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File: 73 KB, 735x605, bitcoin-holder-investor-has-to-work-at-mcdonalds-due-to-low-value-puts-on-mcdonalds-hat-meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15921671 No.15921671 [Reply] [Original]

Tell us your crypto journey so far anon
I'll start
>hear about pump to 1k and the silk road
>Try to figure out way to get free BTC
>They're all scams
>Download BTC core wallet and delete it because it's trying to run a full node and I have no idea what's going on
>Download dogecoin wallet to run double down scheme on dogecoin casino
>It never finishes synching
>Try to buy $10 of bitcoin
>Have no idea what coinbase or a normal exchange is and the $10 gets stuck as $5 of second life money

>> No.15921681

>2016 hear about bitcorn, but don't have money so pass
>2017 hear about bitcorn agsin being 20k
>also 2017 hear about bitcorn again being over 50 percent down
>2018 buy link
>still holding link

>> No.15921695
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>hear bitcoin is pumping over the summer
>think about buying some but have no idea how to do it and quickly forget about
>Dec 2017
>Been listening to a lot of self help audiobooks
>Listen to Rich Dad Poor Dad
>"Buy Low Sell High"
>See John Mcafee tweet that Bitcoin was down 30%
>Perfect time to get in
>Buy 0.013 BTC on coinbase for $200
>dips down to $13k
>buy another $100
>It goes back up to $17k
>My now ~0.02 BTC is worth $360
>About to sell on coinbase
>see I'll only get $350 with fees
>fuck that, decide to hold
>goes back to 15k
>still holding
>goes to 12k
>nervous at this point
>goes to 10k
>total cope mode, "buy the dip"
>it goes to 9k
>"It'll go back up"
>don't look at coinbase for about two weeks
>when I finally check BTC is at 11k
>mfw it hit 6k

>> No.15921700

Pretty much this, im a newfag so ill be holding some ADA and NKN along with couple of LINKS

>> No.15921724
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The rest of 2018 was like this, chasing pumps and never selling at the right time.
>October 2018
>Hear about Nobel Bank/Tether
>Decide it's too risky to keep my crypto on an exchange (binance at this point)
>Use a personal wallet for first time
>Hold through big BTC dump because I'm caught up with end of semester bullshit

not a bad bet, not my first choice but it has room to pump
have seen this one around, know nothing about it, haven't even looked at the chart honestly
I wouldn't buy LINK here

>> No.15921727

girlfriend's dad has me watch documentary on BTC. Sounds like total meme, don't give a shit
working at company with guy who'd been holding onto about 10 BTC since 2012 or so. Ends up selling them at around 10k each and quits job a month later.
Brother becomes obsessed with BTC because old XBLA friend became a millionaire off BTC boom the year before. He's invested nearly eveery extra cent of his in BTC since.
I take a look into crypto seriously, but realize it's a massive Ponzi that likely has no future beyond speculators gettings others to buy their coin. Still have 100 Link I'm hanging onto as a curiosity to see if anything happens. I'm not holding my breath, but whatever.

>> No.15921733

Complete newfag, bought link at 2.50, waiting for it to higher if not ill trade for something else, what would you say are some other "decent bets"?

>> No.15921798
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>After dust settles at the end of the semester Bitcoin is about 3500
>Decide to pony up around $1500 to get to one btc club
>Get in to alts for the first time
>Buy EOS, it pumps 70% plus it has casino dapps you can make money from
>Turn 100 EOS into 150 EOS in about a week
>Everything is still dead pricewise
>Move from 3300 to 3700 feels like getting my dick sucked
>Pumps 1st of April back to 5k
>Keeps pumping
>Lose some BTC on alts because they never pumped
Brings us basically to where we are now. Sold a bunch of BTC at 12.6k but this sideways shit has been fucking with me heavy

>waiting for it to higher
I honestly don't think LINK is making a new satoshi high any time soon. If BTC goes to 15k I could see it at three or four dollars but everything will be pumping at that point.
DOGE is primed to pump along with Ethereum.
If you actually know how to trade, then trade, otherwise just dollar cost average on bitcoin dips until you're happy with the amount you have.
Trading is a zero sum game, people do it professionally and they can't wait to take your money. You need a risk management strategy and a trading plan if you're going to trade

>> No.15921850

>2010 - First hear about BTC but think it is a scam
>2014 - Sign up for Coinbase
>2015 and 2016 - Buy BTC so I can purchase drugs on the dark net
>2017 - Invest $20k in crypto and reach ATH of $120k
>January 2018 - Cash out most of my gains in January to pay off my $90k student loans
>March 2018 - Get $100k personal loan (not joking) to buy the crypto "dip" between March and July
>2018 onwards - Despair and acceptance while I slowly invest more wage money
I'm currently down $82k and have $78k remaining on my personal loan to pay back.

>> No.15921877
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Yeah looks like most of the money has already been made on NKN
I'd trade this with a very tight stop loss and start looking for places to take profit if I were in this

>> No.15921892

>I'm currently down $82k
lol wtf what alts did you buy

>> No.15921915
File: 55 KB, 702x702, HOW-YOU-GUYS-HOLDING-UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2012 read about bitcoin and know it will be the new cashless society tech they been warning us about
>Start mining using my shitty computer at the time but need more power
>hear about butterfly labs and try and order some of their scam tech that never panned out
>fuck this it's all a scam i think to myself
>wondering how much longer i will wait before i kill myself

>> No.15922002

I bought a lot of ETH for average price of $700, BTC at $9000. And then I lost a bit betting on lesser projects.

>> No.15922098

How do you feel? Is everyday just pain for you?

>> No.15922185

>2012 hear about bitcoins
>try to buy some bitcoins. Nope.jpg. To hard for me.
>2013/dec hear about darknet, want to buy Lsd on the darknet
>2014/feb be wasted at a bar downtown. Tell my acid head friend about how we can buy Lsd on this weird hacker internet. See bitcoin atm across the street. Buy 0.24 bitcoin for $220, to buy drugs
>cannot figure out p2p encryption software, can barely get on the darkweb. Fuck this nerd shit. I just wasted $220. (At the time I remember thinking oh well, at least I wasted money on this and not cocaine kek)
>oct 2017 see friend at work doing weird nerd shit on their computer. He was trading shitcoins
>he explains what this bitcoin shit is how much it’s worth.
>holy shit my bitcoin. Find my faded printer receipt cold wallet. Can barley read the private key. Took me a few tries but I got my bitcoin
>been HODLing ever since. Buying more every “dip”

>> No.15922213

My friend at work also turned me on to /biz/ too
He said “there’s this really weird website where people talk in codes and memes and if you can figure it out I bet you could make a lot of money”
Then showed me 4chan, kek what a faggot.

>> No.15922301
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Bought $80 worth of link a while ago, worth 1k now. Tried to buy some eth to play poker with but was too lazy. That’s bout it

>> No.15922376

>2015 hear about bitcoin
>Def a scam, hard pass
>Hear about bitcoin again, hard pass again
>Bitcoin takes off, leaving me behind
>Hurt inside
>Bitcoin crashes down hard
>Shit comes up, delaying being able to make an account to buy in
>Miss out again
>Finally getting into crypto as of last week, feels like it's too late, but gonna try anyway

>> No.15922417

I refuse, my journey is too sad with too many gains erased from listening to boomers screaming SELL SELL SELL NOW and my retarded ass doing it even though I didn't believe in selling at all. I was watching BTC from the very beginning months.

>> No.15922445

fucking boomers man.

>> No.15922448

I make six-figs ($160k+ this year) from my day job. No pain, just apathy and patience.

>> No.15922496

me 2 fucking boomers

>> No.15922546

got into crypto 2017

btc bareley hit 4k

saw link ,

bought some when it was listed on binance,

its the only coin i ever bought.
15k link holder.

>> No.15922562


>> No.15922868

- Read about how Bitcoin works while browsing programming forums.
-After reading it, I can explain it flawlessly: SHA256 mining, Byzantine generals problem and double-spending and all that
- BUT not read anything about speculations about future valuation, economic concepts or being the future of money
- Misunderstand bitcoin as simply internet meme money, like WoW gold
- See faucets giving 5 BTC a pop for solving a captcha, ignore it

- WTF this thing is still alive
- buy the tops of altcoin pumps hoping to get into "the next bitcoin"
- hold alts after reading the HODL meme
- infinite bear market for alts while BTC rallies
- finally sell alts and stay in BTC and become a maximalist

- greatest alt bull market ever suddenly happen, sitting in BTC
- watch my old blockfolio soar to like hundreds of bitcoins, literally had the chance to ride crap like Antshares->NEO and Raiblocks->NANO, but was sitting scared in BTC the entire time
- fuckme.jpg

Late 2018
- try buying alts, everything is falling
- try staying in BTC, falls to 3k
- fuckme2.jpg

>> No.15923082

>Hear about bitcoin
>'Interesting but governments will never allow it
>Bitcoin again on the news
>'shit, too late to mine it!'
>'theres no way I'm putting real dollars in this risky shit.'
>'governments will never allow this'
>Ethereum bullrun
>have some money to invest in risky assets
>'it looks like governments will allow it!'
>Invest 7k
>Lose some money learning to trade
>Make some money too
>Peak at 100k
>Cash out 15k, hodl the rest
>Still holding about 60 ETH + shitcoins
The end

>> No.15923111

>2017 nov
>remember btc still exists, was around 3k
>know nothing about trading, markets, or crypto
>buy stellar lumens low and turn $500 into $3000
>dump 3k into dbc
>folio reaches 15k ath
>starts crashing horrendously
>keep hodling
>eventually cash out my original $500

>> No.15923126

>hear about btc starting to rally in 2017
>buy shitcoins
>get rich
>never have to touch this stinky pile of shit ever again

>> No.15923139

>2010 hear about bitcoin think it's a scam avoid
>2011 again hear alot about crypto but busy with college. Had 2k could have put into bitcoin but didn't.
>2017 hurts to see ath so high but nocoin still because lol fuck buying high
2019 I am still a nocoiner. I have no coins of any kind.
I will probably never buy crypto. Ever. Don't care what I miss out on. It's so fucking bipolar and stupid I'm just here for the memes at this point.

>> No.15923147

> watch my old blockfolio soar to like hundreds of bitcoins, literally had the chance to ride crap like Antshares->NEO and Raiblocks->NANO, but was sitting scared in BTC the entire time
same experience here as well. the thing with shitcoins is that they are all bullshit pnd and sure you could’ve done fucking fantastic but you’ll probably be left holding bags and disappointed or regretful. bitcoin on the other hand....

>> No.15923156

>bitcoin on the other hand....
...is exactly the same.

>> No.15923167

why do you think that?

>> No.15923199
File: 120 KB, 1080x1349, mLux.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Study TA for years and focus on that, or get a basic understanding of everything in the crypto space while you hold BTC and you'll make it in 4 years or less.
Join a crypto community as a telegram or discord admin start Reddit subs or bitcointalk posts for new projects and they'll pay you for this shit,. Airdrops and deflationary coins pay people to do shit like this all the time, flip it all to BTC unless you really believe in the shitcoin anyway

>> No.15923201

>hear about btc in 2010
>could have bought 5k for ~$500
>only ended up buying a little stack around the time the price jumped to $25/btc around early 2012
>said coins are locked up in the Mt gox proceedings
>told everyone who had money (brother, uncles, father) to buy eth in 2015. nobody listened (I couldn't buy because I was in prison at the time)
and now I'm here.