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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 503 KB, 1242x2208, 84801E53-0DA8-4555-B655-EF2AB3A8585C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15928838 No.15928838 [Reply] [Original]

my sides are in ORBIT

>> No.15928848
File: 46 KB, 569x760, BEB3FB9F-05B0-4C15-89CF-6A20CB6E53F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol linkies thought I was larping about sub $1 they will know soon. Good job talking shit to someone who can chart and trade better than this entire pajeet gathering board

>> No.15928889

Just wait homie.
The fun starts soon.

I fucking hate you faggot incels
But you were right about this. Chainlink is going to change this world.

You have no idea what you’re fudding.

>> No.15928910

absolute cope

>> No.15928912


They are fuding an exit scam by a known exit scammer (NXT). StainStink is vaporware, that will never be used by anybody for anything of value. Too bad you decided to place your bet on a stinky cube of shit.

>> No.15929011

Linkers are so fucking delusional it’s glorious, I’ll buy your coins at .75c get fuckt you retail trader faggots

>> No.15929013
File: 21 KB, 320x454, ohousama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you said that at $1.50

>> No.15929019

Looking at the charts on CMC it appears a lot of the alts that had a run up earlier this year are about to capitulate and probably form a cup and handle afterwards

>> No.15929039 [DELETED] 

Can somebody help me? Someone leaked my photos at https://imgur.com/0igQQs5

>> No.15929058

Retards must leave ok? Being serious kid your just making shit up and ur too stupid

>> No.15929071
File: 508 KB, 1242x2208, 6161C05E-EDAD-4744-8DA2-E5E176DD370B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodbye chain stinkies your time of reckoning has begun

>> No.15929116
File: 522 KB, 1242x2208, AD5E1795-F31E-49A5-A3D8-BCA21D833927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what linkies thought would happen
These faggots are probably the worst traders in the history of biz itself. They are so fucking dumb and bad it’s embarassing to this board. You retards can’t even read a simple chart you only see moonshots you don’t see probability at all. It’s so funny it’s sad

>> No.15929131


>> No.15929146

>he thought market-makers would let people who fomoed going long get easy profits
don't get too stinky when being liquidated, fomo linkies

>> No.15929151

And the panic selling begins soon. See u 75c faggit

>> No.15929187

once again they have to tank bitcoin to break link's ironclad support. like clockwork. sad.

>> No.15929192
File: 6 KB, 284x178, hypecycle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

personally i am still waiting for a full retrace to sub 50 cent. feels good being tethered since 4 bucks with the occasional swinging. i will have at least x10 my linkies and get at least another x5 after adoption actually occurs. pic related.

>> No.15929227

sub $1 could only be possible if staking gets postponed for another 12 months and 2020 turns out as a nothing burger bleeding out - which is rather unlikely if you ask me

>> No.15929243

>he doesn't believe in meme images
not gonna make it, anon. in a few years, link will reach its plateau of productivity at ~$2.5 and experience next to no increasing appreciation in value afterwards.

>> No.15929253

Based swingchad. I know you will make it.

>> No.15929257

these memelines would have served you well during ethereum's run to 1500

>> No.15929265

didn btc just do this patermn

>> No.15929267

I sold at $2.80 and $2.69.

Easy profit. Funny how everyone was making fun of me for being a "newfag."

This newfag has made a lot more money than you "old fags"

>> No.15929276

Can you guys help me? Someone leaked my photos at https://imgur.com/WQfgQNa

>> No.15929298

Can you help me?

>> No.15929300

I swung a few thousand last week will buy back in before oracle's announcement but that might be a nothing burger

>> No.15929312
File: 599 KB, 1920x1920, C6A9A497226E465C812CA3819021845D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best get in before isda forum though

>> No.15929317

Definitely a nothing burger. Everything in cryptocurrency and blockchain is a nothing burger

>> No.15929327

Sergers is laying down plenty of tinder just needs a spark to light the rockets fuse

>> No.15929329

lol, isda forum? I'm sure that's definitely going to pump chainlink

>> No.15929382

Based. I can respect swinglinkers and sellers that are actually out for a profit. Its the coping never selling hodlers that are the retards. Keep buying and holding a bleeding asset

>> No.15929423

Open law shilling their lao stack with chainlink as the oracle? Yeah it might

>> No.15929427
File: 13 KB, 414x342, exit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys tripfag no one cares

>> No.15929430

lol you made me laugh, what shitcoin do you believe in?

>> No.15929442

Yea...don't hold your breath

>> No.15929444

>he actually thinks Linkies thought the handle of a 3.5 month cup would be 3 days long... he’s an idiot.
Of course it’s going down. Better start buying around 2.20 tho

>> No.15929472
File: 61 KB, 504x360, 1552085714113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm interested to hear the panel but yeah it might be the same resistance that btc EFTs have been getting.

>> No.15929482

thanks, just sold 700k

>> No.15929496

Chainlink exist yet? I sold all at $4 after x10 because it looked like a PnD

>> No.15929497

Neck yourself retard

>> No.15929507

Thinking about converting my stack to another coin and then converting back at the dip
Any suggestions on what to convert to?

>> No.15929516

Tether u fucking retard
I can’t stsnd biz it’s a bunch of noob retards

>> No.15929523


>> No.15929653
File: 101 KB, 1024x904, 1555866186167.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LINK/BTC chart looks fine

>> No.15929682
File: 42 KB, 646x595, g-guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>u r big dumbiehead
how will I ever recover?

>> No.15929703

This whole thread is a buy signal

>> No.15929731

Do you buy?

>> No.15929850

>using biz as a big signal
Literal retards on this board folks

>> No.15930479
File: 63 KB, 680x567, brainletdensity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> i-it's meant to be sub $1 by now
> LOOK GUIS ITS DUMPING FOR REAL THIS TIME it hasn't dipped like 4 times and i haven't made a post every single time
> n-no i haven't changed the story 50 times
> i'm totally not angry because i'm still priced out at $2.4 which is why i try to celebrate every dip
This is your brain on newfag late adopter.
I can't even begin to imagine what it would feel like coming in after the mid-year and looking at the history this board has of endless shitposting about this token and realizing how clueless I would have felt.

>> No.15930488

I havnt heard a single good argument on why not to keep buying chainlink

>pee pee poo poo sell link I beg you sirs

I'm not selling

>> No.15930509
File: 11 KB, 225x225, laff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh and of course the pajeet tripfag is joining in.
Doesn't hold link but:
> hand crafts his own link memes
> has link pasta saved
> has been caught out trying to shill his 50iq link wallet scam as per pic related because it's the only way he can get link
I'm pretty sure between the two of you there's about 50 iq points. Maybe make that your first goal? A nice big boy 50 link stack? I'm not sure how many rupees that is but it's probably a hefty amount vs what you earn.

>> No.15930522
File: 12 KB, 931x203, schiffpajeetscam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oop - my bad, posted mfw - here's schiff caught out trying to shill his pajeet scam / uncleoldfag having yet another "unironically link" moment.

>> No.15930762

Okay this is epic

Tripfags get the rope

>> No.15931007

Anytime I see meme lines I laugh so ty OP I raff I roosh

>> No.15931044
File: 462 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20191015-212955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
