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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15938567 No.15938567 [Reply] [Original]

Should i pay 200 dollars to creampie a hooker?

>> No.15938577

i would

>> No.15938578


>> No.15938593

risky also no pussy is worth more than a $100

>> No.15938608

no sex is a sacred act.

>> No.15938628

poorfag cope

although $200 seems cheap for a creampie

>> No.15938653

Hepatitis B
HPV & Genital Warts

when a hooker allows you to go bareback it means she's already hiv+ and doesn't give a fuck about life anymore

>> No.15938676

Thats funny because ive been seeing her for a year and i dont have any stds. I just got a test done too

>> No.15938678

no pussy on earth dude.
they are all pretty much the same at least the ones that never gave birth.

>> No.15938699

I have 6 out of that list. Bitches don't care.

>> No.15938712

Enjoy the herps faggit

>> No.15938720
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bleach that shit for at least 20 mins

>> No.15938735


>> No.15938748
File: 409 KB, 500x500, tumblr_p9oqzwCPv71ws8e75o2_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, $200 for a creampie?
Is she like a hot 25 year old blonde?
I would do it. Cream pie is very good deal. Like, im not interested in anal really, i like to lick my hookers armpits!
But, i will say, creampies is a special thing to get offer.

But, this better be some young 20s BLONDE piece of ass, or an asian. this better not be some basic brunette bitch or some fat beaner.

>> No.15938749


Don't be an idiot OP.

>> No.15938767

Theres a pretty good chance you will get all of those from your average music festival roastie desu

>> No.15938773
File: 40 KB, 355x369, Mokou+vs+kaguya+was+gonna+be+the+next+one+_aa3cede355b6c7679a71932178599b4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitches dont care.

you better stay away from my brothels, faggot. My brothel SCREENS hookers.

>> No.15938796

Fuckk...I should get tested. What is the most discreet way? I don't even want to take ID

>> No.15938814
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>What is the most discreet way?
theres probably services that let you mail in your pee and get it tested

>> No.15938829

Disgusting subhuman

>> No.15938847

yup blondie. I hate anal

>> No.15938873
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, serveimage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>come to /biz/ the first time
>first thread I see is this
>it was nice to meet you, bye

>> No.15938906

Thanks my fellow degenerate fren, better to know I guess

>> No.15938908

>spending money has nothing to do with Business & Finance

>> No.15938932


Normies flocking back to biz


>> No.15938939
File: 1.66 MB, 1500x2101, __midorikawa_hana_prison_school_drawn_by_jungon_kim__dfebdb633b8a9e918821f97a4a343bb6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got to do it!
im tempted to buy a blonde hooker myself right now. Ive only fucked asians. Blondes are really really hot--
all these people think opposite genes attract someone is bullshit. I am blonde myself. I want to fuck all my distant female cousins. I do like asians tho

no one even cares in this day in age. I see girls ask for birth control pills in CVS all the time. At the nurse office at my school, i guaranteed it would be nothing but roasties getting STI checks.
Next time you cum inside a girl. just tell her
>btw, i have aids
>enjoy you fucking skank

>> No.15938975

bye bye and dont come back

>> No.15939042

They aren't going to creampie themselves.

Unless you're into that kind of thing...

>> No.15939069

this is how brothel make money from fuck prostitute.

>> No.15939073

whats wrong with her eyes?

>> No.15939350

That's not a poorfag cope. Women are slightly over half of the population on earth and in the grand scheme of things a 7/10 or higher isn't all that uncommon. There's probably more supply than there is demand, hence the average being two dollar crack whores as opposed to two hundred thousand dollar cocaine harlots. Supply and demand.

>> No.15939363

She have do many fuck

>> No.15939979


>> No.15940017
File: 1.16 MB, 658x932, JessicaJones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if by creampie you mean pic related. no pussy is worth $200

>> No.15940055


>> No.15940099

Honestly even if condoms don't feel as good as raw, girls these days are total whores and carrying chlamydia and other infections, it's not worth your health.

There's these condoms called Skyn that feel pretty good and are thin enough to feel her pussy at least, use that. Doing girls raw these days is like playing russian roulette. its not worth

>> No.15940162

You guys are looking at this wrong. All he needs to do is masterbate on the girl's face. STD free!

>> No.15940174

If she's hot yeah that's not bad

>> No.15940201

enjoy your gonnorhea, herpes, HPV, HIV and crabs

>> No.15940213

and condoms protect you from how many of these diseases?

>> No.15940217


>> No.15940276

is this kel?

>> No.15940970

I wonder what actual creampies taste like. I LOVE lemon meringue pie.

>> No.15941523
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>> No.15941537

what kind of skank hooker does bare back for $200?

>> No.15941543

Heres a better deal

>Invest 200 in VID
>Get 100x return
>Creampie 100 hookers

>> No.15941551


>Hepatitis B
vaccine for that

really the only STD left standing


>HPV & Genital Warts
vaccine for this too

pretty sure antibiotics take care of this one too

>> No.15941560

ironically thats the Simpsons episode where grampa goes to the whore house.

>> No.15941561

It's a good idea until you splooge. Then you realise that you just wasted your money

>> No.15941564


>> No.15941566

Bro, which ones? And why go untreated?

>> No.15941599


>> No.15941608

If you already have a sack of stinkies, go for it.

>> No.15941630

There is no way to just mail your urine.
Some std labs need blood samples for a variety of reasons.
Go to a public health clinic, use a fake name on your paperwork, tell the MD, PA, or NP that you want to maintain confidentiality.
If you have a positive result, they can help you get in contact with your partners confidentially or even give you meds to take to them (depending on the law in your state).
I don't even ask for ID. Who steals an ID for an std check?
>t. public health dept. employee

>> No.15941667

that's why i go for 20 day sex vacations and prevent myself from coming the whole entire time. I also do nofap for two weeks prior to the vacation

>> No.15941672

Have any horror stories?

Also since your here. I went raw on some chick last time I had sex. Like 7 years ago. What are the chances of me having something? Haven’t had and bumps or weird shit on my cock except minor tear on my forskin from phimosis

>> No.15941677

Here’s the reality. First learned from kid in 5th grade and didn’t believe him at first. Women are 10x as likely to get and std from sex. Male go in, unlikely but possible. Woman have sex like a carousel and get it. This is how it spreads

>> No.15941679

Thats true but i enjoy the experience and usually when i cum from sex i cum so much more, its a different feeling than jerking off.
True, they took a lot of blood from me. Also urine. All negative

>> No.15941695

If it's one chick, one time, 7 years ago, not as likely for anything serious. Bacterial infections (Chlamydia, gonnorhea) probably would've shown up by now. To get HIV it's like less than 1% transmission rate chance or less. Herpes is likely but there's really no test for that.

There's no shame in testing under your real name. Just maintain confidentiality and you'll be fine.

>> No.15941707

Not likely for you. For a chick getting cream pied yeah. How it works

>> No.15941710

Depends on how much you make. I make $50 an hour so that would be 4 hours of my time which is fair to me. That's about how much time it would take if I were to go on tinder, the club, etc

>> No.15941720

The last hooker that let me bareback i got a uti. Holy fuck it was so painful. I thought i had the clap or gonorrhea.

>> No.15941729

Alright how many of you have fucked a hooker I can’t be the only virgin here.

>> No.15941743

most of non-normies on 4chan became non virgin about 4 years ago which is when the average age was 27 and that's when all these threads started popping up about hookers. barely anyone became a wizard like we anticipated would happen

>> No.15941744


>> No.15941755

This is biz, there are more normies here. There are wizards on r5k I bet

>> No.15941756

spent two weeks in thailand.

man, its like a whole other planet.

>> No.15941762

>rape whore

>> No.15941766

i'm ausfag but never had sex on this side of the planet. i always go to germany

>> No.15941774


>> No.15941782

fuck is u talkin about?
i nutted into a crackheads busted pussy last week for 3 dollars

>> No.15941793

guess it's time to add that final 1 BTC to my stack and get ready for winter

>> No.15941807

The wizard process is a long and arduous journey for infinite wisdom.

>> No.15941809

is it true that all the hookers in Germany are slavs?

>> No.15941838

This >>15941695 anon is mostly right.
Except for this.
>herpes is likely but there's really no test for that
There is a blood test for herpes.
It is recommended that you wait 4-6 weeks before testing after you think you've been exposed.
HSV 1/2 viral load takes some time to develop.
If you are concerned about stds at all just get tested. It's not as spooky as it might seem. I'm chill as fuck, for example.

As for horror stories, I'm pretty new and mostly conduct std investigations on a records only basis.
People do wait fucking long to get treated for shit though. The longest was 9 months for chlamydia treatment.
Just spreading that shit everywhere in a tiny county.

>> No.15941851

Ok fags im gonna see her on friday. I'll try to get pics for you

>> No.15941853

Most of the ones from the /r9k/ that you remember have either moved on to a different site or an hero'd (mostly an hero'd). Modern /r9k/ is a whole new animal.

>> No.15941862

found the faggot

>> No.15942014

How long have you been here?

>> No.15942070

Burn in hell oh and also checked.

>> No.15942078

you will feel really shitty and depressed after you cum. just watch porn for FREE

>> No.15942114

Went to Thailand when I was 19 and 20 with a pocket full of cash so yeah I fucked a lot of hookers.

>> No.15942150

the dichotomy of Judaism

>> No.15942582

mostly romainian. but yeah other slav countries too like bulgaria, russia, moldova.
i've also met a couple of italian ones there.

>> No.15942600


>> No.15942607

200$ + the monthly child support money, go for it anon

>> No.15943837

All you losers do is make racists threads, sex threads and chainlink threads. I have yet to see a worthwhile thread that has any useful information worth reading. This place is pathetic, try getting on Reddit's level!

>> No.15943839

redditor are based!

>> No.15943860

of cource!