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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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15921944 No.15921944 [Reply] [Original]

Oops, I fucked up and accidently said I have fall break this week. The college doesn't have fall break for another month. My brother goes to the same college and said he didn't have break.
Just 1 more year and I'm off scott free never actually having stepped foot in college. Give me ideas /biz/ how do I bluff my way out of this one.

>> No.15922240

same. i pretended i had a job at th elocal bookstore but really i would just go to the old abandoned cock factory.

>> No.15922243

>>15922240 and jerk off. the clock factory closed down last year and 340 people got laid off.

>> No.15922272

Say whoops I thought I was off but I wasn't. Then skip class.

>> No.15922289

I still pretend I go to school even though I dropped out in 2016. Chainlink please save meeeeee before my parents finds out and kick me out I don't have much time before they wonder why I haven't graduated in 8 years

>> No.15922365


tfw even if i fucked up college my mother wouldn't never kick me out because she barely makes mends ends so me working minimum wage to help the house would be better than her alone

tfw don't know how to feel about this

>> No.15922452

I envy you in some ways anon. Seems pretty comfy in a lot of ways, I really wish I didnt have to lie to my mother about school, I'd gladly work to stay at the housr. I hope you make it fren