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15921974 No.15921974 [Reply] [Original]

>you've spent 3 years chasing a dead dream
>your friends are out meeting woman and building there careers
>by the time you make it in crypto you will not even want the money

>> No.15921979
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>> No.15921998

I am morally obligated to post in anime threads. Please do not confuse this for signifying your thread is good, in fact this thread is fucking terrible. Good day.

>> No.15922006

>having an investment in crypto and building a career are mutually exclusive

This. I remember the first time I bought a bitcoin. A fedora materialised on my head and I regained my virginity.

Kys. The only sure thing is that fiat goes to zero and I have to denominate my pay in fiat. Crypto is the best chance but i will emancipate myself from central banking with gold regardless

>> No.15922165

You do know you can both work, chase women and follow crypto at the same time, just don’t expect to sleep that much.

>> No.15922176

Who’s “you”?

You do know you can work, chase women and follow crypto within the same day, just don’t expect to sleep that much.

>> No.15922180

It’s already over. Even if I make it I’m too old now. I’ll be 35-36 minimum. I’m glad I wasn’t chasing crypto in my twenties though, at least I had a good youth. I couldn’t imagine being 23 and sitting around waiting for link to moon, I don’t think there’s anything sadder than that thought

>> No.15922181
File: 2.37 MB, 1280x720, Final Fantasy Iris 3.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iris is best girl!

>> No.15922182

>you make it in crypto
not seeing the problem

>> No.15922194

I think I need to sleep

>> No.15922286
File: 162 KB, 1200x831, 1564161542897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit hits real close to home

>> No.15922303


yeah im 23 and waiting in my room for link to moon and i don't know how to reverse my psychology at this point

>> No.15922315

19 1.1k
Only giving this shit 2 years

>> No.15922316

Same anon, your not alone

>> No.15922323

Guess i'm going to be a coomer for two years

>> No.15922341

Based as fuck. The gold thesis and the crypto thesis are the only two that make any sense at all right now. Personally, I’d rather long tech.

Austist detected

Same. We’ll wait not more than 3 years.

>> No.15922348

Don't be impatient you fags. All you have to do is get fit and make a lot of memes. Even if it takes 5 years to moon, you will still be in your physical and creative prime.
t. lived off of bizfit gains for a year in his late 20s

>> No.15922356

That's why I'll invest in transhumanism as I'm totaly unsatisfied with my youth spent on shitty crypto. Anyways life is amazingly short and I'd be unsatisfied with or without crypto here.
Advanced human beings need like 30-40 years now to fully develop there identity. So it's retarded anyways, only making people life at least 200 years would be fine.

>> No.15922389



>> No.15922754


26. At least i'm like working in the space though (actual job not community manager cuck shit like i used to do)... I should be good no matter what... r-right?

>> No.15922787

I'd rather play this game, desu.

>> No.15923404


>> No.15923479

Damn I loved ffx when it came out i had the ps2 with that game and couldn't afford a memory card for a week or so and I played the start of this plenty of times

>> No.15924298

Best moment in the game