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15934922 No.15934922 [Reply] [Original]

wat do? I've never even handed out a resume before.. I will send 0.1 ETH to the most helpful answer.

>> No.15934949

Go to job centre (arbeitsamt in germany) and just talk with the consultant, its free and i was in ur situation, they really want to help you! If you dont have like a in real life job centre, make a resume, i can help if u want. And just go to some small stores, they always have work to do.

>> No.15934954

trade it at 5x leverage at 2% profit per day
easy $250/day

>> No.15934988

thanks kind kraut, I'll look for job dispensers in my area.
this could work but if i have one wrong trade dont i risk losing everything? thanks

>> No.15935002
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no problem :)

>> No.15935397

I’m with you, job agency is a good start, you don’t need to take what you don’t want, it’s up to you, and youll get some xp with job interviews

Brevity is key

>> No.15935424

Honestly, if you have no work experience,no significant education or charisma, youre better off trying some entry level job at ANY industry.
If you REALLY need a job ASAP find a restaurant you LIKE that is CLOSE to were you live, go straigh in, ask to see the manager and tell him youre interested in a position, ANY position, it will help you to realize a little bit how places WORK and how to interact with others humans, how to make some simple, risk free money.
Hell even if it is for only a day it will give you a clearer idea of what you want to do and where.
If you actually HAVE an education and an idea of where you want to work and how, look at examples of resumes that seem impressive and try to emulate them, filling in your own "experiences" or exagerrating them, they rarely check and sell your weak points as positives, "no previous experience"? more like "Very willing to learn, or fast learner" etc
I really wish you for the best and good luck anon

>> No.15935883

Make high risk smart trades in the stock market and crypto

t.self employed

>> No.15936078


>> No.15936199

Try to seek apprenticeship or internship on some jobline you are ok doing for a good part of your life.
Apprenticeship and internship is basically like a job but you also get qualification/certificates by the end of your work. You dont pay for it, instead they pay for you to work for them, they'll want you on average for a year so you're technically getting some form of edu but also money and job experience. Apprenticeship and internship also act like a real job so you get 28 days off and all that jazz and depending on which apprenticeship you may possibly get a student advantage by getting discounts for food, entertainment, travel, bank account offers, amazon/online memberships, books, erc. The pay will probably be lower than min wage but should be enough to help you pay for basic things though i would suggest you live with your family while doing this to keep most of your even if little money. This is also very low entry requirement, typically only highschool grades of C in english and maths no previous work exp required since apprenticeships and internships are for beginners trying to start their career.
I am applying for an apprenticeship right now and it pays me £15k however it's ok since im getting so much and getting suprisingly paid for it too, i will be getting my 1 year exp that most job ads want/require so i'm guessing job hunting will be less stressful. This all may vary if you are not in the UK and somewhere else, however i'd still suggest you look this up.

>> No.15936206

get a job at Costco. They'll start you around $15/hour and it has a great upward mobility track. Plus its probably one of the most well run businesses in the world

>> No.15936316

I got rejected from mcdonalds like 10 times, even getting a retail job is hard but i'd say still try to apply for those since it's fairly monotomous and hard to fuck up, some people manage to get these jobs easy. I'd also say maybe work for grocery store or retail since workers usually get % off discounts on groceries, i dont know if they get discounts on other items like clothes/electronics but maybe it varies, the discount is still better than getting to eat fast "food" at a lower price or for lunch.

Other jobs that are quite simple to get into is support worker which is just basically assisting and taking care of old people/mentally ill in carehomes, suprisingly you dont need a medical background for this and only need a background check which costs £50 but you'll only be asked for this if you got the job and do the paperwork after so you dont have to commit now and waste monies. I believe all you have to do is answer back that you are "rational, communicative, managable and caring" and will not take advantage of the care home people.
IT is also kind of a meme job and so is coding.
Office work is preety basic requirements too.
Pool guard, you're preety much just standing around the pool.
Security guard. Trade worker. Etc.
Maybe even look for jobs in comic stores or look up no experience jobs.