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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 590 KB, 857x479, camper9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15948606 No.15948606 [Reply] [Original]

he pay jew housing tax
he not making it

>> No.15948666

In winter it too cold in your car.

>> No.15948674

>living above the mason-dixon

>> No.15948808

he not insulated his van
he not use zero energy literal candles for heat
he not selected by nature to make it

>> No.15948946

you can easily winterproof a vehicle. also mr buddy heater

>> No.15949237
File: 46 KB, 746x982, 1522088415903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he not respond
he lost

>> No.15949249

Where is the toilet and shower?

>> No.15949264

>you can easily winterproof a vehicle.
how? i'm interested

>> No.15949265

he afraid to shit in a bucket
he afraid to go weeks without shower
he never make it

>> No.15949267

Shit in a bag in a bucket, throw bag away. Piss in bottles and cups, pour them on homeless people. Shower at gym.

>> No.15949280

he not using his garden (entire fukin planet) to do as he please
he really not getting it

>> No.15949286

I live in south america, no way I'm gonna live in my car, I don't even have one to begin with it.. any car here cost 10x your salary.

send video pic related

>> No.15949307

Sirs, please I don't want to die.


>> No.15949315

he can easily youtube "campervan" then go through cheap variants and find out he unironically can be free from the jew for less than 3k

>> No.15949350

h-he really should calculate the odds


>> No.15949368


are u blind? I CAN"T AFFORD THIS SHIt..
Its like 20x my salary... and when that shit breaks I will have to work month to just repair something little..
I live in south america here everything is fucked.. I've no idea what to do anyways..

>> No.15949400

>zero energy literal candles
wat dis?

>> No.15949433

please go back. We 3 digit IQ poster here.

If you make less than 3k per year you are not sustainable living organism

>> No.15949469

If you really want to save money you should kill yourself, you literally never have to worry about paying money things or scary jews ever again.

>> No.15949470

>used pre 2000s van in very good shape - 2000$
>insulation - 300$
>furniture and misc - 700$
This for a really, really good campervan if not a complete braindead mexican

>> No.15949490

even better find a local scum jew or 72 and kill them. Many many jews exist only to take from strangers and steal as much money while calling it lawful as they can. Top score is multiple jewish judges.

>> No.15949493
File: 504 KB, 818x540, 1566571911306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


to make 3k per month I'm suppose to be a jew like you. fucking noseberg.

>> No.15949515

you could find a broken van for few bucks but thats really if the only other option is being a literal homeless on the street

>> No.15949632

I lived in my suv with my dog through the previous winter. All you need is a good sleeping bag and mat

>> No.15949700

profound observation satan

>> No.15949709

you speak no good engrish

>> No.15949813

check out any vanlife forum and lurk around. check out cool buidl's and see what they did, many do it on the extraaa cheap

>> No.15949975

Living the life

>> No.15949998

>mr buddy heater
In a car? Enjoy your death from carbon monoxide.

>> No.15950053

Idiot. They are save for indoor use. And shut down in a carbon monoxide case. Dyor

>> No.15950114

>pour them on homeless people

>> No.15950162

Where the fuck am I supposed to park the thing?

>> No.15950195 [DELETED] 

Just get in and thank me later


>> No.15951291

The world is my toilet. I don't pee or shit sitting down. No need for a little cuck stall to go poo poo in.