longer than I've been alive but I still love her. She let's me know she really likes how swole I've gotten and she tells me things she doesn't tell anyone else. It's sad but this is the closest I've ever been with a woman.

She's leaving and I want to tell her I love her. Should I.

>> No.15951437

Have you tried not being fat, ugly, or uninteresting?

>> No.15951752


>> No.15951807

No, keep it to yourself fren.

Women gossip. Your coworker will tell all the other women you work with. You will be mocked relentlessly behind your back.