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15937605 No.15937605 [Reply] [Original]

just going to wait til LINK singularity and then move to Japan and hit dem Japanese soap bars 3 times a week
what do you think?
t. 40 year old 15K LINKy

>> No.15937615

good idea
doing the same but going to korea

>> No.15937625

Just get dollar store japanese women aka SE asian women. Theyre cheaper and more grateful

>> No.15937642

Japan only takes skilled immigrants with degrees and jobs lined up. You can’t just move there. You’ll get 90 days max, and if you try to come back too soon they’ll blacklist you. Better off doing Thailand or

>> No.15937661

literally me but i'm 27

>> No.15937671

US allows people to live here if they invest millions, does Japan allow something like this?
I'd like to drive taxi over there just for fun.

>> No.15937672

Why not start a family you sex addicted degenerate?
Use your LINK gains to do something meaningful in your life, don't further destroy it.

>> No.15937678

>Japanese soap bars

What are those? tell me more

>> No.15937688


>> No.15937696

i'd like to fuck different, younger pussies without guilt.
much better to be single and fuck as many whores as you want than to be married with kids and cheat.
as long as you're not hurting anyone, it's all good.

>> No.15938139

Good to know there are likeminded stinky frens

>> No.15938143


>> No.15938220

won’t be very stinky if you go to soaplands three times a week

>> No.15938241

Holy shit why the fuck did jews have to ruin the west? Imagine how aesthetic it would be to be an uber/taxi driver in an all white jew york

>> No.15938265

literally me but im 19

i hope link moons before im 22

>> No.15939267

You couldn’t get married if you wanted to

> 40
> most likely a fatass who’s balding