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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15930515 No.15930515 [Reply] [Original]

The taxation system in most European countries is absolutely oppressive. You're lucky enough to start out with €1,600 net per month if you have a general business degree, and you can be expected to hand over 40-50% of any salary increases to the state. Side gigging is also difficult because the government doesn't like it when you try to get rid of your debts faster. Meanwhile, Americans are earning $100K for just doing some basic coding.

So what do I do to make more money? Evade taxes? Become a test subject for hospitals? Webcamming? I'm open to anything desu, as long as it doesn't involves selling my genitals.

>> No.15930675

drugs usually

>> No.15930693

>My governement is taxing me to the point where I can advance in life huuuur duurr what do

leave faggot. The world is yours.

>> No.15930730

America is no better.... your better off staying put and learning a trade get proficient at it then travel.
Leaving your country with a degree means dick. You need a trade that is global unironically coding is like painting and will take years.. You don't have that luxury so I suggest focus on something else.

>> No.15930743

Can you weld?