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15928311 No.15928311 [Reply] [Original]

I want something different anons. I dont really want money, it would be nice but its kind of useless in the grand picture. I dont want more things, I just want to something important. What do I want bros?

>> No.15928334

Nothing is important.
You could do something meaningful like visiting the sick and elderly at hospitals.
Or volunteer at some animal shelter or some shit. Its all pretty pointless though, just try to have fun.

>> No.15928362

I can feel it though, something is important, I dont know what it is though. I want it though. Is it domination? Is it knowledge? Maybe it's something that doesn't exist yet. I dont know, I want it though.

>> No.15928427

Stoicism is a philosophy for npc’s

>> No.15928484

Freedom = Power
Power = Money
therefore: Money = Freedom
do you want to say a slave or do you want to be free?

>> No.15928538

Realizing you want something more than life from material goods and fleeting pleasures is the first step. Become a free man.

Not having a philosophy of life is for niggers who get dragged from one animalistic sensation to the next.

>> No.15928544

maybe ou want something you made on your own and slowly want to see it grow and bear fruits. cultivating land and raising kids fill in here - both work fine for me. if you want to take it slow, you could start with bonsai. gl anon

>> No.15928836
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Imagine believing that everybody who isn’t a stoic has no ethics. Thanks for proving my point

>> No.15928869

Join the army faggit

>> No.15929040

You are looking for community. Like a band of brothers...

Short of the marines, look to church. Find a small group of men that you can do things with.

>> No.15929093
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Unironically Jesus.

>> No.15929109

The point of wealth is freedom. Chase wealth, not money. Wealth is money that grows while you sleep.

>> No.15929127


>> No.15929128

You want the presence of God in your life.
What this anon listed will bring you closer to God.

>> No.15929165

Only you can answer this yourself. Embrace the uncertainty and go with the flow. Get into zen

>> No.15929207

just be like doggos
doggos are cute
doggos are cool
doggos are godly

>> No.15929226

It’s called the will to power. Read Nietzsche then try to forget everything he wrote; it’s too real.

>> No.15929491

Can I get some context behind this image? I'm assuming the KJ bible is the most definitive version of the bible?

>> No.15930294
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having 'made' it in the past; then ending up losing it all. Made me question the nature of money as well. There is really no clear cut answer other than money being a driving factor of society. Money is what suspends you in societies hierarchical system, willingly or not. One way out is to bypass it by resigning from most if not all desires (Stoicism, Buddhism). Alternative, there is a short cut to all your problems called religion.

You may not want that, I certainly don't.

> I dont want more things, I just want to something important.

Important things require knowledge.
There's also is this thing called wealth, learn how it differs from "Money".

Apples / Oranges.

> Maybe it's something that doesn't exist yet. I don't know

It may be something you haven't learned or fully understood yet. The blue pill way is to ignore that, get a 9 to 5, and once you are at your desired income bracket settle with that and constantly battle the hedonistic treadmill through dissatisfaction,the the rest of your life, until death. Alternatively, spend all your life in education and books, or locked away from society building your inner world on the internet while not accomplishing anything of value at all.

Some people may be absolutely content with that. If you don't want that, then the red pill is to go it out by your goddamn self while building on thousands of years of knowledge. There is certainly something to get and to want from life, it may not be money, but it may quite possible be wealth through knowledge.

You never find an answer.

>> No.15930300
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>> No.15930469

Relationships with people is the biggest thing that will make you happy. Once you have enough money to retire the trick to happiness is socializing exercising and a hobby.