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15941736 No.15941736[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Yang Gang?

>> No.15941773

Yang's not even an investment worth considering. Staying power + low ceiling condemns him to standard meme candidate status.

Remember that Trump 2016 beat the system by extremely addressing immigration with relative credibility, earning him the permanent support of a fraction of the GOP. That fraction provided him with a competitive baseline throughout the primary. Yang's UBI doesn't do that, and the man himself certainly doesn't have the charisma to do orderly, targeted character assassinations of his primary rivals.

>> No.15941779
File: 1018 KB, 3890x2768, animumaga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hahahahahaha silly anon why do you want to be a loser

>> No.15941791

Oh and unless you know of another workable playbook, that means presidential and vice presidential selection comes down to standard political horse trading.

Yang's too smart to be controlled, not connected enough to be corrupt, and, again, doesn't secure any large blocs. He'll fade into memory like Jim Webb or Ron Paul.

>> No.15941795
File: 66 KB, 500x499, BBA52E64-631B-4CFB-B717-12918727974F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>let’s go to 4chan to shill a guy who shit on 4chan

>> No.15941796

Yea let's make even more people dependant on the government. It amazes me how cheaply people will sell their freedom.

>> No.15941798

was watching that 'debate' - compared to that collection of who/why/JUSTs, Yang's almost viable. Total single issue autist tho, soon as topic wanders off his comfort reservation (fin/tech), he's screwed. Him, based Bern and Tulsi apart, the rest are literally fucking awful. You couldn't get a good president combining them

>> No.15941812

This guy if you scratch the surface is far worse than even Bernie Sanders. He literally would turn the US into enslaved plebs who have zero power to fight back. Never trust an asian in politics, they deep down want to be China.

>> No.15941813

You're not supposed to get a good president out of it, anon.

>> No.15941826

>addressing immigration
immigration isn't an issue

>> No.15941843

lol fuck this guy Trump will win again

>> No.15941848

20 to 30% of the GOP base thought it was. In fact, they thought it was more important than literally anything else.

They happened to be right and dozens of GOP consultants still don't understand that, to this day. But that's besides the point.

>> No.15941865

You're saying that as if people aren't slaves as is. It's called "wageslaving" for a reason.

>> No.15941960

Shut up, retard

>> No.15942050
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1569909686428s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back to 8cha-...
oh wait that's right

>> No.15942052

You're a dumb nigger.
A vote against yang is a vote against +12k a year into your pocket, RETARD.

>> No.15942058

More like gangbang with a Wang

>> No.15942067

I find it fascinating how idiots are so prone to being against their own best interests. it's baffling.

>> No.15942193

don't underestimate the stupidity of fat uneducated incel hicks

>> No.15942234

It's back tomorrow.

>> No.15942244

Trump got elected because of Cambridge Analytica and his low IQ populist appeal you dumbfuck

>> No.15942250

It's really late, please get some sleep Hillary.

>> No.15942254

Crypto would moon so fucking hard if Yang won. That's all you faggots need to know

>> No.15942274

>imagine actually believing this fantasy

>> No.15942292

try it at the state level first.
also would be interesting if we got rid of all government handouts, loans, subsidies, grants, assistance, etc. and all of their respective gov't bureaucracies, departments, regulations, paperwork, and personnel, and then replaced all of that claptrap with a simple ubi check going directly into people's bank accounts.

>> No.15942991

It still doesn't seem real that Donald Fucking Trump is the president. I keep forgetting that this isn't an alternate reality.

>> No.15943042



>> No.15943046

Alaska has had a dividend for 40 years. Works fine.

>> No.15943049

You’re a KEK if you allow trillion dollar tech companies to pay a single digit tax percentage for mining OUR DATA

>> No.15943050

It's capitalism that is inclusive of all americans.
Socialism is what we have now, where banks get to print themselves UBI and we all pay for it.

>> No.15943052

No where near socialist. It's given to everyone. Socialism is the complete opposite.

>> No.15943073

Absolute retard. Watch this and STFU next time, brainlet.