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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15939 No.15939[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

20-year-old NEET with $6,000.

What do, /biz/nessmen?

>> No.15989

Can't do shit with $6,000

>> No.15985

6,000 cheese burgers

>> No.16003

Find a cheap community college

>> No.16000

Buy dogecoins. Wait 5 years.
Realize they will never be worth anything and kill yourself.

>> No.16008

b-but dogecoins are the future

>> No.16012

Buy passes to support Moot

>> No.16017

Invest in yourself and buy a cheap car or earn some cheap certification.

>> No.16020

Casino OP.

I make abut a grand every few days playing poker there. It's a great investment and pretty easy money if you know what you're doing.

Up 17k for this month.

>> No.16021

Get a job
Realize how shit it is
Go to school
Get a better job
Realize how shit it is

>> No.16023

Flip cars

>> No.16051

Finish community college with associates and begin a career. Then money earned from said job and get batchelor's, get job in same career path with previous experience and bachelor's degree with no debt.

>> No.16806

Tell a doctor you've been having panic attacks. After a few months of trying out new medicines you can go on disability and NEET it up for life

>> No.17128

Go get certified in a marketable skill. I suggest welding.

>> No.17175

for real?

>> No.17187

Web design on craigslist.
Minimum human contact, easy as shit, literally use WordPress and bootstrap for everything

You DO at least know JavaScript/CSS/HTML? Otherwise, you're completely hopeless

>> No.17201 [DELETED] 


>> No.17203

Buy cheap car, then become a non "NEET", that is either get a job, go to school or a training/certification course.

>> No.17232

Almost forgot the most important part. Charge insane amounts for this, a static, 5 page site should cost them $300.WordPress sites should go for a bit more, and anything where you actually have to programming something should be $500+. Work fast, get that shit done for them in hours and deliver a week later.

>> No.17351


>> No.17400


I've thought about this, I understand the rules and have played many games, I'm not confident in my bluffing skills though, if I have a shit hand I'm not even gonna try

>> No.17397

>You DO at least know JavaScript/CSS/HTML?

Why would he?

>> No.17412


probably for this exact reason, ti's not even that hard either

>> No.17432

how many hours ~ until someone is competent? I'm a NEET so I have a lot of time I can expend, also what tutorial site would you suggest? Code academy?

>> No.17545

For real. Say it's because of your health and that's why you don't get the in the doctor's office; when I really had debilitating panic disorder it was like that for me. It's not much money though, especially if you've never worked. You'll probably have to live with your parents for the rest of your life

>> No.17628
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Honestly whenever I do websites I just fucking learn the all over again while I'm doing it, using some reference material, since I just forget it the next day.

>> No.17660

6k buys you a lot of kit. I assume electricity is free 'cause you live in parents' basement?

> 12-16 mining rigs
> mine doge or whatever
> make insane profit
> when profitability lowers sell your kit on ebay to gamers

>> No.17655


sounds like programming in general, if you give me a completely program I can remember all the syntax and make up all kinds of shit, but starting from scratch I'll seem retarded. I can come up with some cool shit from scratch but fuck me I have to refresh on everything

>> No.17769

Put it all in div stocks.
Get autismbux.
Enjoy your new easygoing life.

>> No.18065
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>> No.18084
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>This thing works perfect
>Fuck up a line
>It doesn't work
>Doesn't work
Thank fully I didn't save so I can just reload an earlier revision
>Still doesn't , I have the exact same error despite nothing being changed

>> No.18120

Not OP. 20-year-old NEET with $200,000. Should I make a new thread?

>> No.18128


you should keep doing whatever it is you're doing

>> No.18151

I did nothing. I was abused as a kid and I just received that money a few months back as compensation. I have no income, all my money is sitting in my bank account doing nothing right now. I was scrolling this board for my problem when this thread popped up.

>> No.18197

compensation from your parents?

>> No.18217

That's what you get for using Eclipse

>> No.18234


Actually it was VB, fuck eclipse, fuck java

>> No.18236

Dude, buy some fucking land and start a manufactory.

>> No.18266

I think your question is irrelevant, but no, it was from the government. My family's actually broke and I'm not gonna turn this into a blog about my personal problems but no one can help me so I'm left here with this amount of money in my bank that I have no idea what to do of.

>> No.18288

Do this >>18236
Or put it in div stocks
Do you have any degrees?

>> No.18283

NEET with $6,50 here. What should I do with my money if I want more but only my mother earns $2,50 monthly?

>> No.18303

>Implement a feature
>Get done writing the initial code according to how you imagined it
>57 Warning(s) 128 Error(s) line 147 col 60

>> No.18350

No, God. No. Was it VB.net, at least?
VB/Classic ASP needs to burn forever in the sulphurous anus of Shaitan whence it cameth from in the first place.

>> No.18364


this was a few years ago when I was starting off and everyone makes it a bright idea to suggest using that, so no, not .net

>> No.18465


21 year old NEET with roughly 10,000. I have a car and I live with my aunt who pays for my cellphone and food.

So what do? I tried college and it was just very, well boring. I couldn't get into any of it. I kept question why I was doing it. I couldn't commit and in the end I dropped before I had to pay for a semester. That was 2 years ago. Since then I have been given the opportunity to move to France and go to Uni there.

I just can't decide what to do. Decide my fate.

>> No.18460

Send them to me - this option has the best possibilities for the future.

>> No.18473


switch places with me

>> No.18574

Built a scrypt coin mining rig, mine the most profitable coin every day and sell as soon as you get them

>> No.18619

>Should I study abroad?

The answer is always yes, even if it was North Korea you were invited to study in, the answer is yes.

>> No.18654

I went for a few months. It's pretty eh. My aunt and uncle shit work ethic and I'm coming off of 2 years of NEETdom. So it was a struggle for both parties. But they ended up inviting me back. Its been a year since and I need to decide within the next 6 months what to do.

Im leaning towards going. I just hope I'm up to snuff.

>> No.18675

Just try to socialize, at least with the other people studying abroad, and you'll be sure to enjoy it.
If nothing else, it will make you a more interesting person to people back home. You will have something to talk about in your life, which I assume you might not otherwise have being a NEET and all.

>> No.19276

I don't have any degrees. I stopped going to school at the end of middle school.
The only other thing I've gotten good at in these past years besides English is programming.

>> No.19995

>working for a society that hates your guts

>> No.20037

They don't hate your guts, Anon. You just have social anxiety.

>> No.20076

It's not a personal thing, I mean racially. Every day there's another article about my identity being evil. Fuck them all. Wouldn't piss on them if there's a fire. Neet it up, don't work for the betterment of this society.

>> No.20086
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>Every day there's another article about my identity being evil.
You're a straight white male, right?

>> No.20098

install gentoo

>> No.20107

I can't confirm or deny that allegation, because someone will jump down my throat. Like I said, fuck 'em all.

>> No.20202

If you were cut out to be the 1% you'd know it by now. What's left is working your ass off until a cardiac arrest, paying taxes into a corrupt system that hates your guts.

Take that other anon's advice and do design and small time work, under the table, while you get neet checks for being of an enriched state of mind (autism positive or trans*anxiety).

>> No.20248

Buy dogecoins

>> No.20288

It's been freefalling the last couple hours. Could go much lower.

>> No.20330

Save that money. Stay neet forever.

>> No.20402

Get a job

>> No.20425


Online poker is not as easy as you say. Rooms are often dominated by a few skilled players. Also you have to consider the wealth of software that is out there that many people who play for a living use (texas holdem manager, for instance) and gives people a big edge.

You can gain skills in it, and you can use software to give you some advantages, but at the end of the day gambling is gambling.

>> No.20437

best idea in the whole thread

>> No.20449

Get some certs, make a project or two or join other projects, record your progress, make a portfolio. Try to collaborate with other people while programming so that you get experience working in groups and using versioning software. Portfolios look sweet as fuck for programmer employers.

>> No.20463

not much you can do. Get a job or whore yourself out

Or you can try to play a OTM options. With the right call, you can double or triple it.

>> No.20530

I actually made my own thread here: >>20229 .