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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15929786 No.15929786 [Reply] [Original]

Is anybody else beginning to think there will never be another alt explosion again? Name ONE alt coin that has mooned in the last two years.

You can't.

>> No.15929800


>> No.15929801

The last 2 years includes 2017 you fucking brainlet motherfucker. I could name ANY top 20 altcoin.

>> No.15929807

You know what, crypto IS over. Leave this board and never come back. Stop checking prices too, because after all, IT'S OVER.

>> No.15929810

i mean theres the occasional pump and dump of random alts still, but as far as alts going up and staying up, and maintaining growth for an extended period, i dont think thats ever happening again. like others have said, now that almost every exchange offers margin trading, theres really no need for ppl to buy alts anymore unless the project actually has some game changing tech that companies are investing in (there are none at this point)

>> No.15929820

Of course there won't. Bubbles like that only happen per decade and then regulators crack down (like they are on crypto right now) to prevent it happening again. The next big bubble is coming but it sure as hell won't be in crypto. You fags showed up 2 years after even the normiest of normies what do you expect?

>> No.15930630


the normies already took over it,

4chinners didn't know about it until it hit 20k and it was overhyped by the people who had thousands of BTC saved up

idiots flock to buy some and it dumps,

just as "they" planned all along

a lot of them sold at the very top

there are a few whales playing with the market currently

there are also other whales that move big amounts of BTC from wallet to unknown wallets

>> No.15931054

of course it's dead, 2016 will never happen again people and businesses never heard of crypto, saw it mooning, and panic bought because they they though "well this asian nerd on the cover of forbes must know the future of tech" but once people looked at it they saw how shitty it was and left.

To this day, there is NOT A SINGLE CRYPTO that has accomplished anything, they're all shilling "muh partnerships" and "soon..." but fail to deliver anything that produces economic value. Eventually one may be able to bring in revenue and sustain itself but the decentralization meme is the most autistic shit i've ever heard.

In 2016 harvard business survey showed 40% of businesses had blockchain technology as a priority, in 2019 its 6%. Nobody but autistic moon boys want to use crypto because as a tech it's absolute trash, can you imagine netflix or uber running on ethereum? LMAO

>> No.15931095

>Decentralized currency
>Bring in revenue

>> No.15931805

yeah but what
about smart contracts?

>> No.15931852

We’re fucked.

>> No.15931958
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Ravencoin is about to moon