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15937834 No.15937834 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there people loving their job?
I don't get it

>> No.15937848

he's the owner, ofc he's motivated for it to do well

>> No.15937851


He's asian. Also he's filthy rich so he can change his mind at any given moment.

>> No.15937855

Some people have as much fun working as others have playing vidya. Although if I was cz I'd definitely quit while I was ahead.

>> No.15937869

Some people don't have any hobbies, aspirations or dreams. Unlike the neet who would rather be homeless and left to contemplate life 24 hours a day if it meant not working, he would rather be a slave so preoccupied with work that he will never have to think about anything at all.

>> No.15937888

I can't imagine enjoying working.

>> No.15937925

I meet people all the time who say things like
>I wouldn’t know what to do all day if I didn’t work
mostly boomers or other old people getting close to retirement.
I think they have just gotten in such a rut where they wake up, go to work, come home, go to bed, that their brains have become injured and they literally can’t think of anything outside that routine. Add to that they’ve spent so much time at work their kids and spouses dislike them, and they barely know one another, the prospect of losing that routine is frightening.

>> No.15937936


>> No.15937940

I would love my job too if I'd compensated be millions of $$$

>> No.15937941

I would enjoy work if it ends up putting like half a million into my bank for every worked hour.

>> No.15938044
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Wageslaving for any considerable amount of time lobotomizes you. You’re right about the impact on family as well. Having dual working households completely transformed the family landscape.

>> No.15938076

CZ originally struck me as one of the few die-hard crypto enthusiasts. But then his absolute ignorance regarding a btc rollback sort of shattered that illusion. I’ve always loved binance but I wonder if it might still pull a China hustle. The thing is, like he says, it doesn’t seem like he wants to do anything else.

>> No.15938090

>ignorance regarding a btc rollback
Not a CZ defender at all, but all he did was mention it because some other people were mentioning it and he wanted to get it out in the open. It was never seriously being considered.

>> No.15938111

I used to work as little as possible and devote my time to hobbies and interests. I love learning things, developing skills, putting those into action, not being bored. All those things were rarely found through work I'd done and was doing.

The older I got the more work I was expected to do. New experiences become fairly pedestrian because you've tried quite a lot of stuff, the low hanging fruit, the rest requires commitment to gain ever smaller amounts of satisfaction. The more work you do the more you have to care (imagine spending 40+ hours doing something you hate poorly). The more you care generally the better you get and the higher you rise and eventually you find yourself in a position where you have to make a decision.

I left my comfy middle management office role for a start up because I figured if I must work, then it should be something in which I can have influence and utilise my diverse skill set.

I now love my job. I manage two production facilities. I am directly responsible for everything in those areas and that arm of the business, branding, new product development, staffing, contracting, expansion, complete direction to run it as if it is my own business.

I am paid very well and my director is happy to leave me to it as long as I make him lots of money and demonstrate value for money which I do daily. I push him to grow and build a better business because it is the most direct way to increase my income.

Also I'm passionate about the industry and I want to raise the bar constantly. I want to be big enough to challenge the national players and define the industry that I love.

If you asked me a few years ago about work I'd have said a means to an end. Do as little as possible for as much as possible. But now I love my job. It is about having autonomy. Direction. Influence. Direct feedback. Every bit of blood and sweat I shed results in new equipment, expansion, more money and the chance to create great jobs for people who share my passion.

>> No.15938121

The manager does not tell the employee that working sucks. He says working every day is a joy and a privilege and not bring productive to the plantation is a sin. Your slave mentality is showing of you believe this chink.

>> No.15938128

If you dont work on sundays and other free time, you are wage cuck.

>> No.15938221

Hes a fucking billionaire no shit he likes his work

>> No.15938240

Well played CZ.
I would love my job too (implying I have a job at all) if I was a billionaire running an exchange that basically works on its own.

>> No.15938242

Checked and all, but if it's like your dream job and/or makes you obsenely rich, I guess I can imagine enjoying it

>> No.15938255

Gives purpose

>> No.15938336

>imagine spending 40+ hours doing something you hate poorly
That's most of us, and I don't know how to get out. There isn't anything I enjoy doing besides vidya and d&d

>> No.15938368

What's the point of being rich if you can't enjoy it? You see this shit all the time. People work 13 hours a day so that they can spend 3 hours in a giant mansion.

>> No.15938414

Dude just find a job you like and work on it 24/7 with no breaks and then tweet about how you're so hard working and much better than all the plebes lol

>> No.15938893

Younger me used to hate this shit. Older me gets it. There are nicer ways to put it ...

You are lucky to have a job. I don't care how you feel. If you don't pull your weight and act like you enjoy it then I'll find somebody who will. Your problems are not my problems. It is all about what you can do for me. Everything else is extra work for me which I won't tolerate.


We want people to enjoy their jobs. We want people to work with like minded individuals who share goals and passions and are excited to work together to push the business forward and make the business more successful and by extension their jobs more prestigious, better paid with more interesting and exciting avenues within which to add value. If you have constructive feedback we'd love to hear it, we'd love you to push for those changes, we want to empower you. The better you perform, the more money we make, the more we can reinvest to make the place better, for you to earn more money, for you to work less hours, to have more technology etc. The happier you are, the more you enjoy this process, the happier everybody is. If you don't feel this way, we'd rather you were happy, if that means elsewhere, in a different type of role, we'd love to help you achieve that. The world is vast and filled with opportunities to find something you love and you've learnt so much here, even if it just clarity in what you do and do not want to do. Do some research, maybe there is some training we can offer?


Ultimately though managing people is about extracting the most milk with the least moo. If that means happy people who love coming to work with great jobs then I'll do that. But some people just hate work, aren't happy, love complaining, small minded, small picture, nothing constructive just venting, hate having to feel tired, have stress, have challenges etc. Fuck them. I'd rather lose them so I can keep trying to find people who fucking get it.

>> No.15938935

This is an act the rich put on so the poor feel better about being abused.

>> No.15938945

Working long hours for some days/weeks for a lot of money is better than working a few hours consistently every weekday for very little money. Free time is pointless when you have to worry about money all the time. Look at the happiness of homeless people.

>> No.15938964

>If you don't act like you enjoy it then I'll find somebody who will
This is why unions were invented

>> No.15939012

jobs are nice if you actually do something productive you mostly enjoy and that challenge and reward you enough
most jobs now are just sitting in an office for 8hours a day while pretending to do something

>> No.15939056

I used to work for a company where everything was managed. Everything had a process to follow. You couldn't 'underperform' or 'not enjoy' your job because the concept didn't exist. You had duties, these were monitored and managed against metrics with regular review processes, everything had a flow diagram and a check list. If you were a bad employee, you would be flagged up during your reviews, you'd have an improvement plan including training, if you didn't improve you'd get escalating warnings leading to eventual termination for failing to fulfil your duties. Everything signed and made to look like we were helping. It meant that even if you hated your job if you did the bare minimum required by the procedures you'd stay there and get regular yearly pay rises. You'd be free to complain like hell annoying everybody else, hold up progress and keep everybody at your low level. You'd never get any further pay increases or promotions which would be about the only incentive for you to leave, but if you were that lame, you'd just stay there, plodding on, waiting for the day when you'd finally decide to go do something else (where you'd likely also be unhappy). I fucking hated working there because it was filled with dinosaurs who were proud of the fact they didn't have to do something that wasn't part of their job and adding it to their job required training and risk assessments and a renegotiation of their contract and role.

Seriously. Now? I work somewhere where if you aren't with the program you are gone, first chance. If you are? I'll pay you whatever you want if I can afford it. I'm going to shout at you if you are dumb and don't listen by the 3rd time. If you want to make an issue of it, I'll suspend you from work without pay. Check your contract. Not doing what you are told is gross misconduct. Gross misconduct is grounds for immediate termination.

Do you know how much easier life is now? We can act like actual human beings in the work place.

>> No.15939113

It basically comes down to - do you want a comfy, but lobotomising role where every concept has a training guide? Where you just follow a daily check list and the business could be automated as you are completely interchangeable? You'll have no chance to rise above this, you will never distinguish yourself, you simply trade your time for a minimum level of 'work' in an alienating system.

Or do you want to show common sense as a minimum standard? Do you want a measure of stress and responsibility in exchange for an impact upon the daily running of the business? Your intellect and wider understanding of business goals and an ability to think on your feet, problem solve and be creative will allow you to stand apart from others and earn fat fat rewards rapidly? We might shout at each other, we might get a little aggressive at times, but holy shit if you can solve the problems, make the work happen, take a joke and thrive in such an environment you'll never be bored or interchangeable.

>> No.15939134

who's this boomer

>> No.15939151

Huge difference between working for yourself on a company you created vs working some bitch wagie job

>> No.15939152

The point is that working will feel good. What's the point of just being at your giant mansion? It's boring. If I had a company, I would probably enjoy running it as well. Trying to make sure I stay ahead of the competition. It's a game basically.

>> No.15939160

CZ is Chinese....mainlanders and most ethnic Asians ALL think like this. They are literally robots.

>> No.15939180

I don't want to work at all you dumbass. I just want easy money with little effort and tons of free time to enjoy my hobbies. Ideally, I want to get paid to play video games all day.

>> No.15939182

If your job is also a passion, work is never work.

>> No.15939196

You will understand once you grow up, and stop chasing anxiety-fantasy-laziness induced half-assed worthless dreams of a parasitic existence.

>> No.15939216

checked and jobpilled.
I can't imagine not being enthusiastic about my job, because my job is doing what I love.
You guys should try it.

>> No.15939227

I don't see this working beyond 5-10 people.

>> No.15939257




cope & yikes

>> No.15939274


>> No.15939325

i always hated work. I can't motivate myself to go to wageslave. What now?

>> No.15939855

>saying one thing
>believing another

>> No.15939878

Does it make any sense to value anything above your only life? Seneca certainly doesn’t think so. Yet we find ourselves trading our only life away to make others like us, to get money (which we cannot use in the grave), and be lazy, distracted and entertained.

The main reason that we do so, Seneca argues, we waste so much of our time is because we forget that it is limited, that we are going to die.

Seneca scolds,

“You live as if you were destined to live forever, no thought of your frailty ever enters your head, of how much time has already gone by you take no heed. You squander time as if you drew from a full and abundant supply, though all the while that day which you bestow on some person or thing is perhaps your last.”

Wasting time is the worst thing we can do to ourselves, but of course, there are many things and people that would take away our precious time. When Seneca says to be “miserly” with your time, he means it.

>> No.15939886

buy chainlink and hope it isnt just a meme

>> No.15940022

neet will have to beg for food all day